Sunday, January 31, 2010

Bad news day . . .

Things must be getting out of hand. Lizzy B's was robbed a few months back and some of the stolen articles were found at Plainfield High School. Surprise! Friday the Community Market on the end of the same little strip as Lizzy B's was robbed. They emptied the ATM machine and broke down two doors (that had all sorts of special locking devices) plus other items were missing. The lady who owns Lizzy B's also owns the entire strip. She's devastated. The minute she gets a little bit ahead she gets slapped down. Rumor has it that the latest robbery was done by people living in the campground that's not too far away. May be it is time to set up some animal traps to catch these bastards.

Still too cold to be messing around out of doors so after Mass I'll just be lazy: work on my newest puzzle (birds in summer), try to finish a few rows on my hooked rug (it's been sitting for a number of years waiting for me to complete it! I stopped work on it when I hurt my elbow and couldn't even pull the hook out!) And of course I've got walking to do, newspapers to read etc. We'll have corned beef and cabbage for supper. Nice easy day.

Quote: I have known a vast quantity of nonsense talked about bad men not looking you in the face. --Don't trust that idea. --Dishonesty will stare honesty out of countenance any day in the week, if there is anything to be got by it. ---Dickens

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Reading by moonlight . . .

It was so clear and bright last night that I'm certain I could have read by moonlight. It would be spectacular to have a heated glass room just so you could be outside to look around but warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Maybe that could be my New Year's wish!

Grampa and kiddo are once again flying with the simulator. Grampa says that he's doing really well. He was flying a Sopwith Camel for over an hour yesterday and begged to go back up there this morning. Pretty cool beansies!

Will stay in and catch up on my reading for the umpteenth time. I keep falling behind.

Quote: Wit is the salt of conversation, not the food. ---Hazlitt

Friday, January 29, 2010

Just a winter day . . .

Four o'clock in the afternoon, 13 degrees, exceptionally windy, sunny, outrageous! Not much more to say. Grampa and grandson are flying on the simulator upstairs. I'm trying to make a puzzle on which I spilled water last evening when R&S brought us home after dinner in Voluntown in an extremely icy, blowing snow, ride home over Ekonk Hill. (Almost white out conditions.)

Quote: I have no parting sigh to give, so take my parting smile. ----L. E. Landon

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thumbs down . . .

Stayed up to watch the preacher and I wasn't disappointed. He only said two things that surprised me; in the clean energy part of the speech he talked of nuclear power and off shore drilling. I don't believe for a moment that he's serious given his background but at least it gave me some "hope and change." I don't think that the speech changes anything but it let us know that he's the same goofus that we put in office a year ago and he's still running on the same platform. Yuck. Gee, but it would be nice if the dopey Republicans could get it together and give the congressional lefties a run for their money.I thought that McDonnell gave a better speech in his 15 minutes than the other guy did in his 70.

Helped out a bit at Richoni's yesterday because daughter has sliced her thumb for the umpteenth time. I only cut up some kielbasa and washed a few dishes but I like helping out in the back if she needs me. Watched the two kids play basketball in the cold and wind. That was fun. The little one makes baskets once in a while and he doesn't quit. Pretty good attitude.

Quote: To be a chemist you must study chemistry; to be a lawyer or a physician you must study law or medicine; but to be a politician you need only to study your own interests. ----Max O'Rell

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fare thee well, old warm friend . . .

Not a very clear picture but it shall do.

What a wonderful day we had. After breakfast at, you guessed it, Lizzy B's and stopping to get some spending money "just in case" we set off for Goshen, Massachusetts with old Grandma Rose's kitchen stove (circa 1885.) Once we got off of 91 North we had a beautiful ride on Route 9 West. We were driving in the foothills of the Berkshires and as we kept climbing up the snow on the ground just kept getting deeper. The rushing rivers we crossed were clear and foaming over their banks. We saw over a mile of hoses connecting maple trees to a sugar house. I'd love to go back when the sap is running. When we arrived at Goodtime Stove (about 105 miles from home) I was blown away by the eccentricity of the buildings and the sculptures and rusting parts. Richard Richardson's son help Grampa to unload the stove and put it all together to make sure that all of the parts were there. As they unloaded I walked around inside the building to look at all of Richard's stoves. They were beautiful and two of them were giving the warmth that was certainly needed on this cold January day. Richard joined us and talked with us about his business but also about the Sanctuary he has made on his land. Richard is an artist and an amazing character. We'll be going back to visit his Sanctuary and sculptures when the weather warms up and the gardens are in bloom. I asked him if he could send me a picture of old Grandma Rose's stove when he gets it in shape to sell. He said he would have his daughter send it to me. I'll miss the stove but since it's just been sitting in the cellar growing cobwebs and not usable I'm glad we sold it to Goodtime Stove. He's an artist and loves his "jobs!" If you have the inclination go to their web site and visit both the stove company and the sanctuary. It's very cool.

On the way home we stopped in Williamsburg, MA to cash the check and then eat lunch at The Brewmaster's Tavern. It's a wonderful old building and they have their own brewery where they brew Opa Beer. Grampa had some of their light ale with his $5 special, Baked Haddock and I had a glass of Chardonnay with my $5 special, Roast Turkey Dinner. The food was delicious and the price was so right! We'll stop in again for lunch or dinner when we make our way back to Goodtime Stove. (If you visit the Brewmaster's Tavern website, click link above, don't forget to click on The Rules. They are interesting.) On our way down from Goshen to Williamsburg it started to snow. As we were eating lunch we could look out of the large windows and see a snow globe world. When we left the sun came out and the roads were only wet. A day to smile about.

Quote: Objects we ardently pursue bring little happiness when gained; most of our pleasures come from unexpected sources. ---Herbert Spencer

Monday, January 25, 2010

Nor'easter . . . no snow or it would be a blizzard . . .

We still have power, not even a blip yet. That's fantastic because the wind is blowing so hard I had trouble opening the porch door. The porch is rather a mess because I had a nice looking red sleigh with greens in it on the little table and it's all over the place. But if that's all the damage we get that'll be great. The driveway is covered with tamarack branches, the small bendy ones. It was a good day to house clean, change linens and do laundry. Got a lot done. All I have left to do is walk and listen to Bleak House. We went out for muffins and coffee today after I had my haircut. Wow, it is blustery!

Quote: A wailing, rushing sound, which shook the walls as though a giant's hand were on them; then a hoarse roar, as if the sea had risen; then such a whirl and tumult that the air seemed mad; and then, with a lengthened howl, the waves of wind swept on. ----Dickens (Don't think the waves of wind will be sweeping on soon.)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Requiem . . .

Oh, this hurt. I think that this was one of Puppy's Pop's best planes and it crashed today while I was taking my constitutional. I had to go find some of the pieces. I'm sure he'll build more but I loved this one. He may be able to save the wing. And so "Into each life a little rain must fall."

Incroyable . . . January rains to be upon us . . .

Beautiful singing at Mass today with a priest who really speaks English well. It's too bad we don't have more or I should say better American priests. Even the bishop got me upset today! Here he is asking us to write to our Congressmen and Senators asking for special provisions for illegal immigrants. That annoys me. Legal immigrants, yes, illegals no. Even Christ said we should render to Caesar that which is Caesar's. It seems to me that is pertinent here. I think it means you're supposed to follow the law! Oh well, we'll have to wait and see what our erstwhile governing dolts come up with next.

Supposed to have heavy rains later today. It's already getting cloudy. Grampa and his local Oneco brother put the old kitchen stove in the Dodge Ram today. We should be bringing it to Massachusetts Tuesday if all goes well. I would like a picture of it after they fix it up and get it ready to sell. What a beautiful stove. Too bad we really don't have room for it nor can we afford to have it fixed and converted from wood/coal to gas or electric. In no way would it be useful to us. But it certainly is beautiful and I'll miss it. But it's time to start clearing out this old house of the many odds and ends that have accumulated here even before we bought it in 1969.

I was just invited to go walking at the Dog Track before the weather closes in on us. So off I go.

Quote: Criticism often takes from the tree caterpillars and blossoms together. ---Richter

Saturday, January 23, 2010

And the seagulls were out sunning themselves . . .

And we interrupt Glacier Bay to bring you the completed Fraises et Bleuets. Grampa finally couldn't stand it anymore and when I only had the bleuets to do he finished the puzzle while I was on lunch duty! Couldn't get a really good picture because the flash caused all sorts of problems so the photo is somewhat distorted.

Finally got a chance to walk at the Dog Track; mid thirties, sunny, clear crisp air, bluest of blue skies, had to unzip my jacket, take off my hat and gloves. Doesn't get better than this in January! The seagulls didn't even pretend to be bothered as I walked close to them. They were in their glory just soaking up the beauteous day.

Grandson was in a USA puzzle mood this morning. What a blast! He can pick out quite a few states and knows exactly where they should be placed. I've got about 4 different USA puzzles and we have a good time with them. I particularly like the puzzles where the pieces are the actual shapes of the states. Pretty nifty. We'll have to try to put it together sometime without the borders. That should be interesting.

I brought him for a haircut in Groton Wednesday and his barber had a DVD of himself playing the harmonica. He's very good and self taught. He started playing at 12 years old and is now in his 70's. He showed me his trumpet harmonica; beautiful instrument. Didn't have a chance to see him play it as he had customers waiting. I hinted that I'd like to show my husband the DVD but he didn't bite. Maybe next time I'm asked to bring the kid for a haircut I can get Lenny to part with his DVD. The best part is that kiddo now wants a harmonica. I'll have to get him one. He still likes to mess around on the piano, nothing special, just playing whatever notes fall under his fingers but he really enjoys it. Lenny also whistles very well. Of course I'm not a connoisseur but I enjoyed his whistling while he was giving the haircut.

Quote: It is in learning music that many youthful hearts learn to love. ----Ricard

Friday, January 22, 2010

Still learning . . .

Poor child! Got a nice little 4th grader in trouble yesterday! Trying to move things along I was taking her plate to empty what was left of the vegetable lasagna (few of the kids ate it!) when the kitchen lady came out and started to give the poor girl heck because I was doing the kid's job! I explained it was my fault but she just continued to berate the poor kid. So I accompanied the girl to the garbage and apologized for getting her in trouble! The kitchen lady laughingly told me they wouldn't fire me! It could have been funny but the poor girl seemed humiliated and I hated that. I did tell the kitchen lady again that it wasn't the kid's fault but I don't think it sunk in. She can be a tough broad and I've been told not to cross her! Oh well, I guess I learned my lesson: Be less helpful so I don't embarrass the kids.

A beautiful, crisp sunny day! Should finish the strawberries and blueberries soon. (Puzzle.) I imagine that Puppy's Pop will get in some flying at the Dog Track today while I'm off to lunch duty.

Quote: A torn jacket is soon mended , but hard words bruise the heart of a child. ---Longfellow


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Such sleek power, beauty and grace . . .

I was tickled pink! As I was doing my early morning stretches some movement through the window caught my eye. I rushed closer to the window in the little room and I saw the healthiest looking grey fox streaking across the garden. Her very long tail was straight out as she zipped across the road and then she arched her body in high jumps a couple of times before she disappeared into the thinly wooded area above the river. Wow, she's beautiful. Puppy's Pop had told me last week that he had seen a somewhat husky looking gray fox running through the yard and I had wished to have seen it. Now I have. Too bad it runs so fast I didn't have time to call PP or get out the camera. That was exhilarating! I hope she returns soon.

Quote: The mind ought sometimes to be diverted, that it may return the better to thinking. ---Phoedrus

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Good birthday present . . . Massachusetts goes rogue!

I had so much fun staying up until 11pm watching Coakley's concession speech and Brown's animated acceptance. I was afraid the machine would cheat him out of the win but he won big. The people were pissed but those stupnagles presently in office will more than likely not listen to the point that has been made. The machine will still push their leftest agenda but at least someone will push back. If only those damned Republicans had some spunk. What a dreary lot. It felt so good to be on the winning side. Hope it can continue.

Quote: Politics is the science of exigencies. ----Theodore Parker

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Happy 66th . . . January 20

More calving.

Man I've gotten quite a few more pieces put in that terrible strawberry/blueberry puzzle. I had put it away for the holidays and I dug it out about a week ago and today's the first day I take the time to work on it. Good on me! Have to quit soon though because I have a birthday dinner to prepare. (I'll be in Groton tomorrow so we're celebrating today. Never seem to be able to celebrate birthdays on the birth day!) Puppy's Pop chose pepper steak on rice rather than prime rib so I will accommodate. I'll make it with ground sirloin because it's quite flavorful so I guess I should rename the dish! I've also made a black coffee chocolate cake and it actually fell out of the pan quite well for a change. It usually gives me a fit and I often lose the top of the cake. Even though it is very edible it looks a bit messy. We'll use good old fashioned Kool Whip for topping. Making me hungry already. Got Puppy's Pop a Peter Seller's DVD, Being There, so we should have a nice evening. I still have a book I ordered from an Amazon seller that's not in yet. He's already finished Pappy Boyington's autobiography and listens to Steve Martin's banjo CD. So that's it for his 66th.

Quote: Every man is a volume, if you know how to read him.----Channing

Monday, January 18, 2010

Wine day . . .

Yea, no snow. Cold, gray and windy but no snow. That works. Went out to Cozy Corner with cousins S and S. They picked me up at exactly 10 and I was home by 11:30. Good breakfast but much better company. It was so nice to talk with both. They are busy quilting, knitting, spinning and the oldest is selling the quilted hats she makes to welders! They're colorful with black inside and the welders wear them under their helmets. The youngest one's husband is a welder and he sells them at $10 a pop. He's very busy working 6 days a week. She was trying to talk Puppy's Pop into taking welding classes from her husband and then coming out of retirement. Sounded a bit good to me but Puppy's Pop wasn't buying it. Her husband makes about $75 an hour. That's pretty nice. When he has the time they'll set up some welding classes just for the fun of it. The eldest cousin is still teaching but not sure how much longer she can hold out. She's got a tough job.

Managed to book our flights to Baton Rouge for April but it took forever because I was looking for the cheapest fares and I had to use Delta because we had vouchers that had to be used. What a mess. Finally ended up with a total of $462 round trip for the two of us but we have to go from Providence to Detroit to Memphis to Baton Rouge. There are no direct flights to Baton Rouge and the one stop flight through Atlanta is in the outrageous price range. Oh well, we've never been to Detroit or Memphis airports so it'll be interesting. Canceled our new American Express/Delta card because the Delta site wouldn't take it!! They weren't too happy with the cancellation but too bad. It was free for the first year and we got 25000 Delta Sky Miles from it so we might be just a bit better off except that it's hard to find flights where you can actually use your miles! The American Express guy I had to talk to to cancel the card wanted me to call Delta and try to get it straightened out through them. I refused because the last time I got help from Delta they charged me $40 for their help on two tickets to Baton Rouge. Got our rental car through Delta also and it was better than any other way but their web site was messed up so I had to call Avis directly and we still got the Delta pricing. All this technology is sometimes painfully frustrating for me.

Well time to listen to some Bleak House and walk.

Quote: The sum of the whole is this; walk and be happy; walk and be healthy. --The best way to lengthen out our days is to walk steadily and with a purpose. --The wandering man knows of certain ancients, far gone in years, who have staved off infirmities and dissolution by earnest walking --hale fellows, close upon ninety, but brisk as boys. ---Dickens

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Going to be a grand day . . .

Gloomy looking day with rain, ice and snow forecast for Northeastern CT but it's going to be a fine day! Went to Mass this morning and when I returned Puppy's Pop decided we should go try flying and walking at the Sterling Community School because they had plowed part of the track. It worked out just perfect. His new plane sounded great and looked beautiful while I had a chance to walk around the school about 5 times in my 40 minute allotment. It feels so good to be outside and not freezing to death. It's 39 degrees. I had to unzip my jacket and take off my toque! Neat. To top off the day we've been invited to a turkey dinner with middle child and her family at their home. Wow, so much perfection in one day. I'm going to skip lunch so I have room for our second Thanksgiving dinner in Groton. I also have to look up some flights to Baton Rouge for the Spring. I'll do it before Thursday because they've got some special pricing going on and we have a couple of $100 vouchers. Hope we can save some money so we can spend more while we're with the eldest and his family! Love to visit Slaughter, LA. I'm sure Puppy's Pop will get in some flying with his buddy, Gil.

Quote: It is easy to look down of others; to look down on ourselves is the difficulty. ----Peterborough

Saturday, January 16, 2010

And The Thaw is here . . .

This one did a lot of scraping coming down the mountain!

Yes, all the way up to 50 in the sun this afternoon. Snow's just melting away but we can still go sliding on our hill. Grampa played horseshoes in the yard today. How cool is that? Very cool indeed!

Caught up on a lot of my reading today. The roads were no good for walking because they were covered in dirty water! The Dog Track isn't quite accessible yet but if the warmth keeps up who knows. Perhaps we'll go flying and walking tomorrow. I miss walking out of doors although I must admit that I've gotten a lot of Bleak House read (I should say listened to). I'm on disk 15 of 28. It's great to walk in the house and listen to my novels!

Might have a treat for supper tomorrow as son-in-law said they might get here to Moosup and we'll go out to eat at his favorite spot. That would be nice. We'll wait and see what happens.

Quote: Our greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. ----Goldsmith

Friday, January 15, 2010

January thaw . . . wherefore art thou?

Still looking like snow but hopefully it'll turn out like yesterday! It was sunny and balmy in Groton so grandson and I walked home from school, chopped ice in the driveway, took another walk to the old playground and did some swinging, rode his bike for a bit all before Mom came home at 4:30. Good day.

Quote: "Impossible!" That is not good French. ----Napoleon

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Gray day . . .

Calving! Thunderous! Incredible!

It's a gray snow looking day even though it's not in the forecast. Now know that Puppy's Pop and I are not immune from the cold bug. Back to sniffles, coughs and just down right peevishness. Pooh! Will still be off to Groton though. Daughter and son-in-law continue to be quite busy and the two kids are fantastic. I stayed until 9 last night and the kids had a ball together. It was cool to see them playing basketball in the house with a cardboard box. You have to block and play good defense as grandson reminded me when he asked me to be on his team. Then we had to practice free throws in the hall and I was told to "Face the basket, focus, concentrate and shoot." He's hilarious. The big kid likes to play around in the kitchen and wanted to make fried dough! He settled for pizza dough covered with butter and brown sugar baked in the oven. 'Twas fantastique!

Have to down load some photos for Grampa. Trying to get back to selling on Ebay.

Quote: Confidence in another man's virtue, is no slight evidence of one's own. ---Montaigne

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hard day . . .

Forgot to mention what a nice time I had in Southbridge Monday: delicious lunch; homemade potato broccoli soup, cretons on English muffins, cookies and tea. And to top it off we played Chicken Foot (dominoes) and even though sister-in-law won (she was keeping score!) I came out second and big brother had to settle for last. Whoo, whoo!

Yesterday was spent on the phone getting insurance problems partially straightened out and did manage to clean the house while waiting for phone calls to be returned. Stirling & Stirling said they were not at fault; they never get paperwork from the VA. The VA said they keep sending bills to Stirling & Stirling and they never hear from them. The VA has to give the insurances 60days to reply to them, then the VA sends out another notice and has to give the insurances another 30 days. If the VA then does not get a reply the VA calls. How 'bout that. 90 days to screw up. The nice lady at the VA said that most insurances don't want to pay and figure that they'll just fall between the cracks, be forgotten and save their money. The VA did get the bill cut in half because they're still playing footsie with Stirling & Stirling. I was incensed and tried to call the Connecticut Teachers' Retirement Board who provides the insurance. The message I had to listen to after CTRB hung up on me before anyone answered the first call was: "I have 500 calls in my box. Don't call again. I'll get back to you. We're in the middle of the enrollment period." OK. That just set me off again so I went on line and wrote to the webmaster at CTRB because some of the info on the site said that the webmaster would forward the email to the proper person at CTRB. I titled my email, Stirling & Stirling is a rip-off, and proceeded to explain the problems. I received an irate call soon after the email went out from Suzan at CTRB. She was very upset that I used the word rip-off! But I, also irate said to her, "Got your attention, didn't I?" We almost went up the slippery slope from that point on. I'm sending her the paperwork I've received from the VA and she's going to look into it. I wish I had recorded the conversation because she was a real self-important pip. She's the one who left the phone message about all her messages. ( She's on #372.) Go figure. Told me I should never have called the insurance company. I should have called her. Learn something new every day! "Who'd a thunkit?" as Ma would say.

Will be off this afternoon to pick up grandson who missed two days of school with his bad cold that he's now passed on to his Mom. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Grampa and I are going to be immune to colds by this time.

Quote: Common sense is the knack of seeing things as they are, and doing things as they ought to be done. ---C.E. Stowe

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Should do's . . .

As I recollect this is the beginning of the John Hopkins Glacier. It is so dirty in this part because it has been scraping down the mountains on it's journey to the Bay. It is magnificent.

Two things that I should be doing today and I have absolutely no interest in doing them. The house could use a good dusting and vacuuming and I've got to steel myself to call Stirling and Stirling, our medical insurance to try to understand why they don't pay anything towards Grampa's doctor's visits. It's driving me bonkers. I do believe that I've got it figured out but it still annoys the hell out of me. Since Puppy's Pop goes to the VA in Providence for most medical problems and since the VA is a federal program and since Medicare is also a federal program, one federal program cannot pay another federal program. I've been told by an administrator at the VA that this is the case with us. So . . . we don't dare drop the medigap insurance we have with Stirling and Stirling because if there were an emergency and we couldn't get to the Providence VA we wouldn't have medical coverage. The VA administrator said that if there were an emergency situation we would have to ask to be transferred from the public hospital as soon as possible and maybe the VA would pay for the emergency service rendered at the public hospital and maybe not. What a mess. I suppose I should just get on the phone and make sure I understand this policy correctly. As I understand it Stirling and Stirling pays what Medicare does not pay and Medicare only pays 80% of the hospital and or doctor's fees after they screw around with refusing to pay most of what is billed. Therefore after a $250 deductible, Medicare pays it's 80% of whatever they deem reasonable and then Stirling and Stirling kicks in it's 20%. So if Medicare doesn't kick in for Puppy's Pop because he goes to the VA Stirling and Stirling does all the figuring as to what Medicare would have paid if we had gone to a private doctor. Then they kick in their 20% after the deductible and Medicare's 80% had theoretically been paid. So . . . I guess that's how come they don't pay anything! Eureka! I think I've got it!

So . . . off to the phone and cleaning I go.

Quote: The less of government the better, if society be kept in peace and prosperity. ---- Channing

Monday, January 11, 2010



Please click on Cynicallous and go to Saturday, January 9, 2010 to hear a most wonderful sound and see a neat sight! You will be rewarded! Titled, For Ma.

Oh, to be a gourmet not a gourmand . . .

Not certain you can see the seagulls taking a ride on the ice floes!

I over did it a bit yesterday! We went to Arturo Joe's for dinner and can you believe it they closed at 4pm so the staff could have their New Year's celebration! Luckily there is another very good restaurant in the very same area, The Mariner Grill. So we walked there and had a delicious dinner. Only problem was that I decided that I also wanted dessert even though I was stuffed. Haven't had a belly ache in years. Not fun. But after a few hours I was OK. So, learning a lesson at 67 was somewhat painful but it is a lesson learned! I really do need to eat less because I've put on about 10lbs since I retired a little over 6 years ago. That's making me lazy. We'll see if I can quit eating the Creme Brulee. I think I'll be able to do it because just the thought of it makes me queasy all over again. "To be left alone, and face to face with my own crime, had been just retribution." ----Longfellow.

Will be leaving shortly to go to Southbridge to see older brother and his wife. I've got a couple of books to bring him, one by WF Buckley, Nuremberg, The Reckoning. It's a novel but since he was present in Nuremberg for the trials it's seems almost autobiographical. The other is Beaumarchais which I'll also try to remember to bring to Louisiana this Spring. It is a biography, in translation from French, about a most interesting figure in French music, business and politics who was a Caron.

4 degrees earlier but it'll be about 12 degrees when I leave. Whoopee! How warm is that!

Quote: Man is the only creature endowed with the power of laughter; is he not also the only one that deserves to be laughed at? ----Greville

Sunday, January 10, 2010

A sad note . . .

Had trouble finding the right words today. Wanted to send a sympathy card to Rena, a friend I've worked with on and off for years in the Plainfield School System, and her husband. Their 40 year old daughter-in-law died unexpectedly Wednesday. She leaves her husband, Rena's only child, and their only grandchild, a girl, who is about 10 years old. It hits home when young people die. I did make a card and find some words but how can you possibly console someone who's lost so precious a woman, who was a great part of their lives for so short a time. It hits too close to home; helps you understand that you must be thankful every day for the life you share with your family, friends and acquaintances.

4 degrees out this morning but the roads are clear so I expect we'll head out to Arturo Joe's for dinner early this evening. I'm looking forward to it. We haven't been out "fancy" and just the two of us in quite a while.

Quote: We know God easily, if we do not constrain ourselves to define him. -----Joubert

Saturday, January 9, 2010

YouTube - Ray Stevens - We The People -

YouTube - Ray Stevens - We The People -

I tried to get this into the blog a couple of days ago and didn't succeed. So here it is. Thanks eldest kid!

Boohoo . . . UCONN.

All that begins well ends well. Yes indeedy! The roads to Groton were perfect yesterday and our young charge certainly does have a bad cold. So . . . we spent part of the day watching Beauty And The Beast and I was so glad that he didn't consider it too "girl stuff." He'd already let me know that it seemed to be pretty "girly." But he enjoyed it and when Granpa made the mistake of suggesting they watch Beauty And The Beast after supper (thinking the kid wouldn't want to see it again) he said that would be great! I'm happy because his Mom and I are taking him to Providence Performing Arts in February to see the play. I've seen it and it's really wonderful. The talking and singing Lumiere, Cogsworth (?), Mrs. Pot and Chip are so well done for the theatre. I know we'll have a ball.

Just watched #13 UCONN men blow a 19 point lead and get beat by #12 Georgetown. Disgraceful! The women will be playing North Carolina this afternoon. I hope it's a good game. I like to see the women win but I really like to see them have to work a bit harder to win. It's been so easy for them. They're that good or the competition is that bad!

Had lunch at Richoni's today. They had another fantastic night. Good on them!

Quote: It is great cleverness to know how to conceal our cleverness. ---La Rochefoucauld

Friday, January 8, 2010

Hope the sun peeks out . . .

Not sure what to make of the snow coming down right now. Maybe Grampa will bring me to lunch duty and then go off to the hobby shop. We could go to lunch at Richoni's and get grandson from school at 3 pm before we head back to Moosup. I don't like driving in the snow and even though it's light I still don't like it! We'll have to figure it out. Perhaps I'll just stay overnight in Groton?

I'm having trouble turning this into a link. But if you Google Ray Stevens singing We the People on youtube you can get a good laugh. Just a bit of political fun.

UCONN women are just blowing away the opposition. It's rather boring to watch so Puppy's Pop has permission to change the channel during games! I didn't even watch the second half last night.

Well my snow dilemma is solved. Daughter just called and grandson is sick so Grampa and I will mosey through the snow and go pick him up for 11am. I don't have to drive. That's a good thing. I don't mind driving with just me in the car but I hate to have the kiddo with me. I'm such a damn worry wart!

Quote: Discontent is the want of self-reliance; it is infirmity of will. -----Emerson

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Darned blue state . . .

The Veendam had to embark the Glacier Bay National Park Rangers before we could proceed to the glaciers. I believe that this is the Lamplugh Glacier.

Gorgeous New England Day! The news on the political front is dismal as usual in Connecticut. With Dodd out and Blumenthal finally getting his wish we're still in dire straits. The Republicans have three candidates for the Senate: McMahon would certainly lose; Simmons has a chance but is really too moderate; the right candidate, so far, Schiff a pretty conservative business man, isn't well known. I wish I lived in a red state so I could be happy at least some of the time when I read the papers in the morning. Perhaps I'll have to quit reading the news and then I'll perk up! At least the UCONN men won last night. That's a smile and a plus.

Off to Sacred Heart for lunch duty soon, first of the New Year.

Quote: Party standards are the shadows in which patriotism is buried. ---St. Pierre

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

No more Dodd . . . now to get "no more Barney Frank!"

The photos of Glacier Bay will not be able to do it justice. I haven't traveled much but for me it is one of the most beautiful places on earth. There certainly is a Creator and this must be His resting place. It's so magnificent that it takes your breath away. It's difficult to believe that He may have made man in His image and yet man must struggle to be beautiful in spirit. The Universe is perhaps His perfect creation while man remains imperfect.

Hip, hip hoorah! Dodd is not running again. But . . . this may not be a good thing. It looks as if Blumenthal our AG will be running so I believe that the Democrats will keep the seat. Boo hoo. I wish that the Republicans would get their act together but they're so moderate and to the left it's scary. Oh well, maybe some Republicans somewhere will be elected to the House and Senate but I'm not going to hold my breath.

In local politics the Plainfield Board of Education gave a raise to the schools administrators. But the selectmen called for a town meeting and the raises were voted down! That's cool. I hope it ends there but I doubt it. I believe that the administrators can seek binding arbitration from the state. That would not bode well for the town.

Cold and crisp but clear as a bell out side. Off to shop, then walk and listen before I go to Groton.

Quote: The meanest, most contemptible kind of praise is that which first speaks well of a man, and then qualifies it with a "but." -------H. W. Beecher

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Rather gray . . . Have need of the sun.

Finally, last of the ship's food carvings!

Youngest child's Green Bay jacket, which did not make it to England, is very useful. We leave it on a hook near the kitchen door so if we have to trudge out to the mail or garage for something or other we always have a handy, nice warm, good looking jacket!

Went to visit younger brother and his wife today. He and I each won a game of cribbage so we'll have to have a playoff next time. His wife was off and running to luncheon with school friends so we didn't get a chance to play a threesome. That's always a lot of fun too. The back road to their home was dreadfully slippery so I went home by Norwich and the roads were very good. Stopped at Staples for a color cartridge for the printer. I had taken $60 with me and thought I would have plenty. Wow, I always forget how expensive they are. It's cheaper to buy the color and black cartridges together but it's still awful. I had to use my charge card.

Time to get walking and listening.

Quote: Unintelligible language is a lantern without a light.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Bright, clear, invigorating . . .

Just came in from sweeping the front entryway, the porch and two sets of steps and the front path to the mail. Wow, it's looking like Vermont. Remember when we used to be up in Vermont and the snow just never stopped. It was always in the air. I used to want to wait until the roads were perfectly clear before we went to Mount Mansfield so you guys could go skiing and snowboarding. Of course the roads up there were never perfectly clear so we would go anyway. Eventually, I believe I finally let the two of you go all by yourselves. I almost miss the apartment in Essex Junction. It was a nice home away from home. We still go to the same restaurant for breakfast when we go up to the Hot Rod Show in September. Only missed the yearly show once since 1991, I believe.

Grampa's off on errands; coffee, bank, hamburger rolls for Sloppy Joes and he'll let me know how the roads are before I venture out. I'm not fond of driving on messy roads, as noted above, never have been. We expect to have a very cold week but no additional snow so I'll be fine doing my lunch duty at Sacred Heart. It's fun to see our sweetheart grandson at school. He's a character and gets along well with all the kids. We had a map of the world on the floor the other day and he showed me where his friend Kevin used to live: in China. Pretty good show for 5 years old. He, playing Ben 10, was beating up the bad guys all over the USA and telling me what states he was saving. He did save Texas, Louisiana and Connecticut. When he tried to save California I told him to let the bad guys have it. We have 2 map puzzles that are made of foam and he likes to long jump across them so we get a lot exercise when he remembers the maps.

Only three bottles of BASF wine left in the dark room. Hope eldest child gets a chance to order more!

Quote: Wife . . . . Be thou the rainbow to the storms of life; the evening beam that smiles the clouds away and tints to-morrow with prophetic ray. -----Byron

Sunday, January 3, 2010

UK Bluegrass . . . Yes!

No cabin fever yet but it may happen! Another snowy day in Moosup but after Grampa shoveled the drive way of a measly couple of inches we were off to breakfast and then got the Providence Sunday Journal and some necessities (milk and toothpaste.) Will more than likely stay in for the day. I won't even venture out to Mass and we'll not be going to Arturo Joe's for dinner. We'll just have homemade applesauce and pork chops for dinner accompanied by a Piesporter Goldtropfchen Riesling Kabinett 2007 right here at home.

Had a great day of sports yesterday as the UCONN men and women's basketball teams won and the football team won its bowl game in Alabama. That was so cool. I'm not accustomed to watching football but I found it pretty exciting. The best part of the day came when the mail was delivered very late and we received a package from the youngest child! What a lot of fun to read her translation of her cover letter! She makes me laugh. The Moon Shines Still, a bluegrass CD from England, is super. The Frank Turner, Love Ire & Song, a double CD is quite different for us. His music is quite good and interesting but the lyrics are out there.

I was just interrupted by the phone ringing and it was the youngest one returning our call. It's so nice to talk with her. She filled us in on their ferrets and the snake. All of the animals are rescued animals and are doing very well in their new home. She's looking into the cost for us to fly there this summer sometime but right now she said that it's outrageous. So we'll wait and see what she can come up with. The weather in their part of England has been almost as snowy as it is here. They don't plow the roads except right in the middle of town so they are driving on snow pack. Not fun. The main roads stay somewhat cleared because of all the traffic. I think I prefer our plowing system. Of course they're not used to getting much snow. She said the grass was showing through in the "estate" where they live but the roads are packed snow and now it's snowing again. Can't wait to see her. It'll be over a year since we went to her graduation.

Quote: A smile is the whisper of a laugh. -----Child's Definition

Saturday, January 2, 2010

And we bring you more snow . . .

Poor Puppy's Pop! He's out getting the snow blower going so he can keep up with the latest 5 inches that fell during the night and the snow that's still falling. We must have about 10 inches total out there right now. He was out pushing the snow to the side of the driveway when I got up so I made a big breakfast for us today. No use going out on the roads. Puppy's Pop has had enough driving on the awful roads. We had pancakes, real maple syrup, eggs over easy and coffee. I haven't cooked breakfast in ages, truly ages. I generally have a Thomas' Toast'r Corn Muffin, hard boiled egg and coffee while Grampa eats raisin toast and coffee sometimes with a couple of fried eggs or some peanut butter. He's much better than I at keeping to a good diet.

I have two UCONN basketball games today, men at noon, women at 2pm and UCONN football in the Papa John's Bowl against South Carolina also at 2pm so it'll be the perfect time to continue my restful, relaxing ways. If I walk it'll have to be in the house. Grampa's been busy working on his planes. He's got some beauties in the making. I love to see all of his sketches as he plans out each new idea. He's really loving the time spent planning and building.

Quote: Conscience, in most men, is but the anticipation of the opinions of others. ----Taylor's Statesman ( Wow, that's strong.)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year . . .

Had a wild ride yesterday. We left to pick grandson up at 10:15am just as the snow started to fall and didn't get to Richoni's until about 11:45am. Usually it's about a 40 minute drive. We had just about gotten past Plainfield Exit 87 and the fun started. There was a truck that had spun out and hit the guardrails in the right lane and then ended up facing traffic in the left lane after messing around in the median. There was a policeman there who had just come on the scene. Before we got to Groton we lost track of the accidents after counting 25 vehicles down and out. What a mess. We stayed at Richoni's for a delicious hamburger platter lunch and then made our way home slowly but with no more accidents.

Spent the rest of the day sliding, playing games and racing slot cars. Today we again had lunch at Richoni's. This could get to be a habit. Grandson and I had the Chicken Finger Platter and Grampa had the Hamburger Platter again. But there was a lot to choose from and it's all very well prepared. Troy was in the kitchen and daughter and son-in-law were relaxing a bit since they got home at 4:30 this morning! They had a good night at the Lounge and in the Towing Department! They were on their way home to spend sometime with the kids as we left.

Just finished taking down the Christmas decorations. It's a big job and the house looks a bit empty. I only managed one faux pas. When I checked the tree to see if there was any water left I got a mess of blue spruce sap on my head! But I used some alcohol and it turned out fine. My lucky day.

Quote: The thought of our past years in me doth breed perpetual benediction. ----Wordsworth