Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Private stunt bike show . . .

Wild lily of the valley.
Creeping phlox as seen coming up the driveway.
Dodge Ram and Dogwood

Couldn't believe it. As Grampa was setting up for flying and I started my walking at the Dog Track I ended up seeing the best stunt bike show going! A young man was doing every trick imaginable for a full 45 minutes. He was stupendous. A trucker came in and was catching the show on his movie camera. After Grampa finished flying and the biker had put his bike back in his truck we drove over so I could thank him for the show. "No problem!" says he. Says I, " When can we see this on YouTube?" "Look for it on Versus" says he. "How will I know it's you?" says I. "We'll be the second segment," says he. So now I have to figure out what Versus is (a TV channel perhaps) and then watch for a show about stunt bikers. He said he'll see us at the Dog Track again because he's seen Puppy's Pop flying before. That'll be so neat. I was going to ask him if his mother knew he was out all alone messing around doing crazy stuff like standing on the back of the bike and jumping onto the seat, and doing rear wheel only turns while standing up no hands needed. But I just thanked him. That was all I could muster up.

The yard looks so nice I may have to go take a picture of the creeping phlox on The Rock. Got some more housework kinda stuff to do and newspaper reading.

Go figure. It was a Pakistani that tried to blow up people in New York near a stage show of the Lion King. Can you believe that he may also be a Muslim? Surprise. It wasn't a tea partier. Oh gee. Better luck next time.

Quote: Fanaticism is the child of false zeal and superstition, the father of intolerance and persecution. __Fletcher


2Evil4U said...

Yep. Versus used to be Spike TV, but Spike Jones sued them and actually won so they changed their name.

Hopefully he at least had on a helmet and gloves. It's difficult to wipe your rear with your hands wrapped in gauze.

Qu'que chose said...

Yep. He was all dressed up proper! Really cool dude.

2Evil4U said...

Get his name next time if you can. One of our members on DSRL competes at that stuff. I wonder if he's heard of him?

And a correction. It was Spike Lee who sued Spike TV.

2Evil4U said...

Good grief. Another correction Versus used to be the Outdoor Life Network. Sheesh.

Qu'que chose said...

OK Hope we'll see him again. That was so much fun. Scary, really scary, but a triple "Wow!" at the least.