Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Almost the end of the story . . .

Had a warm and delicious visit with older brother and his wife yesterday. We chatted for a few hours and then I made the trek home to a telephone call from middle child who had a sick Kiddo. So I went to Groton for the evening. On my return there was an email from CVS saying that they received the Toprol script on November 22 and would fill it on December 18. Hmmmm . . . so, the Robo call was a mistake and everything is hunky dory.I couldn't stand not calling CVS to complain. Why I do these things to myself I'll never understand. Now for the rest of the story: that darned doctor's office didn't send CVS back the fax that CVS had sent for the renewal of the Toprol. They only sent a renewal fax. Therefore Robo call didn't know that it was a renewal, thought it was a new script and if it happens again I will get another Robo call to which I must not pay attention. Got that? This is impossible. There is no way to win. The stupidity is embedded in the modern psyche. From now on I shall only do renewals through the mail so I can rail at the postal worker in person. That will probably relieve my obsession to correct all faults I find in any system with which I have contact. Too much redundancy and impersonal relations all to save a dollar that is worthless. The world is too much with us.


The world is too much with us; late and soon,
Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers;
Little we see in Nature that is ours;
We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!
This Sea that bares her bosom to the moon,
The winds that will be howling at all hours,
And are up-gathered now like sleeping flowers,
For this, for everything, we are out of tune;
It moves us not. --Great God! I'd rather be
A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn;
So might I, standing on this pleasant lea,
Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn;
Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea;
Or hear old Triton blow his wreathèd horn. Wordsworth

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How Pavlovian . . .

I am really learning how to respond to robo calls in the proper manner and sequence. Par exemple, take last evening. I received a phone message that CVS Caremark needed me to urgently call extension 3975424 because of a problem with a prescription. Good dooby that I am I called and three robots later I finally yelled at the super robot which kept repeating, " Say yes or no." I said, "Yes" as it dinged. Super Robot,"Missed that. Say yes or no." I said, "Yes" as it dinged. Super Robot, "Missed that. Say yes or no." I said, "Yes" as it dinged. So . . . in my finite wisdom I figured out I had to wait for the asinine ding-dong before I could answer and at this point, screamed, an emphatic, "Yes." Far be it from me to question why you would need to listen for a ding before you can say a simple yes or no. But in the end Super Robo made me understand that Dr. Foley's Office was recalcitrant and did not fax them the refill for Toprol XL and I had to call the doctor immediately and cajole him into correcting his slovenly ways. Again, good dooby that I am I called Dr. Foley's office and, such a beautiful, wonderful, stupendous idea, a real person handles the calls. The prescription had been faxed on November 22, naturellement. I was given the fax number so I could call CVS Caremark and tell Robo that we were getting close to a solution to the vexing prescription problem. But, again in my wisdom I asked for a paper prescription to be mailed to me and then I will forward the prescription by USPS to CVS Caremark. Naturellement, the postal service will most certainly give me grief so I may have to drive to Pittsburgh and demolish the city after I finally get the Toprol XL. You know, this would make for a cutting edge movie.

On a much lighter note I had a wonderful visit with Rosette. It's always such a moving, touching pleasure to be with her. We had my favorite lunch, pepper and egg grinder and then went to an Italian Patisserie for desert where the company was perfect and the pastries were most imperfect but in the grand scheme of life that was just fine. We took a ride around Southwick, MA and Granby, CT to see just how devastating the Halloween Nor'easter had been. I doubt the states will ever pick up all of the fallen trees and imagine they will be left to rot by the roadside.
Nature has a way of humbling human beings.

Quote: Beware the fury of a patient man. __Dryden

Sunday, November 27, 2011

A perfect day. . .

Sunday afternoon, November 27, 2011. Sitting on my mood swing, soaking up the sunshine. Slight breeze agitating the spinner, autumn leaves skittering on the drive, grass, Irish green, sipping Italian Sogno di Sorrento Crema Lemoncello. Climate change, you are magnificent in Southern New England. Bring it on!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Almost forgot . . .

Got a check in the mail for $2.20 from some sort of class action suit. It will buy about a cup of coffee. Wonder what the lawyers got out of this? We ate our leftover turkey and fixings tonight and they were delicious. That was probably the best tasting turkey I have ever made. I shall do it again too. Everyone liked it. Well, almost everyone. The Kiddo had my kid famous burgher and corn chips with grapes and Wheat Ritz on the side! Uconn football beat Rutgers today. That's just a simple fact. I don't really think they're too competitive but the Uconn men's basketball team hung tough and beat Florida State in an overtime battle. They had to work their young butts off but they pulled it out. Good on them. They're really a very young team so I'm hoping they can make it to the big dance in 2012. Fun to watch. Will watch the Uconn women tonight - last night was a terrible bore - hope we see a game tonight!

And Puppy's Pop has gone a fishing . . .

Had thought we might bring the Kiddo back to Oakland Beach yesterday but he spent the day with Mom, Dad and big brother so I did lots of walking up at the Yankee Flyers' Field both yesterday and today. It's good walking with about a third up hill. I can feel it in the poor old legs but it's probably better for me than just walking on our street. I have the UCONN Rutgers football game on and UCONN is wining. But I'll have to change channels soon because the men's basketball game is on at 2 and I want to see if they can recoup from their embarrassing loss to Central Florida yesterday. I really shouldn't be in the house on such a beautiful Fall day but I'll work on my hooked rug as I watch my games. Only about a third more and I will have completed it after eight years of letting it sit! I just may use it on the floor at the kitchen entrance. Will have to put up a photo when it is completed. Then I still have a kit for crewel work. That's been around for a while also. I had bought it for Agnes years ago and neither she nor I ever got very far on it. It's really pretty too. Turkey leftovers for dinner so I can relax and enjoy the day.

Quote: One part of knowledge consists in being ignorant of such things as are not worthy to be known. ___Crates

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving . . .

This year's Thanksgiving Turkey. Photographic proof that it was cooked here though not on Thanksgiving Day!

Expected to pick up the Kiddo today so he could help with the table setting and pie baking but Mom and Dad are taking the day off so he'll be excited about being home with them. We went off to Hog Heaven Hobbies in Sturbridge to get a pilot for Red Molly, Puppy's Pop's latest plane. I always find something interesting at Hog Heaven and I bought a Klutz book for Cat's Cradle. I figure Kiddo and his Mom can figure it out tomorrow and have some fun with it. We used to play it with Pépère Bonnin and our kids played it with MaTante. I still like the old games the best; not sure if Kiddo will want to stop playing Wii to make time for a string Jacob's Ladder! We have to drive by some of the tornado damage in Sturbridge and it is still mind numbing to see the frightful power of Nature. If I had been living there at the time I think that I would be afraid of every stormy day. On the way home we stopped on the Connecticut Massachusetts border to have coffee and a muffin at Cakettes in Thompson. They've only been open for a month. They took over an early 50's type restaurant and have turned it into a Wifi Café à la Starbucks. I hope they can make a go of it. I find it hard to believe that they can attract very many passersby on Route 131 in Thompson, CT. The muffin was delicious; the coffee weak but I'd stop again and just have them doctor my coffee a bit more.

Okay, time to stop lolly gagging and get to work on the pies and setting up the dining area.

Quote: Wouldst thou first pause to thank thy god for every pleasure, for mourning over griefs thou wouldst not find the leisure. __Ruckert

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Already cooking . . .

Can you believe I'm getting a head start on Thanksgiving Dinner? It's a good thing too. I had spoken some time ago with eldest sister-in-law and she had explained how she always cooked up the turkey ahead of time, sliced it up nicely, layered it in gravy and then just had to warm it up on Thanksgiving Day. At the time it didn't really sink in. But as I was thinking about cooking for this year's dinner the idea became extremely appealing. Too bad if the folks coming to dinner don't see a gorgeously browned turkey awaiting them as they walk in the door! This year it will already be ready for serving, beautifully carved and delicious. And yes, it certainly is a very good thing I started today. Since I have plenty of time I decided to follow the recipe instructions to a T. I washed my 18 lb bird, salted the cavity,filled it with celery and onions, ditto the cavity at the neck, covered it with salt, pepper and softened butter, fixed the rack in the roasting pan, oiled the parchment paper that I had placed on the rack, picked up that slippery, fat turkey, placed it breast side down (have to turn it over, breast up, at the half way point) on the parchment paper on the rack and the rack collapsed. Not only did it collapse, an onion came flying out and skimmed along my spotless kitchen floor. I tried to get the rack back into shape along with the bird but after much travail and laughter I took the rack out, popped the slippery bird in the oven breast side up as usual. I'm basting it every 20 minutes and it smells heavenly. Have also cooked up the turnips and sweet potatoes . Will bake pies tomorrow after I pick up the Kiddo. He'll have to help me out getting the house ready since he's staying overnight Wednesday instead of Friday. He'll be a good helper. He does like to do things for me in the kitchen. Thursday I'll only have to set out the hors d'oeuvres, cook and mash the garden Yukon Golds, cook up the broccoli and cauliflower and whatever else needs doing and then we can say "Bless us o Lord and these Thy gifts which we are about to receive from Thy bounty through Christ our Lord. Amen"

Monday, November 21, 2011

Energy audit . . .

Bayou Teche

The two men from Home Energy Solutions just left. For $70 they put in; a whole mess of new bulbs; weather stripped 6 doors; installed 5 door sweeps and caulked around crown molding. They did some kind of pressure test and we are now supposed to have an 18% savings. They said the house wasn't too bad for 200 years old. They said some 50 year old homes were in worse energy shape. Of course our windows are the biggest problem but Puppy's Pop has that under control so we'll see if our oil and electric bills go down. Still it's supposed to be a savings of about $779 a year and with Puppy's Pop's work on the windows we may save about $1100 total. We're going to keep track just to see if it pans out.

Another mild day for November so I think we'll be going off to Brooklyn to fly and walk. I'm finally working on the hooked rug I started in 2003 when I retired. Can't believe that it's been eight years and I haven't completed it. But I do recall that I took longer than forever to complete a knitted afghan so I'll just go along my pokey way. Problem is that the rug really doesn't go with anything we have in the kitchen now! But I'll use it anyway just not sure where. Of course that is based on the premise that I will complete it!

Quote: To think we are able, is almost to be so; to determine on attainment, is frequently attainment itself. __Earnest resolution has often seemed to have about it almost a savor of omnipotence. ___S. Smiles

Saturday, November 19, 2011

So funny . . .

Kiddo is so impressed with Grampa's skills as they are playing Lego Harry Potter on the Wii. He generally makes me quit because I hold him back with my total lack of comprehension and skill. He's been raving to me about how great Grampa is. Not sure how to take his lack of tact! Truly, it is great because they are having a ball and I can just read and mosey around to my heart's content. Yay! Oh, oh. I may have spoken too soon. I just heard Kiddo say, " Grampa, are you concentrating?"

The Honda generator is here and I'm impressed by its small size. Just have to get a hold of Kevin H. for the set up and we'll be all set. Puppy's Pop has already found the updated hose and connection for the propane tank on the old camp stove so we're set for now. Hopefully never have to use these life savers but feel better just knowing we've got something to fall back on when state government screws up again. Government and screw-ups go together like roses and thorns. Poor analogy, sorry.

Got super news from the Gastroenterologist. My CAT scan was just fine. No problems. He thinks that I had food poisoning and explained that it can take a long time for the stomach to get back to normal and there could be some foods that it will never like again. I don't want to linger on this subject but even though no one else got sick from the game we ate he explained why I did. Because I was taking Dexilant, a very powerful acid reducer, my body couldn't sterilize the food I was eating and therefore I got an infection. It's weird because I blamed Dexilant and took myself off of it. I didn't know why I did it. At least I know that I'm pretty much back to normal. I only have to go see him after the holidays if I don't feel well. Cool beansies. So far I'm still not tempted to eat too much or drink wine! Hoping that lack of temptation remains.

How about the photo? Pépère Bonnin would be so happy to see my Shmoom (Shmoos.) He could have used them to darn our socks! The gourds came from the garden. Their color changed from green to black as they dried. I brushed the dried skin off and let them sit in the kitchen window to dry until their seeds loosened and they rattled when shaken. Puppy's Pop painted them white for me and I asked him to turn them into Shmoom. I googled Shmoo; came up with the best site for all stuff, Al Capp. What fun. I ended up reading all about Dogpatch. "If I had my druthers" I'd like to go back to the late 1940's when life was easy because I was young and just took everything in stride; no problems, no deep philosophical quandaries, just getting up with Pépère and sunshine.

Quote: Intelligence - While the world lasts, the sun will gild the mountain-tops before it shines upon the plain. ___Bulwer

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Slow learner . . . but you knew that . . .

I did it again! Kiddo loves a song called Fireflies and I tried to find the lyrics so I could print them out for him. (He has a mic and karaoke player.) Well finding the lyrics was easy but printing them was impossible, at least for me. Since I'm not really accustomed to the newest printer I ended up printing five pages of peripheral nothings before I managed to cancel the printing job! It seems that the copyright is very well protected. I don't even know how to improve my technical skills since I rarely need them. But when I have to do something new on the computer or iPad it takes me forever to figure it out, then I forget what I learned because I don't use it again for a billion years. Very vexing!

A follow up on the call to the Opthamolgist's office: the lady finally called at 4:30 that afternoon to let me know she had just faxed a prescription to CVS. Cool beansies. I am now somewhat on my way to recovery! Now, that is a real plus. Did get some shopping in yesterday getting ready for Thanksgiving. Looking forward to dinner and company although Kiddo put in his order for a hamburger! I am getting to be a softy in my dotage because I will make him one.

Quote: Pride slays thanksgiving, but an humble mind is the soil out of which thanks naturally grow. __A proud man is seldom a grateful man, for he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves. ___H. W. Beecher

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How cool . . .

Very cool . . . Spoke with all three kids yesterday. Youngest is looking into buying a house in Northeastern England, oldest has been picked to be Foreman of the grand jury in East Feliciana Parish and middle child and family are keeping fingers crossed for good tidings at the lounge. It's unusual to speak with all the kids on the same day. Definitely a good day by any standards.

Now today is something else! I have been fighting a stye and it is aggravating me so I dared call the Opthamolgist's office and . . . of course the voice mail box is full and no more messages can be left. So please call back. What a dismal picture. So I called another extension, no person, but was able to leave a message to see if the Doctor will call in a prescription. I'm certainly not counting on hearing back from them any time soon. Perhaps I will get it under control with hot compresses and frequent lid washing with baby shampoo!

While waiting for the oil man to come and clean the furnace I have accomplished a first. It is incredible but I have never actually spray cleaned the kitchen floor. I always keep it swept and mopped but not spray cleaned. It is now sparkling clean with Polycare and will last until Puppy's Pop returns from indoor, clay courts, horseshoe pitching! Ah, c'est la vie, n'est-ce pas. Il ne faut que sourire.

Quote: Beauty commonly produces love, but cleanliness preserves it. __Age itself is not unamiable while it is preserved clean and unsullied __like a piece of metal constantly kept smooth and bright, which we look on with more pleasure than on a new vessel cankered with rust. ___Addison

Monday, November 14, 2011

Short and sweet . . .

We left for Boston after breakfast yesterday and since it was a Sunday we had no traffic worries. The Garmin brought us to the Museum of Science perfectly. It was a beautiful drive along the Charles River; everyone and his uncle was paddling around or running on the shore walk. We decided to buy tickets for A Day In Pompeii. The exhibit was incredible. It is so amazing to see the artifacts that have been dis entombed. Even though I knew the story of Mount Vesuvius' destruction of Herculaneum and Pompeii the story will always tantalize. I would like to visit the sites but the exhibit was an excellent production and I was overwhelmed by the objects of every day life from 79AD. A video reconstruction of August 24, 0079 was just right.

We also spent time in the Blue Wing checking out Making Models, To the Moon, Mathematica and T. Rex before looking in at the lower level to visit Energized! and Machines & Transportation. By this time we were tired physically and mentally. Museums always tire me. I love them but it's generally more than my poor brain can handle in a few hours. So we had a coffee and snack break at the museum before leaving for the Hyatt Place in Medford. We had a beautiful suite but not too well designed! I hate not having a full bathroom behind a closed door! They have the toilet and tub/shower enclosed and the sink in the main bedroom! That is just plain nonsense! Other than that our room was enormous with a wrap around couch, fantabulous TV for NASCAR and kitchenette. Since it was free, provided by Chase Visa, I would never complain to Hyatt Place. We walked to dinner at Salvatore's which was supposed to be excellent and was okay. After a very comfortable night's sleep and hotel breakfast Puppy's Pop thought we'd better go North on 93 even though the most direct route home was South. We could see the horrible traffic from our 6th floor perch and North was moving, South was stopped. Still made it home in 90 minutes by picking up 495 to Worcester off of our Northern route. Clever man.

Expecting the Honda generator this Thursday. Puppy's Pop ordered it on line for $900 and no shipping costs. Good deal. Then we'll have Kevin do whatever wiring we'll need to make it safe.

Quote: Nature is no sentimentalist___does not cosset or pamper us. We must see that the world is rough and surly, and will not mind drowning a man or a woman, but swallows your ships like a grain of dust. The cold, inconsiderate of persons, tingles your blood, benumbs your feet, freezes a man like an apple. The diseases, the elements, fortune, gravity, lightning, respect no persons. __Emerson

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Woe unto me . . .

Will these tribulations never end? Sent a check in the mail to pay the dentist what the insurance didn't pay and it never got there! Called the bank to put a stop payment and they wanted $30 so I said forget that and I wrote out another check and sent it out. I think it made it. Now that should take care of my trials for a long time. Not the case. I sold an audio book on line for $100 and the money was deposited to our checking account. A month later I received an email that the lady in Colorado was still waiting for Drums of Autumn to arrive in the mail. The package was sent by media mail and I had no proof that it had been sent out so I did the only thing I could do and refunded her the money. Now I'm out not only the $100 but the audio book also! Should the book show up she will pay me through Amazon but I'm not holding my breath. I realize she could be scamming me but after communicating with her I feel certain that she really didn't get the book. I decided to complain to the Postmaster General in a form on the USPS website. Of course I never expect to hear from them because they didn't even furnish me with a complaint number or send me a copy of my complaint! I think I'm becoming a first class loser. I trust everyone to do their jobs properly. Gotta stop this trust stuff and make triplicate copies of all I do plus spend extra money to insure all goes right at the USPS. C'est décourageant.

Just went for a brisk walk with Puppy's Pop to see how soon Starkweather Road will open. It was scheduled for October 1, then October 31 and now November 30. I don't believe it will open in 2011.The telephone/electricity poles have not been moved. They are standing on mounds of earth way up above the new road bed which is at best flattened dirt. It seems we will have to wait for CL&P to come and move the poles and wires along with AT&T. Can't even begin to have a rational thought about when that is likely to occur.

Kiddo was so excited about going home early today because he's going on vacation with Mom and Dad. They're on their way to Cape Cod and he was just about jumping out of his skin. It seems that there is an indoor water park where they stay and he is just so hyped up. It'll be good for all and sundry to get away from work even for a couple of days.

Quote: A panic is the stampede of our self-possession. ___Rivarol

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans' Day 11/11/11 . . .

Perry - Friend and Lover - Dad - Grampa - Puppy's Pop - Grand plantlettes' Pop too!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Another catastrophe averted . . .

Thanks to my Veteran we're all set again. Came home late last night from Groton and a rattle showed up on the dashboard of the Elantra which has 2712 miles on the odometer. I was so upset. When I got off 395 and onto Route 14A the sound disappeared. But on Route 12 it popped up again when I was doing about 50mph. Of course I told Puppy's Pop about my misfortune. This morning he checked out the rear view mirror and it was stable and secure. (The mirror on the Saturn used to get loose periodically.) Then he left for a test drive with me reminding him, poor guy, that he had to drive over 50mph to hear the rattle. I was going to call MJSullivan to let them know the car was falling apart but it's a good thing I waited on Puppy's Pop's evaluation. He was able to cure the rattle. He removed the large, brown oak leaf caught under the passenger side windshield wiper. All is well in my little corner of the world.

Quote: I don't like these cold, precise, perfect people, who, in order not to speak wrong, never speak at all, and in order not to do wrong, never do anything. __H. W. Beecher

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What a day at the beach . . .

Not sure anyone could ask for a more perfect day at Oakland Beach in Warwick. It's amazing that we can drive from Kiddo's home on trafficky 95 N then onto old rickety 117 in congested Warwick and end up at such a beautiful stretch of beach, rocky breakwaters and sweet eating at either Iggy's Doughboy or The Top of the Bay. Kiddo collected so many crab shells, a few smooth stones, some sea glass and I hadn't brought a big enough pail! We had to make do with a styrofoam cup from our lunch. Not sure what he enjoyed most, walking on top of the huge rocks, finding shells or being the leader of the pack at the playground! He was in his element. Called Grampa a fraidy cat when he didn't follow us up onto the rocks! What a blast. The sun was bright and hot with nary a cloud in the bright blue sky.

We've already hit 70 degrees today. We'll be leaving soon for the Brooklyn flying field where I will walk as Grampa flies. I may have to change and put on a t-shirt! I don't have to go to Groton today because middle child and husband are taking a day off. That's a good thing. I'm sure the Kiddo will enjoy being with his parents when he gets out of school today. They may try to make Wednesdays their day off from now on. Good on them. Work overload isn't good for a healthy mind, body or family.

Can't end with such a perfect note so I'll add that the Elantra was christened by a damn seagull. Dirty bird!

Quote: A grateful thought toward heaven is of itself a prayer. __Lessing

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Hot Toddy . . .

The photo of the old fridge reminds me of Ma. Ours only had a single door but the refrigeration unit was on top just like this one.

Made my very own hot toddy with Lemoncello di Crema. Boy the time change causing the sun to disappear early has made me cold. I hate being cold but I also hate to push the heat past 70 so I'm in warm slippers, jeans and my 2004 UCONN men's championship sweatshirt. Nice and toasty.We had a great concert last night at the Bradley with Blackstone Valley Bluegrass. I expected a close to sold out crowd but the old theatre was only about half full. The music was wonderful, all acoustic mandolin, guitar, bass, banjo,and resophonic guitar. Of course since there are only four musicians the instruments changed with the songs. Their harmony is fun and it is obvious they love picking and singing. The show ended with the crowd singing with them, no mics for any instrument or voice. Not sure of the actual name of the song but we all knew the chorus, " Will the circle be unbroken . . ." Hope the Bradley hosts more music. They are known for their plays. I think they could start a nice trend if they can get some advertising beyond the immediate area.

Washed the poor Elantra for the first time today. It was filthy and now is looking so shiny and new again. It's starting to pick up some imperfections but I guess that comes with use! As soon as you use something it loses its aura of awesomeness. That must be why we like to buy new stuff. We seem to need new and shiny when plain, ordinary and reliable will do. I guess it's part of the human condition. Even new bright baby souls seem full of warmth, perfection and strength compared to old worn souls that get somewhat rusty, imperfect and overloaded.

Younger sister called and they finally have their power back. They had been without power since last Sunday and got it back Friday. What a blessing. At least the common area in their senior community had gas heat so they could be warm if they chose to stay there during the day or night. It seems that people were able to use the kitchen in the community room to take turns cooking up the food they were going to lose in their apartments and sharing it with all and sundry. It worked out pretty well. Her daughter's home just got the power back today.

Gotta get Puppy's Pop to go to the Boston Museum of Science web site and pick out what he'd like to see next Sunday. We were awarded a free night at Hyatt Place Boston/Medford on our Chase Visa so we'll stay there Sunday night and come home Monday after the morning traffic jams! The hot toddy is taking its toll. I'm off.

Quote: The first draught serveth for health, the second for pleasure, the third for shame, and the fourth for madness. ___Anacharsis (moi __whoo hoo!)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Averted micro-disaster . . .

It was sixty-three degrees in the house when we got up this morning a clear indication that there was something wrong. Puppy's Pop checked out the thermostat and in was blank except for the symbol for batteries. He went down town to buy some because my Panasonic Oral Irrigator uses up AA batteries like crazy and I had forgotten to replenish our supply. We had C's, D's, AAA's and Lithium 3Volt. Go figure. In any case he put the three batteries in correctly and the thermostat was still blank.Thank goodness I had the Honeywell instructions and I even knew where they were! It said to reverse the batteries for a few seconds and then put them back in correctly. Eureka, it worked! Since we were all up early I made a fine breakfast of waffles, scrambled eggs, sausage and hash browns the only problem was that Kiddo is getting sick. He has a sore throat and his stomach is queasy so Grampa and I did have to eat a lot so there would be no waste. Kiddo quit after two little sausages and a few sips of warm water.

He did play out in the sunny but cold and windy playground for an hour after school yesterday but when we got home he was dragging. After his usual Riverview supper I beat him at Cootie and he beat me at Scrabble before we settled in to watch Cars 2. It's all right but no where near as much fun to watch as the original. After playing laser tag with Grampa and reading the Twelve Days of Christmas pop-up book for me he was off to bed. This morning we played Wii Resort and made puzzles before bringing him home. He didn't even use the iPad in the car but went immediately to sleep. Hope he'll be fine for Tuesday because he doesn't have school and we are planning on going to Oakland Beach for the afternoon.

Grampa has found the new Yankee Flyers Field off of Rukstella Road in Brooklyn. He is there now mowing his circle and getting ready to fly. It's quite cold and somewhat windy so I hope all goes well. I just returned from my walk and after speaking to a neighbor found out that another neighbor is an electrician and out of work. Perhaps he can help us choose and set up a generator. Can't trust CL&P or the State to get their jobs done right so we'll be looking into getting something so we'll always be able to have heat and a fridge working!

Quote: Good humor is the clear blue sky of the soul, highly favorable to the discoveries and progress of genius.
It was the saying of an ancient sage that humor was the only test of gravity, and gravity of humor; for a subject that would not bear raillery was suspicious, and a jest that would not bear a serious examination was certainly false to it. ___Shaftesbury

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Just right . . .

What a glorious day it turned out to be! The new shower head came in at The Granite Group (Shetucket Plumbing.) That's a big plus. After stopping to get some money at the ATM we were off to Warwick. Hadn't been to the Mall since the horrid flooding of last Spring but all is fine now. We just needed to go to LensCrafters for some eye glass cleaning solution and special wipes. Even though we are not AAA members the young lady gave us her $13 discount. That was really nice. We then left for The Top Of The Bay and a great lunch. Their $10.95 special included a cup of home made chowder, two clam cakes, entrée, desert and coffee. Everything was delicious. Puppy's Pop had fish and chips but I had the baked scrod with rice pilaf and butternut squash. The rolls were warm out of the oven. I think that we'll have to take the whole family out there to eat when we get together in the coming year. The view of Narragansett Bay is outstanding. You can walk along the waterfront and see both the Jamestown and Newport Bridges. Perhaps we'll bring Kiddo to Oakland Beach next Tuesday since he has no school. He should love the playground which is right next to Iggy's. I'm sure Iggy's has chicken fingers. The Top Of The Bay is just across the road from Iggy's but Kiddo might like Iggy's best. When we returned home I went for my walk which was the ending of a perfect afternoon in November.

Quote: Mystery of waters, never slumbering sea! impassioned orator, with lips sublime, whose waves are arguments to prove a God. ___R. Montgomery