Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A bit of snow, a bit of sun . . .

And so off we went to the Dog Track. Puppy's Pop and I walked our three circuits and came back home. Got AT&T to up my DSL speed and send me a wireless gateway for nothing except $12 shipping. Pretty good deal!

Went to play cribbage with my younger cousin S yesterday. I ended up overall winner, 2 out of three, but in the first game she actually used my pegs! Even though we tried to straighten it out I doubt I would have won without her innocent help! Had a nice long visit and did a lot of reminiscing about our Mothers' family. Really pleasant day.

One of the Oneco bandits has been caught. He was in the process of breaking into a home in Moosup when the lady scared him and was able to give a description of him and his vehicle to the police. It's getting nerve wracking with all of the robberies lately, especially because they are breaking in when people are home! (Of course they should be shot for breaking in at any time.)

Off to pick up grandson soon and hope his Mom will have been able to get me some Lloyd's Ribs in Groton when she went shopping at Stop & Shop. Big Y doesn't carry them anymore and I don't like the Sweet Baby Rays one single bit.

Quote: The wise, for cure, on exercise depend. __Better to hunt in fields for health unbought than fee the doctor for a nauseous draught. __Dryden


2Evil4U said...
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2Evil4U said...

I believe I can legally give you one of my weapons if you need it.

Qu'que chose said...

I believe we're all set. It's just very aggravating and it's getting to be more and more common. The lady who helped catch him was from Sterling, not Moosup.