Sunday, February 28, 2010

Not too bad . . .

Only shot of Seward as we embarked on the McKinley Explorer, part if the Alaskan Railroad, as soon as we landed!

After breakfast and Mass we went to the Dog Track. I was surprised because although it was only about 38 degrees I was able to walk my full two plus miles. A hazy sun peeped out. It was so cold walking west and north into the wind that I needed my hat and mittens but when I turned east and south I had to remove them and unzip my jacket! Then we came home and I watched UCONN men let Louisville beat them in the last second. Oh, how I'm crying. I can't stand it. They never have enough of a cushion. They were ahead by 13 points in the first half but were terrible at the beginning of the second half. They're just like the UCONN of old. I'm never comfortable unless they have at least a 30 point advantage and that, of course, never happens! Maybe the NIT?

Cooking up corned beef and cabbage for supper. Good hot stuff on another spitting cold day.

Quote: Tranquil pleasures last the longest; we are not fitted to bear long the burden of great joys. __Bovee

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Walking . . .

Puppy's Pop had to clear about 3 inches of snow off of the driveway before he left at 6:15am for East Hartford and the horseshoe tournament. He came in third and was home about noon. Our road was the worst of the roads he had to travel. Kiddo was up late, 8:30am, and we stayed in and watched the huge flakes fall until about 10. By then the roads were already melting and so when we left for Groton at 10:45 there was no snow on the roads. Even so someone managed to have and accident of the far end of Starkweather and I had to turn around and come back to Route 12 so we were about 10 minutes late.

Watched the UCONN women beat Georgetown this early afternoon and then went walking at the Dog Track while Grampa flew his latest little plane. It turned cold as heck while we were there and my hands never did warm up. I generally get all toasty by the time I hit a mile. Not today! The sun never made it through the clouds but all of the snow has melted except of course for our hill!

Another gray day. I did some vacuuming, dishes and etc. Time to read and perhaps start another puzzle. I have a hooked rug I should finish but I'm not even close to being in the mood so a puzzle it may have to be. It drives Puppy's Pop a bit crazy because I take up a lot of the kitchen table! I just put away the bird puzzle today after I let grandson complete the cardinal and blue jay.

Quote: Cunning is the dwarf of wisdom.__W.R. Alger

I certainly do not feel cunning or wise today. Bleak, that's the word.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Of turkeys and government . . .

With a light snow falling, the Moosup River rushing over its banks the day seemed rather ordinary late winter until . . . there they were. At least 13 wild turkeys were walking, pecking around the tamaracks at a most leisurely pace. One poor little devil was hurt and hopping on one leg but she kept up with the others although always bringing up the rear. They strolled slowly up the hill across the woods behind the garage to emerge near the garden. Taking their time, sauntering and pecking they moseyed over to the spring, over the wall and disappeared on one of the old trails that kiddo and I use when we enjoy playing in the woods creeping up on Grampa as he pitches horseshoes. Nice way to begin a day where the weather is, at the present moment, spitting a fine precipitation of rainy, sleety snow.

End of the month so have to pay bills. I can't believe that the Teachers' Retirement Board is taking out more money for our medical insurance without even giving us a raise. I'm not really complaining too much because it's probably just a matter of time before those ignorant legislators take the pension fund and wipe it out altogether. It's already underfunded by enormous amounts. They'll use it to send us more garbage in the mail about how great they are. They're killing me! There are so many people that work for the state and receive all sorts of perks that no one in the private sector could even expect to attain. I know. My pension comes from the state and I've seen first hand how many people do not deserve the benefits they get but once in a government job they're taken care of for life. It's alarming and disheartening. There's so much waste in the schools and government in our small state can you even imagine what it must be like in the other 49 and in DC? It's too scary to contemplate but the office holders better get a grip sometime very soon before they're out and hopefully we can at least slow down the rate of government growth. OK That's my diatribe for today. And I don't feel any better :(

Quote: No government ought to exist for the purpose of checking the prosperity of its people or to allow such a principle in its policy. __Burke

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Homely it is . . .

Leaving College Fjord and Prince William Sound for Seward. We had to board Alaskan Pilots before we arrived at College Fjord (the glaciers are named Holyoke, Barnard, Wellesley, Vassar, Bryn Mawr, Smith, Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth, Williams and Amhurst) where we saw the Bligh Reef made infamous because of the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Sorry my narrative is a bit disjointed. The photos are from 2006 and I'm trying not use crib sheets!

What a homely day. It doesn't get much uglier than this. Perhaps these are the April showers that will bring May flowers but since Climate Change is upon us the months just don't matter anymore. We'll probably have to change the names of the seasons too. I suppose the government could just come up with a weather Czar and declare another disaster so they can tax Americans and Bush for the mess they've made of Mother Nature. Yep, that's it. And the sun will shine in all its glory thanks to the leftwingnuts! I'm glad I've gotten this all figured out. What a relief.

The real sunshine will start today when I get to lunch duty. I'm always smiling when I leave the school and the antics of those little ones.

Quote: The heart gets weary, but never gets old. A loving heart is the truest wisdom. __Dickens

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Armatus Training . . .

College Fjord in Prince William Sound. Loaded with glaciers and seals!

Whoa! I'm already pooped. Went to breakfast at Zip's early in the pouring rain and then "home again home again, jiggedy jig." Since I'll be subbing at Sacred Heart next week I decided it was about time I took their on line course on protecting children. I must say that the Armatus Training is quite comprehensive and took at least a couple of hours to complete but it was good to remind myself about safety issues, particularly abuse of children. It is required of all volunteers and teachers by the Diocese of Norwich but because I'm still a certified teacher in Connecticut and have been finger printed etc. etc. etc. I wasn't forced to take the course. But since everyone else is supposed to take it I considered it best to get it completed. It was presented quite well and to the point. I wish I knew the difference between a "pedophile" and a "homosexual." I mean are they often the same, found in one person or are they completely different? I'm not quite up to snuff on these things. Pedophiles scare the hell out of me. I don't really give any thought to homosexuals. But . . . if homosexuals are often pedophiles I'd like to know that. Oh well, perhaps someday I'll be able to ask someone who knows how this stuff works.

Time for a snack and the Bulletin. Should take all of 10 minutes.

Quote: It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable. __Moliere

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A raspberry jello day . . .

We've really been in College Fjord for the last several photos. We left Glacier Bay and are going through College Fjord on our way to Seward.

Got a bit accomplished today! Finished up what I could on the taxes; only have to wait for Grampa's brother to finish up the estate taxes to see if we can garner any more deductions! I hope we can. Need some more deductions this year! Also went to Big Y and got that out of the way for the week. Went a day early in case the real snow materializes tomorrow. It's been spitting all day but the roads just got wet. It may freeze tonight though. Also finished listening and walking to Bleak House, 28 CD's. I really liked it. It's amazing how many characters Dickens can keep track of and end the novel with a proper accounting of each. I haven't figured out who my favorite character is. Some are too good to be true and others completely loathsome. Perhaps Bucket, the detective, is my favorite. Probably the precursor of Sherlock Holmes.

Grandson is suddenly into jokes so I dug out 5 old joke books that the big kids had when they were younger! And, of course, I went to Amazon and bought at least one new book of Knock, Knock Jokes. They are so corny but kiddo gets a kick out of them. We'll see what happens when he visits Friday.

Had a nice email from a former student who studied in France for a semester in International Relations. He loved his stay there and although he's not using his French at present is thinking of going to grad school and becoming a French teacher. Hip! Hip! He was certainly a wonderful French student some years ago. It's so nice to hear how the "kids" are doing. I really did have a lot of fun with the students. It's too bad there are administrators in school buildings! Schools only need extremely competent teachers, students who are brought up thirsting for knowledge! and good secretaries!

Speaking of school. I got a call from grandson's school and besides helping out for lunch on Thursday and Friday next week I was asked to sub for 7th Grade Wednesday afternoon. That should be interesting. I pick kiddo up at 3 on Wednesdays so the subbing won't be a problem. I'm just curious how the kids will react. I haven't subbed in a year!

Oh yes. Raspberry Jello! Delicious. I was in the mood for raspberries today. No clue why, but the jello did the trick. Just some comfort food on this gray New England winter's day.

Quote: One great use of words is to hide our thoughts. __Voltaire

Monday, February 22, 2010

Those spots on the floes are seals . . .

Finished reading Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice at 11 last night and don't quite know what to make of it. It must have been very daring in her day but she should have dared even more. Not sure why I never read the classics when I was in high school. Finished making the puzzle at 11am today. Went to Norwich's old Ames' Plaza for the yearly tests. The old Ames is now a Backus Out Patient Center with all sorts of neat stuff, Doctors, diagnostic imaging etc. It is very plush, beautiful, comfortable and everything was done on time. Hope they can keep it up. Very impressive.

Stopped to visit younger brother who came back from his trip to Arizona Wednesday night. He had a nice warm visit and was particularly thrilled about a Rock and Gem show he attended. Right now he's in the process of painting the master bedroom before his wife returns from her extra week stay in Casa Grande. I think I envy her! The weather is about to close in on us once again and she's missing all of the mess. I did get a chance to shine at cribbage. Another plus for the day.

Spoke with Southbridge sister-in-law who has the worst cold I've heard all year. Yikes, they had to put her on antibiotics. Her son will retire from the Coast Guard this Friday. It doesn't seem possible that we have nephews,nieces, and grand kids old enough to be retiring from anything. Older sister fell down the stairs in her apartment complex and broke her wrist. After waiting for 5 hours in the hospital to get it set they told her they didn't have anyone on duty and she had to go back the next day. Obama care is in and she thinks he's the greatest president ever :( Oh well, "Chacun son gout."

OK Now to top off the day : ta da . . . . UCONN men just beat #8 West Virginia. Woo! Woo!

Quote: Nothing is impossible to the man who can will, and then do; this is the only law of success. __Mirabeau

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Leisure Sunday . . .

Back to leaving Glacier Bay.

Easy day. Breakfast at Zip's, Mass at 10:30, Bulletin, walk and listen and then working on the horrible puzzle! Even grandson thought it was time I finished that bloody thing. Grampa has been helping, thank goodness. The problem is that there is a very small picture on the back of the box showing the entire puzzle. The front of the box only showed a large picture of the prettiest bird! And then the other 4 sides showed only enlarged parts of some of the other birds. Crazy. No more cheapies for me!

Quote: Genius is a superior aptitude to patience. __Buffon

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sugaring time . . .

Can you believe it! We were at the Dog Track and I was able to walk in the bright sun and puddles! Yes!

Our yard still has enough snow to go sliding in but Grandson, Grampa and I took a walk in the woods instead. Oh what a glorious feeling to walk in the sunshine even though it is windy and we are the only place in town with snow. That Northern Exposure is not a blessing.

Our next door neighbors have tapped the maple trees just like Ma Tante Blanche did so many years ago. It seems so right to have them tapped. The young man who lives there had never seen it before. He was pretty comical about the work his almost mother-in-law did to set up the lines and barrels. I'm impressed with how neat it is. Hope they may offer me just a taste.

Getting ready to see if the UCONN men can win another game. The women beat Providence today, as usual. The women's games are pretty boring but the men's games drive me crazy!

Quote: The day is done; and slowly from the scene the stooping sun upgathers his spent shafts, and puts them back into his golden quiver! __Longfellow

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pequot Museum . . .

Kiddo and I went to the Pequot Museum today. It's really quite inexpensive and we had an interesting time. It was only $13 for the both of us. What he really, really liked was going up the elevator to the top of the 20 story Tower! We had to do that first thing and couldn't leave until we went up once more! The museum has a Pequot village that is very life like and we enjoyed seeing the wigwams, canoes, farming, hunting and fishing scenes. We pushed almost every button we could find and watched parts of many, many movies! We stopped by the cafeteria but after checking it out the kiddo decided we should go to McD's. Our stop at the gift shop was short and cheap! The Mashantucket-Pequots must be losing money on the museum. They have a beautiful children's library and a research department. I really didn't get a chance to look into anything for too long so perhaps I'll go back one day just to take my time and really try to get an idea of the lives of the Pequots in Connecticut.

Quote: Were we eloquent as angels, yet we should please some people more by listening than by talking. __Colton

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A kid after my own heart . . .

This glacier is over a mile long so it'll take at least a couple of photos to see it. It is magnificent!

I can't believe it! I gave grandson, who's on vacation this week, a choice of: lunch and the Mystic Aquarium; lunch and the Nautilus or lunch and the book store. His choice: ta . . .da . . . . the book store! What a lot of fun we had picking out a book, a game and a puzzle! Then, of course, chicken at KFC. The kid drives me wild. When I asked him to help me clean the snowy, wet, semi-frozen driveway at his house before we went on our excursion he said, " I'll watch you, Memere!" I almost had a heart attack right then and there. So, I gave orders that he was to dress himself and get outside ASAP and help me. He did it and was so good at the job that we cleaned the driveway and sidewalk in no time. What a character. Can't help it. I love that little guy! He even beat me fair and square at the Ben 10 game! And when I beat him at the second game he didn't even fuss. He's getting to be such an interesting person.

Grampa had a good dinner ready for me when I got home at about 5:30pm. Grandson had called him to let him know that I was on my way home. It doesn't get much better than this. No doubt about it . . . fantabulous day!

Quote: They that deny a God, destroy man's nobility; for clearly man is of kin to the beasts by his body, and if he be not of kin to God by his spirit, he is a base and ignoble creature. __Bacon

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Here we go again and again and again . . .

Trekked to Oneco for breakfast and then down the big winding hill to Big Y for a few little things, $55 of nothing! Snow has again put a damper on things. Only saw one accident on Route 14, on the curves, and one loss of control on 14A, tracks showing that someone had hit the right bank of the road, skittered off into the oncoming lane and then managed to right themselves back in the right lane. I just may go sliding by myself to let Winter know that I'm thumbing my nose at it. I don't even have a kid here to enjoy the stuff!

One of the best parts of yesterday is that both UCONN teams won their games. The men played well and the women, although having scoring woes pulled through very nicely. Guess I'll clean house today and roast up a chicken for dinner.

Quote: Hundreds would never have known want if they had not at first known waste. __Spurgeon

Monday, February 15, 2010

The eyes have it . . .

This will sound strange but I'm so tired because my eyes are really bothering me. I went to the eye Doctor's this morning for a six month check up as they've been giving me fits on and off. They put double drops in to dilate them and they aren't back to normal yet and it's after 3 in the afternoon. Most annoying! Wearing sunglasses even in the house because the glare from the windows hurts my eyes. How crazy is that! At least I don't have to go back for a year and he said my eyes were fine. He could have tweaked my glasses a bit but it wasn't worth it. Slight beginning of cataracts but that's it.

Best part of the day was that our local nephew came for a visit with his two young ones. We had a lot of fun playing around. The little girl and I played Froggie Boogie and Whack a Mole while her brother was looking over Grampa's planes and running the train. I don't get to see the kids very often since I'm going to Groton 3 days a week. They had President's Day off from school and nephew took the day off to be with them while their Mom was at school.

Beauty And The Beast was a lot of fun for middle child and grandson but I was somewhat disappointed because it was not as good as the original version I had seen a few years back. They modernized the sets and costumes too much for my taste. I'm just too old-fashioned.

That's about it for today. My eyes really are making me grouchy!

Quote: Over the door of a library in Thebes is the inscription, "Medicine for the soul." _Diodorus Siculus

Saturday, February 13, 2010

VFW . . . Valentine's Dinner

Boy, I am in dire straits. I'm really pooped and we're meeting friends for a Prime Roast Beef dinner in about 45 minutes at the VFW. We're not very good about going out late for dinner. I know, 7pm dinner isn't considered late by most people's standards but I'm generally taking a shower and getting ready to read before I go to bed at 10 and Grampa hits the hay at nine! I'm sure it'll be a great time. The company will more than make up for late dinner hour.

Tomorrow I'll be off with middle daughter and grandson to see Beauty And The Beast at PPAC. It seems that they've changed quite of bit of the scenery and costumes from a few years back. I hope they've left it intact. It was a superior production.

Grampa will be off tomorrow to the Hartford area to see if he can sell some of his RC Planes at an auction. The weather should be nice and he'll be home to watch the Daytona 500.

Quote: One hour's sleep before midnight, is worth two after. __Fielding

Friday, February 12, 2010

Another cold, sunny, brisk day . . .

The boat is coming to pick up the Rangers who had to be on board as we toured Glacier Bay.

New friend B wasn't at Sacred Heart yesterday. Hoping she'll be there today because I have a little Valentine's Day gift for her. She gave me a nice card and some chocolates a while back and I really don't want her to feel slighted. She's a very nice lady and works so hard for the school. Grandson spent the late afternoon eating snow while I was cleaning the slush in the driveway. I'm not too fond of snow eating but I guess it could be worse! We've cautioned him about yellow snow!

Grampa has helped out with the puzzle and it's getting down to the impossible pieces with grass, sticks, flowers and broken wagon wheels. Maybe this week?

Quote: It is only necessary to grow old to become more indulgent. I see no fault committed that I have not committed myself. ___Goethe

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Some stupidity . . .

Getting ready to hit the road soon. The road in front of our house doesn't look too good but I imagine that the bright sun will work some magic it on it and help clean it off. Grampa says that there was about 5 inches of new snow between yesterday and today. He's got it all cleaned up already. The buses are running so the main roads in town must be fine.

It seems that a couple of idiot local boys were breaking and entering cars on Cone Hill during the night but they've been caught. It really is getting creepy. Besides how stupid can you be to be running around in the snow robbing cars? Can't even get the basics of robbery right. What the hell are they teaching in schools? Of course there was no school yesterday so maybe they missed the class on good citizenship that would have been taught had there been school. (Not. I don't think that the kids learn anything about Civics anymore.)

Have almost half of our bird puzzle finished. I'm hoping Grampa will work on it while I'm off on lunch duty!

Quote: Little sins are pioneers of hell. ___Howell

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Just the same . . .

If you look very carefully you can see part of the whale. Look very hard, now!

Just another ho hum day, getting snowed in. But enjoyed talking on the phone with Massachusetts sister-in-law and then Puppy's Pop's friend from Louisiana. Will spend the rest of the day reading, working on the hooked rug, puzzling and walking with Leslie Sansone. Supper will be easy, left over stew! Boy, I love easy! I won't go to pick up grandson because of the snow. He'll be having a ball at Richoni's in his own nice cocoon of an office. Daughter has it set up just right so he'll be able to hang out with his Mom all day! I'll try to watch both UCONN basketball games tonight but I'll have to go back and forth between channels. The men start at 7pm, I think, and the women start at 8pm. Lousy scheduling!

Quote: In general, mankind, since the improvement of cookery, eat twice as much as nature requires. ____Franklin

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My Grandfather's Clock . . .

Managed to get our Wireless Gateway set up thanks to UK daughter who called just as we were working out the bugs. Pretty cool! Now we just have to get the WiFi radio set up and we'll be in business. So we're still on line and everything is copacetic. (Not sure where I got that word, but it works for me. I think that my younger brother came back from Vietnam with that word.)

Grampa is off to horseshoes and I'm supposed to be going shopping today because we're expecting some snow tomorrow. I don't drive in the stuff unless I have an emergency so I'll just shop one day earlier than usual. Don't need too much anyway so it'll be a fast visit then I can walk to my heart's content with my Bleak House. Haven't had time in about a week to walk inside so I've got to catch up.

Had a great visit Sunday from older brother and his wife. They brought me Pepere Bonnin's old clock. My older sister is giving it to our son and so it has made its way back to the old home town for a while. It was thought to be broken but Puppy's Pop has it working almost to perfection. Someday we'll get it down South but for now it's ticking away on the piano. It has got to be the only clock in the world that ticks up a storm and I don't even hear it. It's just so much a part of the past. I listened to that clock for about 24 years. That's probably why it doesn't bother me. If I purposely listen to it I can hear the ticks but when I put it out of my mind it's as if it doesn't exist. It is a comforting bit of the past.

Quote: The true past departs not; no truth or goodness realized by man ever dies, or can die; but all is still here, and, recognized or not, lives and works through endless changes. ___Carlyle

Monday, February 8, 2010

Cabin Fever . . .

Got up this morning a bit on the late side as I didn't get home until about 1am from Groton. Was so happy that the Saints won the Super Bowl. Poor kiddo and his brother were rooting for the Colts :( Too bad, so sad, they lost!

In any case when I got up about 7:30 I asked Puppy's Pop to please take me out for a ride. I was not in the mood to be in the house today. So off we went in the Dodge Ram to Oneco for a light breakfast and then for a cool ride to Quonset Point and Jamestown RI. What a beautiful sight to see Quonset being used as a port and airport! It's a busy place. RI has built new roads to get you to the old base. The SeaBee sculpture is all cleaned up but it has been placed at the entrance to a Mall like area with box stores! Yikes, doesn't quite do it justice, but at least they are using the area. The last time we went to Quonset Puppy's Pop and I had visited the Air Museum and then walked out to the waterfront to collect "sea glass." The Museum is there but is only open on weekends and we could not go to dig for sea glass because that area is now a ferry landing! The 143 Air Guard is still based at Quonset and it has quite a few new buildings. Somehow I missed seeing the parked C 130's but I did see some of the museum aircraft which are parked outdoors.

Jamestown is so different in Winter. It's still very beautiful and of course you can have the entire place to yourself. We didn't walk around because it was so cold and windy but the sun was playing havoc shining off of the ocean and we did see the brand spanking new out houses! Couldn't use them because they're locked up but they're actually nice looking wooden box like structures with opaque windows! We left Jamestown and drove to Groton for lunch at Richoni's.

Good choice. Grampa had chowder and fish and chips and I had a meatloaf platter with mashed potatoes, gravy and garlic bread. Fantastique food! Daughter was doing the cooking and it was way more than adequate. Food for the both of us was just about $15 and the portions are so large I had to bring half of it home. So, now I don't have to make supper!

Going to try playing with the WiFi set up now. I may not be online for a few days if we botch this!

Quote: Wine ___The conscious water saw its God, and blushed. ___Crashaw

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Of Eclairs and Recipes . . .

Getting ready to leave Glacier Bay.

What a neat surprise. We had just returned from Groton when there was a tiny, quiet knock on the door. There was young K from across the yard with some Eclairs that he had just made! They were scrumptious, chocolate creme filled with dark chocolate icing dribbled on top. Wow, I didn't know kids could cook so well. He must be about 10 years old. Perhaps he'll be a pastry chef! He also brought us a homemade booklet titled, Memere Robidoux's Recipe Box with a smiling Ma Tante B on the cover. K's grandmother, who lived next to us for a few years when our kids were young has made the booklet from the bits and pieces that Ma Tante B had collected over the years. It is so much fun because many of the recipes were taken off of cans and packages and so the old fashioned pictures are included in the copies. There are even a couple of recipes I had written out for Ma Tante when she dictated them to me. What a wonderful gift. I believe that a copy of the booklet was given to each of Ma Tante B's 17 grandchildren. I'm thrilled to be included.

So glad to hear that DC is snowed in. Maybe they'll not be able to add to their stupidities for a few days.

Grampa and kiddo few to California on the simulator. The kiddo likes to land and take off. It took a while!

Quote: Men are born with two eyes, but only one tongue, in order that they should see twice as much as they say. __Colton

Friday, February 5, 2010

Yellow Ribbon link

SHARE This link isn't too bad.

Vacuousness . . . risible yet frightening

Safe pint glasses! Yea! Just what the doctor ordered! This is getting to be so much fun! And then, you must admit, that what you would think would be impossible is happening all of the time here in the Land of the Free and the Brave. You will now be free to "tie a yellow ribbon on the old oak tree." Yea, Connecticut. Way to go! (Sorry, I haven't the time to fix my yellow ribbon link. Google, yellow ribbon, Litchfield, CT if you're interested in what our fine people can accomplish!)

Finished reading Angels and Demons by Dan Brown, the author of The Da Vinci Code. What claptrap. Can't believe that anyone can read this stuff and take it seriously. It's so blatanly idiotic. He does do a good job of describing Vatican City etc but that's about it.

Well off soon to clean up after the kiddos!

Quote: Treason doth never prosper; for if it prosper, none dare call it treason. __Sir J. Harrington

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Clotheslines . . . - Maryland Lawmakers Push Bill to Prevent Limits on Clotheslines

Can you imagine having to consider a law to allow people to dry their clothes outside? 'nuf said for today!

Quote: The word independence is united to the ideas of dignity and virtue; the word dependence, to the ideas of inferiority and corruption. __J. Bentham

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A bit of snow, a bit of sun . . .

And so off we went to the Dog Track. Puppy's Pop and I walked our three circuits and came back home. Got AT&T to up my DSL speed and send me a wireless gateway for nothing except $12 shipping. Pretty good deal!

Went to play cribbage with my younger cousin S yesterday. I ended up overall winner, 2 out of three, but in the first game she actually used my pegs! Even though we tried to straighten it out I doubt I would have won without her innocent help! Had a nice long visit and did a lot of reminiscing about our Mothers' family. Really pleasant day.

One of the Oneco bandits has been caught. He was in the process of breaking into a home in Moosup when the lady scared him and was able to give a description of him and his vehicle to the police. It's getting nerve wracking with all of the robberies lately, especially because they are breaking in when people are home! (Of course they should be shot for breaking in at any time.)

Off to pick up grandson soon and hope his Mom will have been able to get me some Lloyd's Ribs in Groton when she went shopping at Stop & Shop. Big Y doesn't carry them anymore and I don't like the Sweet Baby Rays one single bit.

Quote: The wise, for cure, on exercise depend. __Better to hunt in fields for health unbought than fee the doctor for a nauseous draught. __Dryden

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February 3, 1967 . . . 43 Roses

One vase of long stemmed roses for each precious baby. Thank you husband for those wonders, those miracles, those Roses.

Quote: We speak of educating our children. Do we know that our children also educate us? __Mrs. Sigourney

Monday, February 1, 2010

And so it goes . . .

Nice sunny cold day, just right for some shopping at the Hallmark Store and Friendly Spirits. The Hallmark Store is a neat place. I almost couldn't stop myself from buying another Springbok puzzle but I did! (stop myself) Finally going to finish the last of the Labor Day leftover meatballs. I've got to make some gravy and dig out some noodles. Easy day. Lots of robins around. Must be getting closer to Spring?

Quote: They always talk who never think. --Prior