Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Looking good . . .

Things are looking good on this last day of 2013. It's below freezing, the sun is bright in the eastern sky, we've had a good breakfast at the Diner, P&D's Pop will be going off to lunch with two teachers from PHS along with another volunteer, and I'll keep the home fires burning. I like that phrase. It makes me feel warm and happy with our home and the family we have scattered around this small world. Looking forward to picking up Kiddo late this afternoon. I'm sure he'll have some new games for us to marvel at. It concerns me that he's getting old enough that his folks don't need us to help out too much. But that is what life is, changes, accommodations, letting go, moving on and as Ma used to say,"Every age has its compensations." So life will continue to roll on and we're along for the interesting though at times scary ride. Had a pleasant seventy first birthday. Nothing over the top; nice phone serenades, talking with the people I love, feeling like I am needed and thought of; good, warm sensations.

Went to cardiac rehab yesterday and it went very well. I surprised myself with the energy I have this time around. It makes me realize that whatever caused the stent to act up it has been the source of my feeling 39 and holding. So it was just a blip on the screen of my unfolding life. I can handle that.

Time to go pay the last bills of the year and get to works on my itty bitty puzzle.

Quote:True humility is not an abject, groveling, self-despising spirit; it is but a right estimate of ourselves as God sees us.   ___Tryon Edwards

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Just right . . .

Finally caught the little twit!  Still not as clear as I'd like but I'll be on the prowl.
It is a fine day before my seventy first birthday and we decided to go to lunch at Happy Jack's, a pub and grill in Plainfield right across the parking lot from McD's. An excellent Margarita, a metal bottle of Bud, Chicken Genovese, Fish & Chips and we had the perfect lunch. The décor is modern because the previous restaurant burned to the ground a few years back and the new part of the building has risen Phoenix like into at least two iterations. This latest iteration is fine. We enjoyed our company (us) and our young waitress; came home to Gram's Cheesecake and coffee for dessert. Couldn't ask for anything more. Didn't expect such a pleasant day, actually had no expectations and it was just right. I guess 2014 will be another good year of peaceful surrender to the vicissitudes of life in our seventies. Perhaps if youngest visits us in March and oldest can join us the whole family will be able to enjoy lunch at Happy Jack's Pub! Not a plan; just a thought. And if their loves can be with us too it could be perfect along with middle child et al. In any case it's a nice thought.

Have been eyeing Grampa's one pound package of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups ( 2 half pound cups!) which the students in the model airplane class gave him along with a myriad of little Reeses! Still haven't gotten to open the package and take a photo of two 1/2 pound Peanut Butter Cups. P&D's Pop will probably wait until I am off somewhere before he opens the darned thing. All I want is a photo op, a deep lung filling whiff and one huge bite! That may be asking too much though.

No Kiddo to bring home today because Mom and Dad didn't work last night. He'll be coming home to Moosup New Year's Eve instead. Debating whether I shall ask for a concert! I may just let everything slide and give in to his every whim!

Quote:  If the nose of Cleopatra had been a little shorter, it would have changed the history of the world.  __Pascal

Thursday, December 26, 2013

'Twas so nice . . .

Gram's Cheesecake - It was very good this year.
Yes, it was a sweet, homely, comfortable Christmas in this old house. So many of the ornaments on the tree are wonderful reminders of Christmases past and the cherished loved ones that are here in our hearts and make up our souls. I sat in the light of the tree for a long time last night and appreciated the quiet, peace and calm of the day God favored us with His Love. And it was good to behold and think of the beauty of the World. Sometimes I wonder why He created man. Perhaps He's not perfect either and is doing His darndest to help get us through this life and help the World to be a peaceful generous planet. Gee, I hope so. Everyone should be able to find happiness in themselves and the people around them but material acquisitions, greed, hubris and seeking power interfere with the good life. Sometimes we learn a lot too late.

The day before Christmas we took a ride to Fiskdale, MA to get some model plane parts and I also picked out a new 1000 piece puzzle. Only problem is that my helpful puzzle maker lives over 1200 miles south of here! Hell's bells, on top of that local nephew's wife gave us a 1000 piece puzzle advertised as the smallest thousand piece puzzle in the world! How's that for messing with someones health and well being!  Our trip home from Hog Heaven was neat. P&D's Pop took many side roads and we drove through many beautiful Connecticut villages: Quinebaug, Wilsonville,Fabyan, North Woodstock. We'll have to roam the roads more often. It makes you smile to see what a beautiful state Connecticut is with its sweeping hills and valleys, farms, animals, pastures, streams, ponds, lakes and rivers. It's a shame we've elected  oligarchs, tyrants,  idiots to destroy what our hardy forebears bequeathed to us. There is still hope we can throw the bums out and turn this quagmire of political cronyism into a thoughtful,  brave, consequential land of steady habits once again.

Time to get off of the soap box and get started on a puzzle!

Quote: However much the priestlings of science may prate against the Bible, the high priests of science are in accord with Christianity.   _____Professor Simpson

Sunday, December 22, 2013

60 degrees three days before Christmas . . .

Handsome Carolina Wren
Pretty wild weather when you can go sliding on the snow one day and the next you can go out in a t-shirt and play in the mud! Got an early start this morning. We were at breakfast in Central Village before 7 am. So early in fact that I went to 7:30 Mass. I do like going to Mass but I've got to admit that the organist has got to tone the music down more than a tad. My word, she must be deaf. It hurts my ears and I know that my hearing isn't very good. But it's nice to see the people I've known for years who still go to early Mass. A good hug from a calm, sweet, loving, giving cousine is very comforting. Sometimes you really need that kind of touch especially when you've almost gone off the deep end because you've allowed yourself to get pissy over stupidities. Ah, but life really is good and I must remember it's the only life I've got. No time for nonsense. I'm starting to grow up as I get nearer to the 3/4 century mark. Must enjoy each day as it unfolds and smile at the inane asininities each day may bring or which I may cause! Dommage! C'est la vie! Et cetera. There, done with it.

Got a couple of nice, short videos of Kiddo playing Jolly Old Saint Nicholas and Lightly Row but he hasn't given me permission to show them. I will not put them on line unless he's comfortable with doing it. Hoping one day he'll want to strut his stuff. He has learned about four new songs from the back of his lesson book on his own. He does let me help to figure out the notes he hasn't been taught. I show him what the notes are on the piano and then he works with that knowledge because I know nothing about the alto sax. We have a good time. Will be going to his basketball game this afternoon. He has missed a couple of practices because of snow days and school conflicts. But we're looking forward  to some cheering no matter the outcome!

Quote:  A panic is a sudden desertion of us, and a going over to the enemy of our imagination.   __Bovee  (Already used this quote but I needed to be reminded that I must  remain calm, cool and collected as much as possible.  Good for one's health!)

Thursday, December 19, 2013

My Charlie Brown Christmas . . .

Not tit-mice.
What a wonderful evening we (I) spent at the Sacred Heart Christmas Concert! Grampa graciously brought me and stayed for the concert, bien sur! I couldn't help but smile through the entire concert. At times I felt a need to laugh out loud but restrained myself. It was easy to use restraint if I stole a glance at Grampa's face. Kiddo's Mom dutifully made videos. The only one I'd really like to see and hear is when Kiddo and his friend Kevin played a duet of Lightly Row, Kiddo on sax and Kevin on flute. They were quite good. I am amazed what they have learned in one half hour group lesson a week since the end of September. I will no longer tell him to only really practice what he has been taught but rather encourage him to go ahead. He reads the music well and likes to play.

I talked P&D's Pop into rearranging the bird feeders so we can entice the Tufted Titmouse  closer to the window. They will not go on the suet and I need the black oil sunflowers seeds close by. They are skittish little fellows. Didn't go to see younger sister yesterday because I was leery of the roads as they had a delayed school start in East Granby. I really miss the visit. This weather leaves me on pins and needles when it comes to venturing out alone. I pretty much trust my own driving but I end up driving so defensively it wears me out! The Hyundai is in for the 52000 mile checkup and hopefully getting the locking mechanism fixed! It locks itself  when I'd rather it didn't. There seems to be a glitch. I also expect to get our gas ration renewed! Have most of the fixings for Christmas Dinner. It'll be plain and simple:  Roast Beast, mashed potatoes, yellow turnip, broccoli, Caesar salad, Sally Lunn bread with Gram's Cheesecake for dessert. Should be just fine and dandy. When P&D's Pop returned from school today he had a nice Thank You, Christmas Card with notes from all of the kids in the plane building class. Thoughtful and grateful they were. Nice.

Quote:  To acquire a few tongues is the task of a few years; to be eloquent in one is the labor of a life . . . ____Spurgeon

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Don't like to miss Mass but . . .

Son and Grampa chose a nice tree!
 Christmas cards add to the cheer!

Not putting up too much this year. Trying for simple.

I'll not go to Mass this morning because for some literally ungodly reason I don't want to take a chance on the roads or the steps or the sidewalks. Starting to feel a little vulnerable to age and it's ticking me off! No one should start to feel as if they're 63 years old when they're in their 40's! Hell's bells. What the devil is the demon up to now? Making me feel guilty, that's what he's up to. Shitski, I say, just plain old "merde." That's about the size of it. ( I'm blaming my less than stellar vocabulary on having played many losing hands of cards in the past week or so.)

The tree is up and trimmed; Kiddo was returned home two hours early yesterday; his school pageant was a great success; we'll probably miss his second basketball game; may be able to get to his rescheduled band concert Wednesday evening. Phew. At least we do have the time to do all these things!  Both P&D's Pop and I have doctor's appointments tomorrow. Hoping to see younger sister Wednesday if all goes well weather wise. The Hyundai goes in for it's 52000 mile check up Thursday. Expect to put in for the gas rebate again this year. It all ends up back in Hyundai's ledgers anyway! Might as well claim it. Did get a call from Cardiac Rehab and will start on the 30th; three days a week for 12 weeks. I'd forgotten it was that long. Oh well, I'm sure it will make me more confident and less susceptible to complaining! I hate complainers so I must not turn into one of those people one hates to hang out with. We'll be joining our Oneco friends for dinner tomorrow night. Looking forward to stepping out on the town, even if it's Voluntown!

Quote:  Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can, to all the souls you can, in every place you can, at all the times you can, with all the zeal you can, as long as ever you can.   ___J. Wesley

Friday, December 13, 2013

Tree is up . . . only lights . . .

Beautiful Peach Cactus
Big Kiddo and P&D's Pop chopped down the blue spruce Monday at Allen Hill and I thought it might be a good idea to have Big Kiddo help put it up before they left for their southern home. Groton Kiddo let me know that I was to only put up the lights and . . . bring the boxes of ornaments down so he could decorate for us when he comes today. His Christmas pageant is tonight, he's Joseph, I think, and I doubt we'll have time to decorate tonight.  May have to wait until Saturday morning and hope the snow holds off until we finish and can get him back home for the neighborhood sledding fest in his back yard! They have the only house on the street with a hill and the kids have been having a blast. That is the best way to spend cold winter days; outside, bundled up, freezing with friends!  Hoping to get to see his second basketball game of the year Sunday but the weather isn't very promising.  He did get 3 points in the first Groton Rec game. Yay! Sacred Heart must still reschedule the band concert which was snowed out Tuesday. At least today is bright and sunny albeit very cold. It'll be interesting to see what our natural gas bill will be this month.

Had a chance to stop in and deliver Christmas Penuche to older brother and his wife yesterday. Pleasant lunch and conversation before the holidays hit. Grampa is eating up all of the great cookies sister-in-law made and sent home with me. Have to see if I can save some for me and the Kiddo! She has included little candies, Mini Coffee Kopiku from India.  Des bonbons fantastiques! Earlier this year she had given me a rather large Christmas Cactus that had belonged to a friend. It is glorious. I will make sure she get some slips so she can start her own peach cactus! I'm fortunate that plants like to summer on the porch and prepare to blossom with very little help from me.

After this last week of son and wife's visit this old house is a bit too quiet. C'est la vie, n'est-ce pas?

Quote:  Music can noble hints impart, engender fury, kindle love, with unsuspected eloquence can move and manage all the man with secret art.   ___Addison

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Hard to say good by . . .

A spot of beauty on a now bleak wintry day.
Our oldest Kiddo and his wife are on their way to overnight in Boston before their morning flight back to their Louisiana home. Such a good, warm, comforting visit; no special places or events; home together, that is all; home together, that is everything. We laughed, played cards, had supper with middle child, her husband and young Kiddo. Missed having youngest child and her best love here with us but . . . one of these days it must happen; we'll be together again. I'm smiling at the thought. We love them all and all of the new loves they have brought into our lives. Thank you. Amen

Quote:  We are shaped and fashioned by what we love.   ___Goethe

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

That's better . . .

The pink roses from P&D's Pop opened beautifully and were fragrant.
Yesterday went flying by and I like it like that. Had the follow up appointment with Dr. Foley and I guess my body may not like the stent too much so I had restenosis. No clue if that wording is correct but there it is. I guess restenosis  happens often enough.  In any case I'll go to cardiac rehab again which can only be scheduled a month after the procedure. Then I'll see Dr. Foley in March. So all is once again aright in my little corner of this Big Blue Marble. Had a busy day with Kiddo yesterday for an unusual Monday. Picked him up from the bar and went to his house where he completed his Social Studies homework; read a couple of chapters in his book;  started writing an article for a newspaper he has to type up about the book! went to basketball practice for an hour; came home to a saxophone concert for his brother and me. Phew, I'm tired just writing about it. Kiddo's big brother will come home to help out with the wood. I will never touch the stove. Fire scares me mainly because I don't really know how to control the fire even if if is in a stove.

Waiting for Puppies and Dante's Pop to get home from school so we can go to breakfast before I go shopping. It causes me to smile when I say he's coming home from school. What a great character he is! It seems that the classes are going well and the teacher will be taking P&D's Pop and the man who got him into the program out to dinner at an iconic Italian restaurant in Rhode Island. Sounds good.

Oh yeah, we also have our neighborhood electrician cleaning things up in the basement and a few other odds and ends. We're just perking along!

Quote:  By skillful conduct and artificial means a person may make a sort of name for himself; but if the inner jewel be wanting, all is vanity and will not last.   __Goethe

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Making me laugh . . .

Pretty leaves of African Violet given to me by N.
Have been in a foul mood lately but this morning I made some changes to the décor in the kitchen and it just keeps me smiling. I hated to move the ceramic clock that Pam R. made for us years ago because I knew that Puppies and Dante's Pop would get bent out of shape when he went to check the time and the clock was now above the microwave where it used to be umpteen years ago. But I needed to move stuff around because of an oil painting that I had rescued from Gram's. I had it framed and then I had so much trouble finding a place for it. Well the painting is now on the wall above the marble top and  the clock didn't look right next to it. That was the dilemma. So today I spent a lot of time smiling as I was cooking and checking the clock for the time and was constantly looking in the wrong place. I'm probably never going to get in the habit of looking for the clock between the windows!

Puppies and Dante's Pop had to go see the dentist this morning and on his way home he picked up a dozen pink roses and a dozen red roses. They are opening up beautifully. The pinks are on the dining room table and the reds on Grampa Rose's old desk. They're making me smile too. I hope I get over being my miserable self after I see Dr. Foley Monday. Somehow or other I'm miffed about all these 'take it easies' and yet I feel that I shouldn't push too hard until I complete the cardiac rehab once again because I really don't know how I'm supposed to react to this little procedure. I feel certain that I'm fine but there's a little something that's stuck in my brain that isn't comfortable with the new status quo. Oh well, I suppose I'll just out grow that foolishness!

Moosup nephew stopped in yesterday with his two kiddos. He wanted to borrow some tables and chairs. It was really good to see them and have a chance to watch the kids use the RC Flight Simulator. When he returned the tables and chairs today I was able to give him his Christmas Penuche! Can't believe I did that so early! See, I told you I'm out of sorts!

Quote:  "Knowledge, without common sense," says Lee, "is folly; without method, it is waste; without kindness, it is fanaticism; without religion, it is death."  But with common sense, it is wisdom; with method, it is power; with charity, it is beneficence; with religion, it is virtue and life and peace.   ____Farrar.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving Proclamation . . .

Feeling rather odd this year for Thanksgiving.  I decided not to bake and I'm feeling guilty!  It's the first time in at least 43 or 44 years that I haven't baked pies for Thanksgiving dinner. Wow. Doesn't seem possible. But with Puppies and Dante's Pop's help we've got the turnip cooked and ready to be warmed up.  Also used a different recipe to get the mashed potatoes ready a day before the feast. Tomorrow we'll only have to make the bread and turkey and, bien sur, pick up the pies and double chocolate mousse cake from The Roadside Diner. Happy Thanksgiving to all and sundry.

Who's going to wave to me now . . .

Puppies and Dante's Pop told me at breakfast that 'Dūggan" aka 'Butch' or Donald has died. Phew, that just takes the wind right out of my sails. Who's going to wave to me now as I sit on my swing to contemplate the world and appreciate all the good things in our lives? I've known Dūggan since Kindergarten and he never stopped teasing until now. Well, perhaps he's messing around with God too! His wife, kids and grand kids will miss him. It seems he died doing what he loved. After shooting a deer he collapsed as he tried to pick up the eight point buck. I'm glad it wasn't one of my crazy deer that got him. Damnation. He has a wonderful family and will be missed.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Not funny Magee . . .

Kiddo's 4D puzzle
Gee, decided to go to an earlier Mass this morning because we plan to go see Ender's Game at the Lisbon Digiplex after noon. I got to the church for 9am and there were no cars so I came home and returned for 9:30. Went in the side door because I didn't want to climb the front stairs. Naturellement when I tried to enter the Mass was already in progress, it started at 9:15, and the doors got stuck. I made so much noise trying to open the door that Father looked as if he was going to stop his sermon to the children and open it for me! Hell's Bells - way to announce that you're late! Putting that aside I was reading the big words on the big screen that is used for the Children's Mass and this is what I read as we prepared for Communion, "Only say the word and I shell be healed." Good gravy, I almost choked. I'm hoping that they have explained to the children at some point that this is an egregious error. Yikes!

The Hyundai had a "something is wrong" light on when I returned from my first church trip and I actually figured out what was wrong correctly! Ta da! The tire pressure was low so Puppies and Dante's Pop fixed it for me out in the 22 degree temperature with bright sun and big cold wind. The house seems to like the new heating system; even the basement is staying warmer than usual with the "radiators" on the return pipes up near the ceiling. That is such a good thing. We should have our former across the street neighbor drop in tomorrow to see about cleaning up the electrical concerns in the basement now that we've moved stuff around. That'll be a good thing. I'm also trying to fix this old iPad on my own. Something is causing it to be squirrely so I'm making sure it's backed up before I clean it out and start over. At this point I'm not sure if I am correct but eventually it'll anger me so much that I'll try anything! I realize that almost 4 years have gone by since we bought it and the technology has changed a lot but we'll see how well I can manage this!

Quote:  The best portraits are those in which there is a slight mixture of caricature.  __Macaulay

Thursday, November 21, 2013

A stent within a stent . . .

Surprisingly the Winter Rye has germinated in these 30 degree temperatures. We finally got some rain Monday and so we have grass! Wonder if the deer will like it?
Good gravy! Crazy world out there. So, Monday Puppies and Dante's Pop drove through big wind and rain to get me to Yale New Haven for 7:30am. By 10:30am I was flat on my back in a hospital room getting better! The doctors added a Medtronic Stent inside of an Xience Stent. Must admit that this is the first day I feel pretty good. One reason this may be so is that I'm finally back to taking my regular set of pills at the right times. At the hospital it seemed rather willy-nilly  so the most important pills I take we're given to me early in the morning Tuesday before I was discharged and I usually take them at 5pm. That meant that I couldn't take them again until Wednesday at 5pm. I don't think my body liked that! But I'm back on schedule and feeling pretty damn good.

We took a ride to Mount Saint Mary's Abbey yesterday and picked up the Christmas Penuche. It really is a pretty ride. I also let the sweetheart Sister talk me into buying a Rum Fruit Cake made by the monks! Now I have to eat it all by myself because Grampa doesn't eat nuts and stuff! So a slice a day after supper will be my routine for 16 days (sixteen servings according to the packaging.) We've decided to order the Thanksgiving desserts from  Roadside Diner and we'll just have to cook the turkey in the oven  and bread in the bread machine next Thursday. Wednesday we'll make the vegetables ahead of time.

Spoke with our youngest yesterday and it seems that she has won a contest and will get a check for £2000. That is so cool. She has Gram Rose's luck. She reminded Dante's Pop that he used to put her name on raffle tickets when he wanted to win something. Cool beansies.

Time to read the paper before my ride gets home.

Quote:  Health is the greatest of all possessions; a pale cobbler is better than a sick king.   ___Bickerstaff

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Oh what a beautiful Nelson Eddy morning . . .

Yes it is. Was awakened by Puppies and Dante's Pop telling me there were two deer in the yard. I immediately sprang into action, flannel nightgown, bare feet and camera in hand to capture the devils as they meandered down from the glacier strewn boulders toward the spring. I think they enjoy taunting me! But come Spring I shall have the last laugh because I have found a malodorous  remedy for their foraging in the garden and on newly planted trees! Yay for moi. I was also able to track down a noisy woodpecker who kept scolding me as I tried to capture him in a photo. He kept circling the dogwood making wise cracks as he maneuvered but I got the brat, not too well, but I did get him. One day I will probably spend the money for a camera with telephoto capabilities but I can't seem to push myself to spend big bucks, at least, not yet.

We took a ride to Brooklyn International Airport and while Grampa got in three flights I managed to walk around the area four times. Still get some pains as I walk the hill the first time but as I continue to walk everything calms down. Will see the Doctor today and feel sure that he'll agree that the cold air is bothering me until I finally warm up. We stopped at the Roadside Diner for gingerbread muffins and coffee. Have to go do a bit of shopping now.

Quote:  The best of all governments is that which teaches us to govern ourselves. __Goethe

Monday, November 11, 2013

Sunday, November 10, 2013

This will be pleasant . . .

Ma's hat.  
Just received a phone call that middle child et al are on the way to our house to pick us up and go for an early dinner at Riverview. Yay. That'll be great. We were only going to have left overs! Kiddo played his weekly concert for us Friday night and then, since he didn't want to go to bed found time to play his sax music on the keyboard. He surprised himself with how well he could play the tunes with his right hand. Thought he should tell his music teacher he could give a piano concert too! I did explain that there is also a left hand  part to piano music and he should hold off a bit before giving piano concerts for his sax teacher! He is impressed by what he is able to accomplish with his music and that's really exciting. He's pretty good at keeping the beat and now has about 5 songs in his repertoire. The latest is Jingle Bells which I'm certain will be ready for the Winter Concert at Sacred Heart with the Junior Band. He still cracks me up. It's a lot of fun to listen to him as he is working on getting the nice full sound out of his instrument.

Oops, time to take a ride in the "66 T-Bird.

Quote:  The more you speak of yourself the more you are likely to lie.  ___Zimmermann

Monday, November 4, 2013

Not my most brilliant idea but what the heck . . .

The house in Salmon Falls, NH (now Rollinsford, NH) where The Carons lived before moving to Moosup.  Pa was the only one of 14 children born in the USA.
Puppies Pop and I went to the Sunshine Shop on Maple Street in Danielson to have a painting I saved from the wrecking ball framed properly then we went up 169 for lunch at Java Jive. That place still makes the best Rubens and Egg Salad sandwiches and it's a very pretty ride if your driver doesn't try to take out every kid in khakis crossing the route to get to his fancy pants classes! After we returned I decided that since the sun was so bright, the sky was so blue I really needed to walk outside. Wow, do you have any idea how cold 42 degrees is when the wind is a blowin'? I shall tell you: it is damnably cold especially when you have to carry a steel pipe to protect yourself from the German Shepherds and you're trying to walk as fast as possible to get by the raucous, scary so's and so's. I almost turned back because my lungs didn't seem to like breathing that cold air but I slowed my pace and voilà I made the trip just fine. The dogs only barked at me on the way up from the other side of the street, on the return trip they were inside so I didn't have to cross the road in front of their house. Phew. I worry too much.

Quote:  Clocks will go as they are set; but man, irregular man, is never constant, never certain.   ____Otway

Friday, November 1, 2013

Good thing . . . bad thing . . . Good I guess . . .

Visited younger sister and she had this wonderful photo of Memere and Pepere Caron with Mon oncle Joe circa 1917 in front of the downstairs door to our old home.
Wow, didn't realize when I went upstairs to find my winter hats and mittens that I would end up in the old trunk. It is full of the warm, wool blankets from Peru but for some ungodly reason I decided to pull everything out and check out what was as the bottom. There were two tins that I must have put there years ago. I found letters that MaTante had written to us when we were at Bustin's Island those many years ago. They took my breath away. I also found letters I had written to Puppies and Dante's Pop when he was in Texas training to be a load master in the Air Force. I still haven't gotten my composure back and I have to go to Sacred Heart lunch duty today. Can I have lived so long that my memories are crystal clear and remind me that we have had the best people in our lives? Even if our lives ended today we've seen so many good, kind, strong loving people that our lives would be complete. When our kids have time to think back to their younger days they will be able to smile with wonderment that they knew and were greatly loved by such personable good people.

Went to see The Most Happy Fella Wednesday with three wonderful women. What a treat to be with them. I did not know the play at all and I really like that because it leaves me free to decide what I think without resorting to what others may have written or said. The singing was top notch. I got the feeling that we were actually seeing an opera. I didn't realize that it really had been written pretty much as an opera to be produced with a full orchestra but that the writer was forced to change his ideas and introduce more dialogue. Goodspeed's production was excellent.

Quote:  Without hearts there is no home.   ___Byron

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

That was hard work . . .

Driving through Virginia
Finally got around to cleaning out the raspberries Even with my glasses and gloves on they managed to  grab me a few times. But it all looks pretty good in the yard. If the berries don't produce well next year I may just cut them down completely and see what survives. The new canes were so long and scraggly this year that I cut off more than the 1/3 I usually cut back. We didn't get good berries in the Spring or Fall. Didn't even have enough to make one small jar of jelly! We ate the good ones right off of the bushes! Had a pleasant visit yesterday evening with a friend from Sprague and she brought her Shih tzu, Tucker. Tucker is 10 years old and a rescued dog. He needed a new home because his elderly owners moved to Florida and they couldn't take their dogs with them. He's pretty fat but a wonderful pet! Almost makes me want to get a puppy for ourselves. But Puppies and Dante's Pop is still giving me negatives and he may be right. I just think that even if we do travel a couple of times a year maybe our Kiddo would be able to take care of the dog for us, if his parents would let him. Oh well, still thinking on it.

Broke down and spent beaucoup bucks for another humidifier. I have had an Oskar in the living room for two years now when the heat is on in this old house. It is great. In the bedroom I've been using an old humidifier that we had when the kids were little! It leaves a gray dust all over the place but especially on the TV screen! I hate it; so I finally decided to get another Oskar. The filters came in today. Hoping the humidifier itself will be in tomorrow. Grampa doesn't seem to have a problem with the dry air but it bothers my eyes a great deal. Can't wait to get it running.

Will have left over pizza and whoopie pies for supper tonight! Sounds good to me.

Quote:  My memory is the thing I forget with.    ____A child's definition

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Out of shape . . .

The Cub Cadet has returned to Connecticut. It likes it here.
Can't believe that I can get out of shape so fast. We were only gone about two weeks and my exercise program really felt like a hard work out today. I think she missed me and made up for it by pushing me! We've already averted one catastrophe today. The Bunn finally quit and was making yucky coffee, probably because we don't run vinegar through it before we leave on trips, just empty it out and unplug it. But we've had it for years so no complaints. They want about $120 for a new one but we lucked out. We found a floor model at Lowe's for $72. It didn't have a manual or box and was super dusty. They took another 10% off because I complained a bit! Yay! I got the manual on line and Puppies and Dante's Pop has it all set up and ready to make coffee. Life is pretty darned good.
He's also mowing the lawn with oldest Kiddo's Cub Cadet which returned with us from Louisiana. He was driving it like a bat out of hell. I'm sure he's pleased with this newest acquisition.

It was so good to have our youngest Kiddo here. I did miss my sax concerts. So last night and also this morning I had the best concerts yet. He played his first real song. What a lot of fun. Hot Cross Buns never sounded so grand. He practiced his new notes then played it with really good counting and sound. Then he played without the music. Then he said, "Watch this. I'm going to close my eyes." and played it a again. He cracks me up. Besides him we had to keep Keeboo, his virtual pet Furby. Other than a horrible sounding voice it's pretty neat. I like to pull its tail and put it to sleep. Not sure if he'll come on too many more visits!

Picked up a Slow Cooker Fiesta Chicken package by McCormick while in the South. It smells good cooking in the old crock pot; we'll see how good it is at supper. I'm not in the mood to shop so we'll be eating whatever we still have in the house. Think I may just pull out the bread maker. That should really make the house inviting with all sorts of rich aromas, heat and goodness.

Quote:  The only way for a rich man to be healthy is by exercise and abstinence, to live as if he were poor.    ___Sir W. Temple

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Learning . . .

Playing cards for a couple of days now and starting to get the hang of it. Hand and Foot is, at least to me, an odd game and somewhat difficult to get used to but with all the patience these Southerners can muster they are hanging in there with me. Today I played the best hands yet but still couldn't eek out a win. I may have to do some really exceptional celebrating if I ever manage to win one of these days. Daughter-in-law is ahead of me 5-1 in Cribbage too. It's a good thing I come down so I can practice being humble!

The men are off for the second day to the Flying Contest in Baton Rouge. After the card game I am in charge of a stew for seven for supper. The meat is cooking now so I'll have to be up and at it soon.  Had breakfast at Waffle House before going to LeBlanc's to pick up the fixings for supper. Beautiful people, beautiful day, beautiful weather.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Grey skies to start the day . .

It is amazing to watch the cook at the Waffle House doing his job. He is so adept at what he's doing: cracking two eggs in one hand, separating the yolks, flipping the omelets with the other oiling the grill for the potatoes, pulling the bacon out and putting it on the grill et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. I had cheesy eggs, crisp bacon, buttered raisin toast with a side of grits which I gave to Puppies and Dante's Pop as I don't like grits. The only drawback with Waffle House is the servers do not walk around and keep your coffee cup filled. I think that it's a corporate decision for the sake of being safe from spills. They work in really tight quarters so if you need a refill the waitstaff take your cup to the pot! I don't think anyone in Louisiana drinks decaf! So I go along with getting high first thing in the morning on two big mugs of regular. A hyper start to the day.

Had a pleasant visit with one of my seventeen Deojay cousins yesterday in Hammond Louisiana. She has lived in the South since 1994. I brought her some rhubarb tubers to plant at her farm in Picayune, Mississippi. She seems to have a green thumb and also runs a horse rescue operation. Quite an interesting woman. Our oldest will be returning from Germany this evening so we'll be able to visit with him for a while before we head back North next Tuesday. Have had a wonderful time holding six month old babies while on this stay. Such a perfect age for gibber jabbering and laughing at people as you drop the toys proffered. Also very nice to be able to calm a little one and let them fall asleep in your arms.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Already back to old habits . . .

We were up early this morning and off to the Waffle House for breakfast. It was so cold there we needed shirts and even then we could feel the freezing cold. The lady manager we've known since they opened in 2007 (?) laughed when she saw us and they turned down the air a bit! It really was ice cold!

We arrived around 1:45pm yesterday. The puppies were happy to see us and all the humans too! Last night Grampa spoke with our oldest who is in Germany and he's having a good stay. Our 1500 mile drive was quite uneventful. Only got really stuck once outside of Knoxville for about 45 minutes.  A and M's youngest is here with his wife and baby. They are well and, fingers crossed, looks like he may have a job. He is off to get a physical, a job requirement. That would be so good for them especially as his military pay will run out in November. The baby is six months old and loves to smile, chatter and wiggle! He'll be coming with us to lunch today. We're also meeting a friend who will have her six month old grand daughter. All sorts of neat baby time. Grampa is already out with his friend Gil! I was afraid we'd never even make it to southern family's home because we saw Gil out mowing his lawn as we were arriving yesterday and of course we had to stop! But Puppies and Dante's Pop saw the look on my face and after setting up today's date we finally reached our true destination! Tomorrow M and I will be off to the Hammond Square Mall to see my Picayune, Mississippi cousine! I hope the rhubarb plant I'm bringing her will survive the mild winters and grow well for her next year.   As I write this entry I can't help smiling at the photos on the dining room walls. The grand kids are beautiful and certainly well loved and photographed.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

It is raining. . .

Almost threw it out but decided to repot the cyclamen. 
I'm surprised at how hard it is raining this Sunday morning. We are hoping to go to Thompson for the Yankee Flyers Float Fly later today. I hope it works out. Spent a good day yesterday with Kiddo. He and Grampa got up way before getting up time and took off without me for breakfast at McD's. He was so funny as he explained to me how they weren't going to tell me how they sneaked out as I slept! Struck me as funny and made me happy to see these guys trying to get away with something! Like grandfather like grandson! I ended up with a fantastic B and C sax concert after Grampa left for Wrentham and his flying buddies. The Kiddo was having a good time, especially after he had practiced his two notes and then really enjoyed playing as many other notes as he could muster. I am amazed at how heavy the sax is. I ordered another neck strap for him with a pad but particularly a good slide lock. The strap provided for him does not have a locking mechanism and it unhooks easily which can be dangerously expensive if he loses his grip or doesn't  realize the instrument is not connected to the strap. Of course he also needed a new book, Egyptology! He and middle child are working on his Ninja Mercat puppet due Friday. Seems to be finding 4th Grade somewhat challenging but I think he's just having trouble settling in to do the hard work that is now expected of him. I'm sure he will meet the expectations once he accepts the fact that he can't be lazy and must actually do some work!

Spent part of yesterday afternoon at the Youth Football Complex in Central Village watching our great nephew rush the ball through the middle of the line! His Dad seems to be a really terrific coach and his Pépère isn't too shabby either! I really enjoyed watching these young kids play even though I do not like tackle football for kids under 22 years of age! One of my prejudices. Flag football at all levels suits me just fine! I remember playing as a kid and because I was the smallest one I was given the ball and protected by the big guys like Charlie L. Man, I used to run like hell! At least that's how I like to remember it. I'm sure the big guys were just indulgent. Nostalgia is not necessarily truthful! Another plus at the game was visiting with Moosup niece and her lovely daughter P plus, added bonus, could hang out with sister and sister-in-law. And . . . the Packers won 14-13. Amen.

Slacker that I am I forgot to make my bed and do my stretches this morning! Time to get to work.

Quote:  Genius is nothing but continued attention.   ___Helvetius

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Must look into this carefully . . .

I hope this is legible. I found some information.  I hope this is the link https://www.healthcompanion.com/HealthCompanion/registration/RoamingPortal.action?providerInterfaceCode=130 Then go to About Us.
When my brain is functioning at a somewhat higher level I must look into Health Companion. I underwent a normal procedure today at an outpatient type clinic and the anesthesiologist put a paper in my bag so that I could peruse it when I returned home. She did explain that she had no choice but to fill out the required forms and the paper would let me access my medical record at a secure on line site of what the doctors did today. She said it was now mandated that the doctors enter my records at this secure site and they would be audited to ensure that they did so! I was perplexed and shocked because no one asked me if I wanted to do this. (Perhaps somewhere in all of the signatures I wrote over the last two weeks I was asked to agree to this new repository of my medical records but I don't recall that being the case.) She said most of the doctors do not like having to enter the patients' records on this site and most patients are not happy to learn about the site either. As she left me she said something like, "Welcome to Obamacare." I couldn't help myself and asked her to excuse my language as I said, "Holy shit!" And she acknowledged with a, "Just so." I'm feeling put out about this because if I understand correctly it is a federal mandate and it seems as if no one was asked if they would like to take part but are forced to comply, doctors and patients! So, as my brain returns from the fog I shall look into the matter. I will include a copy of the form she gave me but shall redact the last four digits of my Medical Record Number. Shitski, I say, shitski. Hey, you know what's funny? The iPad knows how to spell shitski correctly! Yikes. Great tech world out there!

Quote:  Ages of ignorance and simplicity are thought to be ages of purity.  but the direct contrary is the case.  Rude periods have that grossness of manners which is as unfriendly to virtue as luxury itself.  Men are less ashamed as they are less polished.   ___Warton

Monday, September 30, 2013

Good man . . .

Such beauties.
So proud of this good man. Puppies and Dante's Pop brought planes to PHS today and gave flying demonstrations for the engineering class and all and sundry who were able to watch. Even the track class was watching as they circled him and the planes! Now that is some cool beansies!   Both he and another member of the Yankee Flyers have agreed to volunteer with the building of model airplanes at the school. It seems to be greatly appreciated. Making me smile. Puppies and Dante's Pop has always had a knack for getting people interested in planes. I believe that my friend Angie's son became a an airline pilot because of the flights he took with Grampa. Our kids and our Kiddo have been keenly interested in planes.

Thinking of Angie's son reminds me that he took many photos of the Bobcats living on the hill and roaming in his yard! That is so wonderful. What beautiful animals. There is a Mom with two kittens. It seems they have carved out a good territory for keeping them eating a healthy diet! There are plenty of rabbits, squirrels, mice and deer if they have a hankering for game! Imagine being able to watch them as they oversee their domain.

Time to pay the bills and go for a walk. Another perfect day in Moosup. We have our first natural gas bill: $6.50. I'm sure it will get straightened out in the next couple of months. This is only a partial bill as they get used to what we'll actually use in a full month. I think it'll work out fine although the oil dealers are meeting with the legislators complaining that natural gas customers should be forced to pay more because the oil dealers are losing customers and having trouble making ends meet. Oy vey! Not sure how much of this carping I can stand!

Quote:  Familiarities are the aphids that imperceptibly suck out the juices intended for the germ of love.   ___Landor

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Scream from hell . . .

New wallpaper
From the Renaissance Faire
Haven't posted in a while but this morning something sure did wake me up in full battle scream mode. Puppies and Dante's Pop had just left the kitchen to go down to the hangar while I was picking up after my breakfast. I saw a rather large crumb under my Vermont rocker and figured I had dropped a good sized crumb from some type of chocolate cake or muffin. I picked it up and was studying it in the palm of my hand when the damn thing sprouted long brown legs and tried to take off. I screamed bloody murder, grabbed a napkin and squeezed and stomped the living day light out of that fat brown spider. Man, that was one ugly s.o.b. Believe you me that is no way to begin any day. Putting that aside it has been a busy week.

We went to the Renaissance Faire at Dodd Stadium Sunday after the weather cleared up. It was different from anything we've been to called a Fair but fun. We stayed a few hours and watched a birds of prey demonstration, some jousting, spear and dagger throwing etc. Food was very expensive so we walked around and took in the Madrigal singers and a couple of the entertainers before checking out the wares and were on our way. It really is a great place for kiddos and families.

 Monday Puppies and Dante's Pop wall papered the living room while I tried to help as much as I could. He did a wonderful job. The room looks nice, light and clean. Yup, there's that word again. Clean, clean, clean. Don't plan on putting anything on the walls for now. It just seems right to enjoy the clean walls! Stayed with Kiddo for a few hours yesterday and had a treat. He played quarter notes, half notes and whole notes for me on the mouthpiece and neck of the sax. He also beats the time with his foot and was working hard to get a good sound. I love it. It is so much fun to see him working at the proper lips and breathing. Kept telling me he has to make his mouth look like an old man's and not puff his cheeks. He's in a hurry to be taught how to play Yankee Doodle! I am too.

Addendum:  After we finished wall papering Monday we went to Java Jive in Pomfret for a late lunch. Two sandwiches with chips, pickles and coffees cost us $25. Supper at the Road Side Diner this evening: coffees, best Cajun Pork Chop dinner (2 tender large chops) and Stuffed Pepper (very large served on top of pasta with a delicious tangy sauce)  was $25. What a bargain.  We did break down and buy two  pieces of double chocolate cream cake to bring home with us which added $7 to the bill. Grampa ate his entire dinner and I must admit a stole some of the pork chops because they were delicious and tender. I brought home half of my Stuffed Pepper and pasta. Of course we have already consumed the cake. I'm just amazed at the $25 price and the huge meals we had. Both restaurants have excellent food but you can't beat the prices in Central Village; plus, we saw and heard a freight train heading South. Very cool.

Quote:  It is more from carelessness about the truth, than from intention of lying, that there is so much falsehood in the world.   ___Johnson

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Getting closer . . .

Over 100 gourds this year!
When I got home from visiting younger sister in East Granby yesterday Puppies and Dante's Pop had a proposition for me. After supper he would paint the living room ceiling, so I made supper a little early! He rollered the hell out of that ceiling and my, oh my, it looks very good. Of course being an old house it has imperfections but it is so nice and white and clean, clean, clean! Did I mention really white and clean? What a big job done. Today I used a 1-2-3 Bull's Eye Primer for some of the wall surfaces, especially where the old bookcase had been when we first came home to Moosup 45 years ago. There was some staining that had come through the old wall paper. Speaking of old wall paper, it was amazing to see how beautiful the old paper was behind the mirror! I would have used the same paper if I had been able to find it! Grampa didn't agree.  Perhaps we'll be able to finish the room Saturday as Kiddo will be here tomorrow. Quite sure we shall not put the mirror back up. I rather like the idea of plain, uncluttered walls.

Quote: The dangers of knowledge are not to be compared with the dangers of ignorance.  Man is more likely to miss his way in darkness than in twilight; in twilight than in full sun.  _____Whately

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

That's it. I quit . . .

Fall is in the air.
Went a bit overboard today. After going for a doctor's appointment this morning I've spent the day digging holes for plants, bringing plants inside, re-potting plants, picking tomatoes, flowers, pumpkins and gourds. I am wiped out. Besides I started to scrape the ceiling in the living room and pulled all the wall paper down yesterday. Not sure where all this activity came from but now I quit at least for the rest of today and tomorrow! Tomorrow I'll go see younger sister and spend some calm, easy time just relaxing, eating, playing cards and visiting. Thursday will be time enough to get back to the living room. Not sure if we will put the mirror back. I'm rather liking the "no mirror" idea. It looks like a good place to but the petit point art that our youngest completed some years ago. Have to wait and see if the wall paper will be okay. Not that there will be any other choice as I bought it the same time we redid the big bedroom last year! So no matter what we'll go with it and hope for the best! I also closed up the house today by shutting all the storm windows. We're supposed to have a good frost tonight and it's no use letting our heat go out the windows. I'm working on getting an energy rebate from the State and should also get some tax relief when we file this year. So far so good. It's a good thing UK daughter got the Gas company to come and complete their job. The nights have been cold and we have needed the heat. Working like a charm.

Quote:  Good sense, kindness of heart, and a proper self-respect are the elements of the best manners.   ___Tryon Edwards

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Hell's Bells . . .

No captions needed!
A big Merci Beaucoup to our youngest! On top of getting our gas line connected to the new boiler we don't need a Smart TV. Yep, I can now watch my Amazon Prime streaming movies, TV shows etc on the Sony using the Wii. Not only that but the headphones now work with the Wii and the DVD player! So much good stuff came home to roost for a short time. We'll have to do this more often!

We were treated  to lunch at Richoni's today and while we were there we could watch TJ as he added a new bar to the u-shaped original bar. As you enter the front door and turn to your right there were a couple of tables that were really a little difficult for a bartender to get to especially on a busy Friday night. So the U has now a right turn and goes up to the wall. Seems like a good idea. Most people like to sit at the bar anyway so it adds more places. When we left R was staining the wood. We were able to visit a little with middle child and get in a photo shoot! Just missing big brother. One of these days we'll pull off a family get together! Will bring the youngest to North Attleboro tomorrow so she can take the train and T to the airport. Not looking forward to that but am very thankful she was able to come home. I know she misses G and the menagerie so we're fortunate she returns to her home happy and healthy! That left elbow is improving! Yay! Puppies and Dante's Pop and I were cool chauffeurs this week. It was a wonderful time.

Quote: Happiness consists in being perfectly satisfied with what we have got and with what we haven't got.  It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.   ___Spurgeon

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Tired but it was all fun . . .

Are these rocks big enough to sell?  We shall have to wait and see!
Had late breakfast-early lunch yesterday with two daughters and son-in-law at Hash a go go at Mohegan Sun. It was nice and relaxing. Managed to park in Puppies and Dante's Pop's old stomping grounds at the former UNC. It's really the only place I like to park at the casino. We don't even go in a garage! Today youngest and I headed off to Wrentham Village Premium Outlets on a shopping spree. I'm pooped and spreed out! We got there around 10 am and left around 2 pm. Let's see if I can enumerate the stores we visited: 7 For All Mankind, BCBG Max Azria, Kenneth Cole, Samsonite, Ruby Tuesday and Godiva Chocolatier. Those are only the stores where we spent money! Now I know why I'm dragging! Counting the shopping as exercise for today! At least we did find the New Balance Store is now open so if and when Puppies and Dante's Pop needs new shoes we know the store is there!

Yesterday was an important mile stone for us! The natural gas line is now connected to the new Prestige Excellence Heat and Hot Water Boiler. If visiting daughter from England had not decided to Tweet and Facebook about our plight we would still be waiting for someone to return our calls, emails and fax! We are really grateful that her persistence and know how worked like a charm. The telephone call from Northeast Utilities came Tuesday and they set the time for plumber and Yankee Gas at 10 am Wednesday morning. At 10:10 am Yankee Gas workers had completed their work and by 10:40 am our plumbers had finished the installation.  Incredible that Yankee Gas, part of Northeast Utilities took so long to do the job. Now we wait for the first bill and hope they get the rates right! Keeping my fingers crossed!

Quote:  It is better to wear out than to rust out.  __Cumberland

Monday, September 2, 2013

That was fun . . .

Haven't been to an agricultural fair in years and years! Youngest child, who is visiting for 12 days, and I went to the Woodstock Fair today. It was, misty, rainy, hot, humid and sunny too! I'd forgotten how much agriculture takes place in Connecticut. The best part was watching the children showing their animals. Some of the kids were only six years old and they smiled and maneuvered their cattle like pros. There was too much food to pick from so we stopped at the Vanilla Bean on the way home. I do believe that I shall bring Kiddo to the Fair next year. There is certainly a lot to see and for him to do!

Sunday of Labor Day Horseshoe/Cribbage Tournament went off without a hitch yesterday. With 38 people coming to sit, eat, play, run around and chat we had an excellent day. The weather almost cooperated! Thunderstorms in the morning and overcast and very humid in the afternoon allowed us to party until about 6:30. I'm always amazed by how much fun it is to have our brothers and sisters along with their families over for the afternoon. This was our 11th party and although we have lost five of our regulars to Heaven and not all the kids of the kids can make it every year it's such an important part of our summer. I'm always afraid that people may outgrow it but it doesn't seem so. That's a good thing because we love doing it.

We had a good drive to Boston's Logan Airport Saturday to pick up our youngest. Of course I can say good drive because I wasn't driving! The only hang up was a twenty minute jam trying to get through the I90 toll booth. That's a real stinker. At least you don't get caught in that on the way out!

Quote:  No man is happy without a delusion of some kind. __Delusions are as necessary to our happiness as realities.   __Bovee

Sunday, August 25, 2013

100 years old . . .

Not a very good picture of John because it was copied from the black and white flyer the club put out for the party.
Best adult birthday party ever! Puppies and Dante's Pop's horse shoe pitching friend from North Kingston, RI is almost 100 years old and so on this beautiful day his horseshoe buddies for many years celebrated his birthday with him and Dottie. John has been pitching for more than 80 years and he pitches very well. This was the first summer league season he missed because he is slowing down and pitching with a hernia just doesn't work. Everyone brought food and most also played horseshoes. Puppies and Dante's Pop missed playing in the league this year because of his commitment to the Yankee Flyers but he will be back to play in Coventry, RI next year. I'm so glad we decided to stop in to see everyone last week where we found out about the party. We've been meeting these players and their wives/girlfriends for over 10 years so it'll be good to get back to Thursdays at the Jogues Club even though some of the faces have changed over the years.

On the way home we got to see a whole lot of antique trucks going back into the heart of Rhode Island from the Truck Show on the border with Connecticut at RICONN. That was a real plus and . . .we also saw a Cessna 170 taking off  and rising up over Route 14A. Just perfect.

Got the house pretty well cleaned up and ready for the Sunday of Labor Day Weekend Party and especially for the visit from our youngest. All set and ready to go! Making me smile a lot!

Quote:  To be happy, we must be true to nature, and carry our age along with us.    ____Hazlitt

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Now, this is funny . . .

Guess I should have cropped the wires!
At our Tuesday ritual, breakfast at Roadside, we bumped into a couple who live close to the Inglesia ni Cristo church that had been a Baptist Church in Moosup. I thought I had seen all of the cars possible on Sunday when I drove by the church. How wrong I was. The church goers were parked at the Little League Park along with five buses! J and W, always thinking about ways to get money for All Hallows, said we should have run a shuttle service from the Little League Park and the far reaches of Dagget and Church Streets! I found that really funny.  They had also noticed the people were dressed to the nines and the cars were all very expensive models. I really must do my homework on this group. It seems that the church has also bought the property to the church's right on Main Street and that their top ecclesiastic was here for this large, formal grand opening. Wow. I guess they over ran the SnakShack in Moosup (near the old railroad bridge that crosses the river.) I do believe it can only bring good things to town although it seems the head honchos don't care to consult with the town fathers in any way! I shall have to manage to get a look inside the church and see what wonders they have wrought. They had almost the entire property covered with air conditioned tents for the guests and the lawn was newly laid sod. Incredible.  Think I shall go take a photo. Hold on.

I'm back and as noted  I took a couple of photos that really don't do the church justice. Now, time to clean out the crate of balls, rackets, bats, et cetera on the sun porch.

Quote:  There are certain things in which mediocrity is not to be endured, such as poetry, music, painting, public speaking.   ___La Bruyere