Sunday, December 22, 2013

60 degrees three days before Christmas . . .

Handsome Carolina Wren
Pretty wild weather when you can go sliding on the snow one day and the next you can go out in a t-shirt and play in the mud! Got an early start this morning. We were at breakfast in Central Village before 7 am. So early in fact that I went to 7:30 Mass. I do like going to Mass but I've got to admit that the organist has got to tone the music down more than a tad. My word, she must be deaf. It hurts my ears and I know that my hearing isn't very good. But it's nice to see the people I've known for years who still go to early Mass. A good hug from a calm, sweet, loving, giving cousine is very comforting. Sometimes you really need that kind of touch especially when you've almost gone off the deep end because you've allowed yourself to get pissy over stupidities. Ah, but life really is good and I must remember it's the only life I've got. No time for nonsense. I'm starting to grow up as I get nearer to the 3/4 century mark. Must enjoy each day as it unfolds and smile at the inane asininities each day may bring or which I may cause! Dommage! C'est la vie! Et cetera. There, done with it.

Got a couple of nice, short videos of Kiddo playing Jolly Old Saint Nicholas and Lightly Row but he hasn't given me permission to show them. I will not put them on line unless he's comfortable with doing it. Hoping one day he'll want to strut his stuff. He has learned about four new songs from the back of his lesson book on his own. He does let me help to figure out the notes he hasn't been taught. I show him what the notes are on the piano and then he works with that knowledge because I know nothing about the alto sax. We have a good time. Will be going to his basketball game this afternoon. He has missed a couple of practices because of snow days and school conflicts. But we're looking forward  to some cheering no matter the outcome!

Quote:  A panic is a sudden desertion of us, and a going over to the enemy of our imagination.   __Bovee  (Already used this quote but I needed to be reminded that I must  remain calm, cool and collected as much as possible.  Good for one's health!)

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