Can't believe that I actually ended up in tears dealing with tech problems on the computer. The frustration of not understanding how companies work on line and the information I am given when I speak with someone on the phone is more than annoying; it brings me grief unabated by any rational behavior on my part. I absolutely lose my ability to reason as I do believe that some of the people I speak with really don't know what they are doing and I no longer trust the instructions I am given. So, today I signed up for the Geek Squad and hope that it will be helpful! If not I think I may have to throw the computer, the iPad, the iPod and the iPhone into the garbage; better yet I think that I should put them in our covered burn pit and set them on fire! Of course that would probably poison the air in the neighborhood and since the people in our hood are so nice I won't be able to follow through. Oh well, the cardiologists have made me immune to a heart attack with my recent pacemaker/defibrillator implant so I guess I'll just continue to feel sick whenever I have to deal with any thing that deals with 'on line' businesses or social pleasure.
Well that's it for today's complaint. I'm wiped out and disgusted with myself for even worrying about the 'bullshitski!"
Quote: True fortitude of understanding consists in not suffering what we do know to be disturbed by what we do not know. ___Paley