Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Nice invite . . .

Middle child called yesterday and invited me to lunch at the Mohegan Sun. P&D's Pop wanted to stay home and paint while out was out of the house so I was off on my own! Parked in the old UNC parking lot and met Kiddo and his Mom at the bottom of the escalator. We walked right smack through the whole Casino, clear to the opposite end and Margaritaville had a grill problem! So we backtracked and ate at Kiddo's favorite, Bobby's Burger Palace. It was very good and fun to see the kids together having a good time! There was one bad note though. Middle child told me that Kiddo's older brother was going back to work after lunch at McD's on Route 12 the day before yesterday when his friend driving a Chevy Malibu, were stopped to make the left turn to Cardinal Honda and were rear ended by a twenty-five year old lady in an Audi who was texting and hit them without even slowing down. Both kids were brought to the hospital and sent home with Valium and other pain pills for whip lash. Incredibly eye witnesses say she never even put on her brakes. The seat backs in the Malibu broke and her hood was bent up. Hope the kids don't have too many residual problems. Kiddo's brother is twenty years old today. Scary idiots out there still using their damn toys while driving. I'd go after her big time. That is just callous, self-centered, stupidity.

Grampa invited me to go see the last of the Hobbit movies. Must admit I like them. Then we stopped at New York Pizza for lunch. I watched UCONN Men lose in overtime to Temple and I quit watching the Women's game against East Carolina because it was ridiculous. It's not good for the Women to have to play so far below their station.

Well I guess those are the last complaints of 2014. On a plus note I received at least three singing Birthday calls. What a hoot!

Quote:  Where boasting ends, there dignity begins.   ___Young

Monday, December 29, 2014

This experiment may fail . . .

Digging out the best of 2014 bird photos for FB Group
P&D's Pop has just returned from the VA with his latest hearing aids and I am the recipient of another two dozen roses, the first two have finally faded away after two weeks, and . . . the old hearing aids! I'm wearing them now and of course I realize they were not meant for me but thought it would be a good trial to see how they work. So far my only complaint is that every sound is too loud! Gees, I can't even sniffle without hearing myself! The sliding door in the bathroom is like thunder! But . . . on the plus side I can hear much better. I told P&D's Pop that I feel as if I should speak more quietly and he said that would defeat the purpose! So, I'm going to see how long I can keep this experience going without giving up. I asked him where the volume button was and he said that was one of the problems with this set of hearing aids - no volume control, just on or off. He likes his new set because they do have volume control. We'll be going out to late lunch, early dinner at The 99 and I'll see if I can handle the new ears well enough to not be jumping out of my skin!

It's only about 35 degrees this morning but bright and sunny. Not sure if I'll walk outside or in the house. Been very lazy these last couple of days. Finally working on my counted cross stitch project from last year and that feels pretty good. I know it seems odd to say a counted cross stitch project feels good but it does make me feel warm and comfortable as I watch the little tiny stitches become a neat scene on the very small canvas. Get a kick out of it. Sandee may be right; counted cross stitch isn't that difficult it you just plug away at it. I like working with bright colors on the very fine special fabric that is used. If I like this small project she gave me I may look for a bigger project to keep me quiet, thoughtful, comfortable and carefree! It's a soothing project unless it ticks me off when I make a mistake and have to pull out a lot of stitches! 

Time to organize my calendars for 2015 and box up 2014. Life is precious and even with my complaints, life is worth enjoying on God's unpredictable Earth.

Quote:  I saw one excellency within my reach - it was brevity, and I determined to obtain it.   ___Jay

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Beautiful bright warm December day . . .

My seventy-second Bluebird; perfect.
Find it hard to believe that we're at the end of the year and it is a balmy 50 degrees in bright sunshine. Will have to go for my walk after the UCONN women finish beating up on SMU. It is ridiculous that the powers that be have put UCONN basketball in jeopardy with the American Athletic Conference. It is the dunce conference and UCONN basketball does not deserve it; football yes. UCONN football is an oxymoron. I don't understand the politics of college sports but obviously, as usual, Connecticut is a loser. The only thing left that is fairly decent in Connecticut is UCONN basketball and Mother Nature. Dégoûtant.

Oh well, Grampa is at the flying field on this gorgeous day. We brought Kiddo home from his Frication and I'm keeping fingers crossed that we don't end up with his terrible cold. Wow, he's caught a doozy. He was sick before and during Christmas. Seemed a little better today. We had a really nice small clan Christmas dinner. The roast beast was excellent and tonight we will eat the remaining slice along with turnip, mashed potatoes and Caesar salad. Tomorrow I will make soup with the bones I've already cooked up. Really don't want to think about taking the tree down because it is looking so fine. I may give it until 2015!

Quote:  Of nineteen out of twenty things in children, take no special notice; but if, as to the twentieth, you give a direction or command, see that you are obeyed  ___Tryon Edwards

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Over thinking . . . perhaps . . .

It's a good thing blogs don't have to make sense!
Been fuming lately about the murders in New York of two policemen; the demonstrations calling for the deaths of law enforcement officers; the rioting and chaos where many blacks are ruining the lives of other blacks; not understanding why many American blacks who are really mulattos will not accept their mixed ethnicities. Roots are what we all need to grow into the best person we can be. It makes no difference the mixture but what evolves as a person is important. Anyhow this lack of understanding on my part has led me to rethink Facebook. I know, that seems odd. But I can't square the drab, dull, foolish, inane quotes, memes and statuses with people who really give a damn about the welfare of the people of these United States. I include myself in these observations. I realize I'm rambling but it's because I can't get a grip on any logic. Everything seems to defy what seems logical to me. I don't understand why the color of ones skin is some kind of litmus test. The people who think they are helping others by putting up sayings are empty headed. We should be acting properly when we go out. We should be studying the politics and the people we put in office. We should help drum out the fear mongers and rely each person to uphold the just laws of our country. We must throw out the elites who would decide for us what we must be. We should be able to go anywhere in this country and not fear being in the wrong neighborhood.  We should be able to tell the truth.

 In this weird blog of mine tonight I'm trying to find out why liking stuff on FB is important to my life when most of the stuff is trite. Not sure how this fits in with what I've said in the first paragraph but I think that people on social media can't really get to the heart of anything because you have to see people, hear people in person to appreciate and understand what is being said.  Blurbs, tweets, interviews do not give us the truth or the trust we must have if we are to really discuss the evil in our society. I've decided to cut down on the likes in general and stick to family likes! I believe I'll continue to post my birds, flowers and scenery on the two FB groups that I enjoy. I enjoy them because most of the people involved on these sites are really only interested in nature and beauty. I particularly like the international group because the photos are lovely and amazing. And it doesn't make a difference what part of the world you are from. I suppose that makes it quite impersonal but there is something heartening in people who share a love of nature, art and beauty.

So for the time being I shall cut back my perusing FB and trying to be a nice friend to all. There is something missing in this somehow one sided, impersonal, unreal method of communicating. It seems as if we are yelling, laughing, crying, to no purpose. It is not warm and comfortable like when you actually talk to someone or write to them to share some sweet or sober thoughts. It's as if we don't think when we use the new technologies to communicate via social media. There is nothing social about typing ones smallest thoughts for all to see. See, I'm getting grouchy again and I think it's because I want so much to scream at the people of the world to go away. Just go away and be quiet and calm for a while. Think, think some more, think again and for heaven's sake be quiet; be peaceful; be loving; be kind; be generous; be brave; speak the truth; fight to protect what is good and noble; point out what is evil and destroy it. It is confusing. It is hurtful. Is there a god of good and a god of evil? Is man never to improve? How can man be so inhuman, despicable, hateful, perverse?  Is there a better place to be?

Quote:  Philosophy is a bully that talks very loud, when the danger is at a distance; but the moment she is hard pressed by the enemy, she is not to be found at her post, but leaves the brunt of the battle to be borne by her humbler but steadier comrade, religion.   __Colton    ( Really? Neither is doing a very good job or have we given up on philosophy and religion and that is the problem?)

Sunday, December 21, 2014

All kinds of neat goings on . . .

White-throated Sparrow - only seen here in Winter
A little after mid-night on the 18th Baby Carlos was born. He's a beautiful baby boy and joins his cousins Carleigh and Taylor as the apples of their eyes. Whose eyes? Our southern family's eyes. It's pretty darned sweet to have three little ones in the family as Kiddo is already 10 years old. Hope I get a chance to hold Carlito before he gets too big to be held. Such peace, warmth, comfort and pleasure to hold a baby in your arms.

Just a while ago Oneco friends bearing gifts arrived at our door. With the homemade cookies, always the very best in the whole wide world, and dark chocolates from Sanborn's, was a beautiful tray. The  design was counted cross stitch Spring flowers which S. made. It's beautiful and I have leaned it up on the little bookcase by Grampa' chair in the living room. It's just perfect. We'll be joining them for dinner this evening at Twin Oaks. Looking forward to a Black Russian and escargots; whatever else I have will be just dandy as being out with friends is always a great relaxing time.

Kiddo came for his Frication and gave me a concert on his brand new saxophone. He's playing well. Last Friday's chorus and band concert were the best ever. I can only expect them to keep improving. Something to look forward to.

Quote:  Old friends are best.  King James used to call for his old shoes; they were the easiest for his feet.   ____Selden

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Having trouble warming up . . .

Loon caught  a quahog!
Karen and I decided to brave the cold and wind to see if we could see the Snowy Owl at Charlestown Breachway in Rhode Island. We didn't get to see the owl but we did get some shots of loons, ducks and sea gulls. We were out walking along the water's edge for at least an hour and even though we had dressed warmly we were so cold because of the wind. The birds were being buffeted! Some ducks in the channel were trying to swim against the extremely strong tide and couldn't make any headway! They were being pushed backwards so they opened their wings and flapped along with their feet seemingly paddling against the tide. Later we saw some ducks riding out on the tide. They were going like bats out of hell. We spoke with a man who was also taking photos but he said they hadn't see the Snowy Owl in three days. The owl was also seen at Moonstone Beach but a lot of people came out to photograph him and the four wheelers on the beach scared him away. Tarnation! I've never seen an owl in the wild never mind a Snowy. We'll probably try again on our January trek.

Had a good visit with younger sister yesterday. It's nice to be with someone who kinda sorta knows you inside out. We always have a good time, good lunch and great dessert. P&D's Pop got rid of a lot of stuff that's been hanging around this old house for years. He got a few bucks and we didn't have to pay someone to come and take it away! They didn't take the books or records though so I'll have to see about giving them to a church or school yard sale. Amazing how much stuff we've accumulated over the years in addition to what came with the house.

Will pick up Kiddo tomorrow for his Frication. He let us borrow his walkie talkies to see if we like using them to communicate from the kitchen to the basement and they're working fine as long as I remember to turn mine on! Went to his Christmas Concert Tuesday evening with middle child.  Best concert ever.  The band concert was very good and the chorus was pretty impressive.  So glad they have a new music teacher and best of all Kiddo now has at least one man teacher!  That really is great. I'm surprised by how well they did because I've met their teacher and he is a very mild mannered, young, thin, shy young man.  But I think the "young" is the important part.  The kids like him and actually pay attention.  Whoopie!

Quote:  The meaning of song goes deep.  Who is there that, in logical words, can express the effect music has on us?  A kind of inarticulate, unfathomable speech, which leads us to the edge of the infinite, and lets us for moments gaze into that!   ___Carlyle

Sunday, December 14, 2014

No doubt . . . I am prejudiced. . .

In the yard as work is being done on the garage roof.
Went with Kiddo's Mom to his school's Christmas Pageant Friday evening and the Fifth Graders gave  the best performance of the evening even beating out the pre-schoolers! They sang in  parts and played their recorders with nary a missed note and sang on key. Pretty GD good as Mémé Caron would have said. They performed God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen and Dominick The Italian Christmas Donkey.

When we arrived home in Moosup Kiddo had Grampa and me open the Christmas presents he had bought for us at Sacred Heart's Christmas store. That was great. He got me a cover for my iPad 2 and Grampa received some NASCAR cars which Kiddo had to make before we could display them on the roll top desk.  'twas a very good day.

I keep learning new stuff and that's very good. P&D's Pop returned from the VA Audiology Group with a few pages for me to read about living with hearing loss. I knew a lot of it but there are some new facets to the auditory research. We both have to be more careful when speaking and listening to each other.  I'm at that point where I sometimes feel as if I'm misinterpreting the sounds I do hear and that leads to some confusing conversations! I shall endeavor to concentrate on my listening skills and also to try to enunciate clearly when I do speak.

I missed Mass this morning because we had so many people here working on the roof and giving estimates for the junk piles we've put together! Grampa said I should have cooked the Christmas Roast Beast today as we had so many cars and people in the yard: eight vehicles and six people. Poor Grampa has already made two trips to Lowes. Since I've been pooped out just watching the goings on I suggested we go to New York Pizza for sustenance when all is completed. He accepted the idea with alacrity. Since we don't keep any beer or Margaritas in the house it's a good way to relax and have an excuse not to cook! I may go for a walk outside again today as it is clear, bright and in the low forties. I'll wait until Grampa gets back from his latest foray at Lowes. They forgot to give him his veterans' discount last trip so he may have to gripe a bit!

Quote:  As there is much beast and some devil in man, so there is some angel and some God in him. __The beast and devil may be conquered, but in this life never wholly destroyed.     ____Coleridge

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Back to crotchety . . .

Didn't come out perfect but I like this shot.
Can't believe that within two weeks I have gotten bills from two doctors' offices for a few bucks each. So I thought, what the heck just pay them. So I paid the first one only to have the check returned to me and was told they had made a mistake. Then the second one came in, different office, and I thought I don't think I really owe them anything. I called the office and was told they don't do the billing; I would have to call Boston because they have a billing agency that takes care of that. I called Boston and the girl told me. "Oh, it's a mistake, ignore the bill."  Now this is not right. How many people get billed for a few bucks and pay it thinking they owe it? How many companies or doctors ' offices keep the added money?  To top it off I was given a new prescription for toothpaste, yes toothpaste and CVS charged me $19.29. I asked how that could be because the last prescription cost me nothing. They said because one ingredient had changed I had to pay. I paid but called Caremark and told them the sad story of the newest toothpaste prescription. After 45 minutes on the phone the sweet lady told me to go and get my $19.29 refund. Good gravy. I was fit to be tied. It's a good thing Gampa drove me to the pharmacy or I might have run everyone off of the road in my pique.  That's too many minor medical billing problems in a week and a half. I miss the old days when computers were not involved, just humans and no errors were made because of wrong codes by people who don't know what they're doing. I had a similar problem this week with our Wifi. Our computer has been slow as has the iPad and I called Metrocast. The young man told me to unplug the phone and plug it back in and I'd be all set. Did it. Was not all set but I gave them a few days for this unplugging to work. Didn't work. Called again yesterday and a different young man told me that the previous young man was wrong and that he would reset the modem and call me back to see if our speed had improved. I think it's better now. Perhaps I should just unplug from this crazy society we're living in and stick to cash  payments and personal visits to pay bills! You know what? I bet you can't even go to a doctor's office and pay cash!

Did have a good visit with younger sister today and my inherited iPad now has a screen protector and new folio type, magnetic cover. Very nice; very nice indeed! Grampa set it up for me. Went to watch Kiddo's Sacred Heart JV team play St. Patrick's last night and was surprised that St. Pat's has about 15 kids on their JV team to our eight! Their coach put in his weakest platoon for the first quarter and our Kiddos went ahead by about 10 points. Second quarter St. Pat's put in the second platoon and they scored at will and went ahead by a lot. You can figure out how the third and fourth quarters went. We lost 38 to 32 and the kids played their hearts out. Definitely a learning experience. At least St. Patrick's didn't keep their super sized JV platoon in for the whole game! When I saw the varsity teams I almost died. Again St. Pat's had umpteen tall kids, I mean six footers to our much smaller team, number wise and size wise. I don't know what the score ended up being but I can't imagine it was in Sacred Heart's favor. Gotta give our kiddo's A+ for tenacity.

Grampa is on his way to a Yankee Flyers Club meeting. Hope the roads don't ice up. Okay, now that I've gotten all that merdeski out of me I feel better. Thank you blogosphere.

Quote:  He who is firm and resolute in will moulds the world to himself.    ____Goethe

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Song from Mass this morning touched me deeply . . .

Manic Sunday

One of today's photos - untouched.
Started the day at the Roadside and was told that they aren't moving to Canterbury! Holy cow. These guys are more variable then the winds of change. They are bending, wispy willows in a breeze. I feel badly for our friend Trish who was ready to finally have her own place and now these guys aren't selling until they sell. They are pretty flakey but they do have good food, nice servers and good customers.

Liked the singing at the 11 o'clock Mass this morning. They have a great song, " Lord, show us the way; it's been a long and cold December kind of day. . ." I like singing with them and since there aren't many people at this Mass and not too many people sitting next to me I can belt out the songs to my heart's content. That's sweet. I don't carry a tune too well but I do like to sing and they put the words up on a screen I can actually see.

A lot of odds and ends to do this week. Besides the usual, Grampa will be getting the Christmas tree because I'd like Kiddo to help me decorate it Friday. He's always a big help. I finished writing out the Christmas cards today and will mail them tomorrow. I hope my friend Clara can get the Christmas ornaments to me a bit early this year. I ordered them in July but she's had some family upsets and been really busy with at least four extra people living with her for most of the summer and into the Fall so I'm not sure how it will turn out. But I'll make do. She a very nice friend and I don't want to hassle her. I don't think she realizes that I have to mail some of the Eggsquisite decorations to Louisiana and Florida so she sends them on time for our tree which can be a little late for gifts to the little ones.

Took a few photos today but it is so cold that I didn't stay out long. Was going to walk up the street for my exercise except it's so windy and about 32 degrees that I'll settle for working out with the Wii.

Yay! Just got a call from middle child and we're invited for pasta supper.  That means I don't have to make my chili for supper.  Hell's bells though, I'll have to cook it up tomorrow.  Oh well, life is never perfect.

Quote:  I've never had any pity for conceited people, because I think they carry their comfort about with them.   ____George Eliot

Saturday, December 6, 2014

A real uniform . . .

Needed a bit of color on this grey December day.
Went to see Kiddo play in his first JV Basketball game at St. Bernard High. They lost in double overtime 20-18. But his Sacred Heart team really got it together and worked hard in the second half to tie the game and go into the overtime. They were just a bit short. St. Joseph's had already played two games and our kiddos were in their first game so I think they did quite well. Their uniforms are quite professional compared to Groton Rec t-shirts! I restrained myself in yelling instructions on how to play and only clapped and yelled encouragement. Hard work! Grampa had to take me out for lunch at Gus's Pub because I was famished after all the yelling and screaming was done. And . . . the game was actually played at 9 in the morning!

After Kiddo got his Mom's password yesterday he was able to go on line to get new games for my super iPad. He also taught me how to use the camera and a few other useful apps. I may sell my old one now that we're chugging along so well with this one but I'm not sure since I can read on the old one while Kiddo plays on the newbie! He suggested I give him my original iPad but I don't think I will; too many distractions in a kid's life as it is; doesn't need more.

Bumped into the Mains while we were at Gus's. It was nice to speak with them. They are older than we are by about ten years but still hanging in. They asked if the house was still on the market so I explained how we'd probably try again in late Spring but didn't feel very confident about selling. He made me feel quilty because they've always had Carons living here; well, at least since about 1911. They may just get their wish of us staying. I doubt the economy in Connecticut will improve at all for years to come.

Time to exercise before the UCONN women's game.

Quote:  When our hatred is violent, it sinks us even beneath those we hate.  ___LaRochefoucauld

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Mixed bag . . .

Getting used to living in this old house again without worrying about where we're going. Just living in the here and now.  Let the future unfold.
Went to breakfast at Roadside and one of the owners sat with us making sure we'd go to their new place in Canterbury. I told him, in a kidding voice, bien sur, that is was too far. He had a baby conniption fit and then explained the move was related to the landlord in Central Village. It's possible that they don't see eye to eye. She can be a tough old bird. But I like her. It does look like Trish, our favorite waitress, may be taking over the Roadside and making it into her own. She's been wanting to own her own place for a long time so I hope it all works out for her. She'd just have breakfast and lunch.Keeping my fingers crossed. Three months after the guys open their new place at  Dino's in Canterbury they will have the option to buy the entire little mall for 1.2 million. Hopefully all goes well . They will keep the name Dino's for a few months and have not come up with a new name yet. I'm still disappointed but if Trish can get her life's dream of running her own place then I'm all for it.

Grampa had time for early breakfast because he's only going to school for third period for now. The early class is working on a cardboard boat competition and the third period is now working on the solar/electric car competition. The man is in his glory fixing machines at the school and enjoying every bit of the time at PHS. Nifty.

Had to call Metrocast this morning because our computer and Wifi are so slow it's ridiculous. Supposedly they cleared it up by having me unplug the phone for 20 seconds but I'm not sure that did the trick. I'm using the iPad 2 in Kiddo's room because it is still too slow in the kitchen which is where I like to work. Hell's bells. I can't get a break. I really like this iPad. I can work so much faster on it. That's incredible. I can imagine that daughter-in-law is thrilled with the latest edition because I love this second oldest version!

On a different note:  it is now taking me almost an hour to get all of my new exercises done first thing in the morning and, on a good note, it seems to be paying off.  Wow, the therapist has added eight new exercises and even though it takes me a  while to plod through them I feel pretty good afterwards.  So perhaps all of this stretching is going to work well.  On top of that I still have to do my half hour of walking outside or inside.  Cool stuff for sure.

Also, a very good note:  middle child called last night just to talk.  That is so nice. It's wonderful that she now has some time to just relax and call.  Another cool beansies in the book!

Quote:  The busy man is troubled by just one devil; the idle man by a thousand.   ___Spanish Proverb

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Interesting day . . .

Went to see younger sister today instead of tomorrow because we're supposed to have lousy weather. She's got the makings of a cold coming on so we bumped elbows instead of hugs! Leave it to us to figure out a new greeting for sickies! I dragged her along with me to Target in Winsor to try to find a cover for the iPad 2 I inherited from son and his wife but was not impressed with anything there. All of the coverings were supposed to fit 2/3/4 but all had the camera cut out on the side and mine is in the middle. So when I got home P&D's Pop managed to squeeze my old iteration one cover on the newbie and did a few exacto cutouts and I'm off and running. The newbie is great for me because I can type so much faster on it. This is sweet. It came with a cover but I'm accustomed to the screen being protected and it wasn't on the iPad 2. With Grampa's ingenious help it is now and I can still prop it up for typing. Very cool beansies.

I've got to do a lot more playing with this gadget and I may get the hang of it. In any case Kiddo will like the fact that he can download better games. Went out to dinner with Oneco friends last night and it was so calm and restful to be out with such nice people. When we returned to their home before going in for a nightcap we were invited into the nearest garage and there was the Mrs.'s new car - a brand spanking new black Camaro. Wow, what a beautiful, wonderful, comfortable machine. I've never sat in a driver's seat that felt made to order; this seat fits to a T. They are both so pleased with their new vehicle and their grandson's only complaint is that it's a convertible!

Almost time to get the leftovers on the table. Since I always have lunch with kid sister poor Grampa has leftovers when I return from visits to East Granby but I did bring him a treat. Of course I shall have to share the pumpkin maple babycake with him even though I shared a chocolate peanutbutter babycake at lunch! Life is fine.

Quote:  The stoical schemes of supplying our wants by lopping off our desires, is like cutting off our feet when we want shoes.   _______Swift