Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sunday surprise . . .

Kiddo told me all about space suits.  He's read National Geographic's Angry Birds in Space!
B 29
I was trying to make the irascible computer do my bidding when I heard a very loud banging at the kitchen door. I scrambled to the door lest our company think we  didn't want to see them. Oneco friends were on the step with a plant which I had previously admired at their home. After breakfast in Jewett City with her Dad they had stopped at their favorite landscaping place and bought me an exotic sun parasol. I hope I can keep it well so we can put it out in the Spring. It is a climber and very beautiful. I'll have to learn how to cut it back but for now it will grace the bench in the living room.  Looking good. It was a short but pleasant visit. Her Dad came in and sat a while on my Vermont Rocker which he really enjoyed. He works with wood so he really appreciated the beauty and complex simplicity of our work of art. I've not met a person who did not like to rock in my special gift. I appreciate its beauty and comfort each day.

The visit to the New England Air Museum Friday went well. Kiddo and Grampa had a chance to fly on the latest simulators: amazingly realistic, weather and all. When we brought Kiddo home yesterday morning he spent the drive flying the iPad  simulator. He's getting pretty good. The weather has been awful for the last few days and today is not an improvement. Guess I'll walk in the house and catch up on my reading and cross stitch. Have given the piano away to younger brother's wife. Once they remove it I'll plan what I want to do in Kiddo's room! Neato!

Quote:  Amiable people, though often subject to imposition in their contact with the world, yet radiate so much of sunshine that they are reflected in all appreciative hearts.    ___Deulzy

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Heaven and Hell . . .

Spent some time yesterday visiting older brother and his wife. That means good food and wonderful warm company. Heaven. When I arrived home Puppy's Pop had a fire going in the very large tamarack that was still sticking up even after the stump grinder man tried to grind it out! The fire is still burning tonight. Pretty amazing to see flames coming from the ground. Perhaps it is the fire from hell! I'm so tired of the political rhetoric I wish I could throw all liars, cheats, idiots, placid nobodies, thoughtless, ignorant politicians and their followers into the flames. Even as they burned the nonsense would be spouting out of their vulgar, yapping, gaping maws. It's disheartening.

But that aside we're looking forward to taking Kiddo to the New England Air Museum tomorrow. He doesn't have school because of the monthly teachers' meetings. It should be a good day. I think he'll like going into the cockpits of the planes and helicopters.

Quote:  A politician --- one that would circumvent God.   ____Shakespeare

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Evening with warm friends . . .

We hadn't been out with our old friends for sometime now. Last evening we made up for it. Chicken Milanese was fantastic, crispy on the outside, tender and in a lemon sauce that was perfect. At their home later in the evening we were able to feast on chocolates and Lemoncello. The best part was being able to hold a porcelain doll her Mom had made. The doll feels so much like a live baby I didn't want to put her down. Her Dad's doll house, a replica of their home is precious.  I really do feel good. Today I gave a second coat of paint to one of the bedroom windows. Looks good. Can't believe how old this old house is. Nothing will ever be perfect but I'm taking my time sprucing it a little by little. Have no idea how far I'll get but that isn't a concern. When I get stuck I just call for Puppy's Pop and he gets me out of the jam.

Quote:  Friendship hath the skill and observation of the best physician, the diligence and vigilance of the best nurse, and the tenderness and patience of the best mother.   ___Clarendon

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Yay . . .

Route 12 Roadside Diner has opened this week right, plumb smack in the middle of Central Village, railroad tracks on one side, laundromat on the other. Absolutely impressed with the breakfast we ate this morning:  homemade breads, red bliss potatoes, homemade biscuits and gravy. We'll have to try them out for supper because they make their own desserts:  grape nut pudding was one that I remember from the dessert board. The place is very clean and the waiter and waitress were all over the place keeping coffee cups filled. Looks to me as if they shall make a spectacular go of it.  Too bad Puppy's Pop and I only go out to breakfast twice a week!

Smells like a Fall Louisiana morning. Glorious day has begun. I think I'll settle down to reading, Mass, a bit of just plain homey stuff and see if I can get an ice cream from Puppy's Pop this afternoon.  Almost miss the Harley! Having a little trouble with the blog because Blogger has finally pushed me into their new format. Damnation.

Quote:  We should often have reason to be ashamed of our most brilliant actions if the world could see the motives from which they spring.   ___La Rochefoucauld

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The gleaner . . .

Yes, 'tis I. Have no idea what possessed me today. Mayhap 'twas the autumnal equinox which dawned drab and dreary but turned out sunny, dry and delightful. After our drive to Groton and getting coffee and a very fresh cranberry nut muffin ( real live cranberries, mind you) at the Bakers' Dozen downtown and . . . completing a half hour of tiring exercises on the Wii I decided to clean the garden. By the end I was on my hands and knees because I couldn't bend anymore! But, I've got to admit the garden looks perfect. It's a good thing it's small this year. Now I've got to call my Master Gardener cousine and find out what we need to put in the soil to get rid of the beetle bugs that attack the cucumber vines when they are at their peek production and cause them to wilt no matter how much I water. Then Puppy's Pop will be able to spread some fertilizer too before tilling the soil and planting winter rye. I don't think I'll put any pumpkins in next year, instead I'll grow Indian Corn or ornamental gourds. Since I've downsized I'll have to be more particular about what I choose to grow. Can't believe I'm already planning for the Spring planting. Definitely a screw loose somewhere. I'm drinking tea too. I guess I'm going through a growth spurt.

Quote:  Haste is not always speed.  We must learn to work and wait.  This is like God, who perfects his works through beautiful gradations.  Moliere

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Family time . . .

Just back home from the funeral parlor. I'm glad that we were able to be with Emma's family for a short time to cry, hug, express our anguish, and laugh as her Mom said," She's resting now but she'll be kicking ass in the next world." I had to give a loud, "Amen." Such a wonderful child who has given to other children so they can live more fully in this life. Emma believed in fairies and we were asked by her Mom to remember this lovely green sprite when ever we needed consolation or smiles. " Will do, Emma."

Sweet Emma . . .

You grace God's heaven. Give our love to all and sundry.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Not feeling right . . .

Odd day yesterday. Visited younger sister. We went out to lunch and ice cream too. S. is looking better than he had the last time I visited but is home bound. We had a beautiful quiet day. I got home and finished up some odds and ends before suppertime. Took a walk around the yard and when I came in Puppy's Pop was on the phone. His younger brother had horrible news for us. Their sister J's grand daughter, 9 years old had died of a brain aneurysm. Can't even imagine how her parents K. B. and 12 year old brother will cope. J. and her husband were in Florida. They got a flight back home last evening. We have no details concerning funeral arrangements. Beautiful, lively, kind, generous Emma was at the Sunday of Labor Day Party. She was having a grand time with kids and adults, gave hugs when she left with her parents and brother. And life flows on, not smoothly, but time just keeps passing. I can find no consolation for her family. They loved her, cared for her, schooled her and she's gone. I must believe that Gram is now in charge of Emma.

Quote: Each departed friend is a magnet that attracts us to the next world. ___Richter

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Perfection . . .

The only perfection I see in this world is in Nature. This week she seems to have reached her apogee: nights in the 40's and days in the 70's, dry and clear. Can't ask for anything more. A few maples are just starting to turn red. The air smells bright and clean. All praise to the creator of this chaotic world and the law of intended consequences.Would that man had been crafted in the same manner.

Ate the best corn bread for snack last evening. Puppy's Pop and I spent time in the kitchen with a super young lady and her friend Rob. They stopped by to pick up a Nikon SLR that youngest asked us to give away. We immediately thought of Mary because she is a wonderful amateur photographer. She brought us her just made, warm cornbread. Believe you me it was close to perfection. He produces the Woonsocket Patch, an online newspaper of sorts and she works as a programmer at Meditech a private company in Massachusetts. They work hard but absolutely have a zest for life that is incomparable. Not sure how they fit all their interesting excursions into long commutes and busy work schedules but they do. It must have to do with being in your late thirties!

Kiddo told me he was going to take five of my pumpkins home with him but at the last moment decided he didn't wish to bring them to Groton. I know he's figuring that if they already have pumpkins his folks won't bring him to the big farm where they can have cider, choose big pumpkins, pick apples and take a horse and buggy ride. So I guess I'll be giving them away which is just fine with me. Not sure if they will survive until Halloween! I picked them early because the crazy bugs were all over them. I still don't use pesticides.

Quote: The sweetest type of heaven is home. __J. G. Holland

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Back in the groove . . .

Yup. Started out at six today, a glorious September morning. Had breakfast, took a second to read the Bulletin, went shopping at Big Y for a few odd bits, took my two mile walk with Puppy's Pop. I'm starting to feel like the energizer bunny. It seems like months since I've felt "normal" whatever connotation you want to give the word. But I'm starting to feel in sync with life once again. Think the doctoring got the best of me for a while but having the youngest one visit for the first time in five years has put the zest back.

Never did mention that the Labor Day Horseshoe Tournament went well. Too much food as usual but that's okay. I won't have to cook so much for a while. It's amazing to see the great nieces and nephews growing up so fast. Will be off soon for Sacred Heart and lunch duty.

Quote: What we know here is very little, but what we are ignorant of is immense. __Laplace

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Déjà vu . . .

Empty nest syndrome? Wow, didn't know it could strike again. Youngest and G. took the T from Attleboro at 1:52 this afternoon.They will stay in Boston for two nights visiting friends from SBRA before leaving for England Friday. Find it hard to believe they're already gone. It was the best visit this old house has seen. Only way it could have been perfect is if oldest and his wife could have been here too. At least daughters got to spend some time together and Kiddo absolutely loves his Aunt and G. Puppy's Pop and I got a chance to go to places we haven't visited in ages: Mystic Seaport, Sturbridge Village. D. and G. went up to Maine while Puppy's Pop and I were in Wrentham where Puppy's Pop won everything possible at the control line Northeast contest. He came home with the Mass Cup. We keep it for a year. Who knows, he may keep it for longer than that. He is that good. What a great show he put on. While the other men were flying I was having a good time keeping track of two Cricket Matches and walking a few miles on Wrentham's Parcourse. There are about a dozen stops along the path where there are different exercises set up to improve cardio fitness. Really neat. Since I've not blogged for a while I will mention that Puppy's Pop's younger brother is finally home from Yale New Haven where he was newly outfitted with brand spanking new wiring and a new pacemaker/ defibrillator. He was in the hospital for two weeks and is now home and on the mend. My older brother is also on the mend having undergone the same surgery as I. Now if we can all just stay out of doctors' offices for a few years I shall be content.

Quote: We need not power or splendor; wide hall or lordly dome; the good, the true, the tender, these form the wealth of home. ___S. J. Hale