Thursday, January 31, 2013

Restaurant review: Roadside Diner serves plenty of bang for your buck

Restaurant review: Roadside Diner serves plenty of bang for your buck

Hey there younger sister!  When the weather gets Springy and you drive down to good old Moosup we'll go to Central Village for lunch!  Yes, yes, yes. Can't wait!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Bonsai Gardenia Numéro 2 has arrived . . .

And for good measure I washed the rocks that came with it in boiling water before I put them in the tray! As you can see it is located near the humidifier and a south facing window. Woot!  Woot!

Thanks to Puppies' Pop . . .

Ma Tante Leonie and Susan, Ma and Little Louise (1952)
Eureka, he has found the perfect blend for the morning coffee here at the old homestead! Puppy's Pop and I have been trying different coffees for years and finally he did it. We buy Green Mountain Coffee's Newman's Own Organics The Second Generation, Dark Roast, French Roast and mix it half and half with Newman's Own Decaf. Such a wonderful, aromatic, tasty cup of java. Yay.  We like it like that!  Broke down late yesterday afternoon and called my APRN's new office in Norwich for a consultation and she's on vacation! So I called the Walk-In in Plainfield and my wonderful PA who had left the practice a few years ago is back and she took me at 5pm. Carolyn checked me out and said that it sounded like I had a glob of junk stuck in one lung. So I'm taking Mucinex. She wrote me out warning signs for pneumonia and said to call her if any of them showed up and she would call in an antibiotic. Hopefully I've gotten through the worst of this mess. I was feeling so blue because I'm just so tired of coughing and no results. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Completed my Paris puzzle and expecting Moosup niece to come and use her iPhone to open up an app so we can see streaming video of Paris! Isn't that a riot? I can't use my iPad because it's too old! How ironic that three years is too old.  Grampa did finally help me on the last day to complete the sucker. Now I miss it - go figure. I think I'm just a mite contrary. Pépère Bonnin used to call me Contrary Mary. Maybe he was on to something  all those years ago!

Will probably go out to a fancy lunch with Puppies' Pop Saturday for our 46th Anniversary even though it will be a day early. The Super Bowl is on the third and I'll go and spend some time with our Kiddo so his folks can rake it in at the bar. Good times for sure!

Expecting my new Bonsai Gardenia today. I shall whisk the box into the living room immediately so it doesn't come in contact with my buggy gardenia. I've already set up a stand for it near the humidifier. In a hurry to see how this one grows. I think that I have the first one under control too. Now that is pretty grand!

Quote:  Hope calculates its schemes for a long and durable life; presses forward to  imaginary points of bliss; and grasps at impossibilities; and consequently very often ensnares men into beggary, ruin, and dishonor.    ____Addison

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The vanquishing of the aphids . . .

Pepere Bonnin with Susan and Little Louise
Baby Susan, Uncle George, Uncle Dolor, Old Mr. Dore the cobbler, Aunt Leonie, Aunt Edith, Uncle Henry, Marilyn, Aunt Annette
I shall overcome the sap sucking buggers. I've finally figured out why my beautiful Bonsai Gardenia was languishing. I thought it needed leaf dusting! As I've religiously moved it from room to room so it can get proper sunlight I noticed it wasn't progressing too much with puffing out the blossoms. I looked carefully and noticed a dust like substance on some of the leaves. Carefully I used a damp cloth to clean them off. Then I noticed on very close inspection via a magnifying glass that the dust seemed to be eggs! And lo and behold some of the damned eggs were running around! After a lot of calling around to qualified plant specialists I've spent time productively q-tipping the affected leaves and blossoms with a dab of watered down rubbing alcohol! My specialist said that gardenias are finicky and I shouldn't use a bought bug spray. I'll find out more when I call the florist! But for now I've attacked the mighty mites and the plant is now basking in sunlight and humidity as it is stationed in the living room near the humidifier.  Who knew? A sister plant will arrive Wednesday and the company insists that it will be bug free.  I'll have to keep them segregated! Hell's bells. I can't wait to see the newbie. I truly love these plants and will try to keep them green and beautifully blossoming ad aeternam! Weighty words but a worthwhile goal. All the Matantes and Mémère's must be laughing at me now.

Went to East Granby Wednesday and younger sister and I tried to play cribbage but we were botching the game up so badly we had to quit playing! Went out for pizza and then brought back cupcakes to her apartment where we shared tea and cake! Good day. Will get back for a visit in a couple of weeks. Also finally played cards with Cousine this week. She sent me some copies of photos she has from when she was a little bitty baby. I shall try to share them in today's blog. My cough is much too slowly letting up a bit. Darned if the Kiddo isn't coming down with another cold. Perhaps school should be banned. I swear that all germs start there and end up here.

Quote:  Indolence and stupidity are first cousins.  __Rivarol

Monday, January 21, 2013

Back in the saddle . . .

Back to WW II, UK
Yesterday's neat'o lunch at the Corner Bistro has been put on hold until our anniversary. Just as we were getting ready to head out we got a telephone call from middle child. She wished Grampa a Happy Birthday and said they were coming at about five pm to take us out for a birthday dinner at Riverview. That was just perfect. Spent the afternoon working on the 1000 piece puzzle of Paris! No, it is far from finished but I'm getting there on my own with very little help from Grampa. I think he has put in two pieces. At least middle child put in a few and Kiddo has been looking at it! Dinner was nice and Kiddo told us how the Groton Heat won their basketball game 34 - 22. He was super excited as he had stolen the ball and was on his way to score but . . . the ref blew the whistle because there was a foul behind him! So he didn't get a chance to follow through.Later he did manage to go in for a basket but missed. Needless to say he would like to play that team again.

Went to play cards with Cousine today, first time since before Christmas. It felt good to be out and about. We changed our Tuesday to Monday because of the snow expected for tomorrow.

Back to some learning that took place yesterday at Riverview. I had a Black Russian and it was the best darned drink ever. I never coughed at all while we were out.  Now I know how to make my own cough syrup. Hip! Hip! Hooray!

Quote:  We cannot always oblige, but we can always speak obligingly.  __Voltaire

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Not seventy . . .

That magnificent man and his flying machine!
Puppies' Pop is starting out this 69th birthday in fine fashion. After a pancake breakfast at the Route 12 Diner he's on his way to fly in either Sterling or Brooklyn, which ever spot has the least snow and wind! I'm staying home and will even miss Mass this morning as I try to corral my cough. So tired of these insidious attacks because I really feel quite well and then I cough and cough and cough and cough. I am glad that it's not the flu. So I'm grateful for small favors. I'll save up my energy for a nice lunch/dinner at the Corner Bistro on Route 101 in RI. If I don't talk I should be able to make it through a nice meal and at least one Black Russian. That way Grampa will have a peaceful birthday meal! Now, that is priceless! May even use our $113 Hyundai debit card as payment!

Quote:  Good nature and evenness of temper, will give you an easy companion for life; virtue and good sense an agreeable friend; love and constancy a good wife or husband.   ___Spectator

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Such a silly old goose am I . . .

Strange to say that this day has gone well when we were at funeral services for younger sister's husband. The day was clear, bright and beautiful. S. had just turned 73 when his body gave out. The services at Church of the Holy Spirit were  perfect; fitting and comforting. The internment service at West Meadow Cemetery was just right. He will rest not too far from his mother in a very well kept cemetery. We went to the American Legion Hall for a delicious luncheon. It was good to be with my brothers, their wives and our sweet, determined sister. I'm sure life will be different but she has the enthusiasm to keep up with her grand kids, daughter and son-in-law. They will smooth her way as she continues to live, love and enjoy her family and she reaches out to help others. She's a keeper!

Quote:  Man's love is of man's life a part; it is woman's whole existence.____Byron (And Sister Rose at PCA!)

Monday, January 14, 2013

Odd yet very pleasant . . .

We've suffered through a rash of grey days. This morning was not an exception. I'm nursing some kind of dry cough cold that just won't break up so I lessened my exercises and listened to two CDs, A Breath of Snow and Ashes, for two and half hours! Then the sun came out, the sky turned bright blue and the temperature reached 60 degrees. I went out to pick up branches that had fallen across the top of the hill. After an hour the sky was completely covered with clouds once again and the temperature is falling. Glad I went out.  Even got in some swinging on Kiddo's dogwood tree swing as the garage swing has been put away for the winter. Now the wind is up and we're back to grey. Puppies' Pop even threw 33% at horseshoes and went flying too.

Went out for dinner with Oneco friends last night at The Tavern on Main in Chepatchet, RI on Route 44. It's and old stage coach inn that has been turned into a bar and restaurant. Very old. Made me remember The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere.  Here's the link, I think! The food was very good. They even had fresh popovers! You don't see that often at home or in a restaurant. Hearty fare.Didn't stay out late as I'm still dragging and moping! I hate feeling like something the cat dragged in as Ma would say! I'm supposed to see my card playing cousine tomorrow and my younger sister Wednesday but I may have to cancel so I don't carry this crazy cough bug to them. Cousine had the flu over Christmas and I don't want to spread germs to either of them. Our Oneco friends cannot go to visit their parents because the convalescent home has been closed to visitors. Rough going this year.

Quote: Of all virtues, Zeno made choice of silence; for by it, said he, I hear other men's imperfections, and conceal my own.   ___Rule of Life

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Are we so inept ? ? ?

War's destruction.
Good gravy. I've just spent what seems like hours on line trying to get a good rate from Dominion our electricity supplier. Got a letter from them saying our locked in rate was no longer valid so I tried to find them through CL&P on line but that was a farce. Was sent to an energy solutions page for Connecticut which didn't have Dominion listed. Gave up and dug out an old bill to get the phone number for Dominion which is really Levco. Waited while a robot tried to find a real person to answer the phone. Real person told me he agreed that it is a pain in the derrière to have to constantly be checking for new rates. He explained how to lock into a rate with Dominion for almost a year. Also explained that I must reapply a month before the locked in rate is up if I still want to get the best or a better rate. Honest, this is preposterous. It must be some kind of federal regulation to make work for idiots.

Then I had a call from Caremark our mail order prescription center. I was out when they called yesterday and this morning I went on line to make sure the right pills were on their way. But lo and behold a real person called again today. Okay. One prescription was okay to order by the end of 2012 but the other prescription had to be ordered in 2013 which means I am back to the huge co-pays. I knew that was the problem but I'm at the point where as long as the pills get here I don't give a flying fig how they manage it. I did tell the lady on the phone that their online ordering system never gets it right. It informs me what I can order at a given time. I order it. I get an email saying it's too early but they will fill it when the time is correct. Then it is filled immediately and gets to me sooner then they are required to send it. She said she couldn't do anything about on line things except give me a number to call. I told her no thanks. Even if their IT department is run by morons they manage to get the prescriptions to me earlier rather than later although they tell me I'm wrong every time I place an order.

Okay. That's it for today. Started out in a good mood with sticky bun French toast and coffee. Now I'll try to exercise away my frustrations. I despise ignorance, stupidity and the inept.

Quote:  Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon or stars.   __Confucius

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Puppies' Pop had to help . . .

Kiddo put Kingdoms Chess together and beat me twice.  Cool beansies!
Having trouble putting photos on the blog.  Puppies' Pop figured it out.  So I'm going to give it a shot too. Had company this week bringing me a basket of goodies for my birthday and the New Year.  S. G. who is in her first year of retirement stopped in.  She and her husband are building a new house and she had her iPad full of photos.  Wow, what an impressive home.  Can't wait to be able to go have tea in "our" tea room!  She's so funny.  She would like me to take a cruise with her up and around the St. Lawrence and down to Boston this summer but it's really too expensive for me with the other travel plans Grampa and I have.  But it is a great trip idea. Kiddo had a basketball game at 12:30 today but we didn't make it.  Expecting a call so he can tell me how they made out.  Had some bad news this week. Our old friend Lex died.  Poor old puppy was very sick.  He certainly was a sweet tempered dog.  We'll miss him.

Quote:  The soul and spirit that animates and keeps up society is mutual trust.   ___South

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Quelle folie . . .

Boy, I take the cake when it comes to foolishness. The Yamaha keyboard came today after I had spent a nice, relaxing morning with my younger sister who treated me to a Frittata for breakfast at the Harvest in Simsbury. We had a good beginning to the New Year. The weather was very cold but crisp and bright. We drove by the little airport and I was excited to see so many pretty small planes. They looked so neat lined up against the white snow: bright green, red, orange;  beautiful planes. Was home about one and waited impatiently for the keyboard. It arrived around 3 or so and Puppies' Pop helped to unpack it and set it up. It is really neat. Not a looker like a real piano but it sounds so good and the touch is terrific. Didn't have too much time to play with it because Kiddo and his folks stopped in around supper time to pick up a 2003 Kawasaki that one of our Moosup niece's was selling. After the men got the bike we were treated to pizza, chicken tenders for you know who, and grinders. It was a nice little family get together. Of course I let Kiddo play the Yamaha. After everyone left and the dishes were done I sat down and messed with the keyboard. When I say messed I mean messed. I tried all of the voices using first and second level books as old as our kiddos! I also worked with the beginner book included in the package. When I was well pleased with myself I asked Puppies' Pop who was watching TV if he had heard anything. His answer, "Yes." I was dumbfounded because I had had the head set on. So I immediately uncovered the keyboard only to find that although I had worn the headset I had not checked to see if it was plugged in! Oh foolishness, thy name is Me. Not sure I've done anything quite as crazy as that and believe you me I have done some goofy stuff. Oh well, from now on I'll be certain to leave the headset plugged in to the keyboard! My first lesson learned.

Quote:  To do so no more is the truest repentance.  __Luther

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Here's to 2013 . . .

Back to England. This is still in the WW II Museum - Got Puppy's Pop Winston Churchill's Second World War - only 6 huge volumes.  He likes it.  Makes me happy. 
Beginning the new year on a good note. Kiddo is still sleeping at 9:15 this morning and Grampa  is on his way to Brooklyn International for the first flight of the New Year with the radio control plane built many years ago by youngest child. Of course as I  look out at the snow I can see the trees being buffeted by the winds. Hope Grampa can get in a successful flight! Watered my beautiful gardenia for the first time by immersing the pot in two inches of good well water. So far so good. It is beautiful. Spent two hours outside late yesterday afternoon as Kiddo and I made paths on the hill for fantastic sliding. When the sun went down the sledding got super slick and fast. What a great time we had. He brought his own saucer sled so I had to use the old purple plastic one by myself! Great fun. I quit after the first hour because my knee didn't like climbing up the hill so I just straddled the swing on the dogwood and watched Kiddo try to miss the spruce tree near the porch! He's always pushing the envelope. I told him that if he ended up a bloody mess I'd add to the mayhem! He got a smidgen more careful. We watched Return of the Jedi and were in bed by 11pm. He was asleep in two shakes of a lamb's tail ergo: tout de suite! Will go for breakfast with kid sister tomorrow. Looks like the weather will be cold and dry, perfect for the drive. Looking forward to seeing her.

Left my writing for a time. Kiddo got up at 10 and Grampa got back from a successful first flight with skis and witnesses. Grampa's youngest sister and her husband stopped in to hand deliver the 2013 calendar.They have given us calendars for many years. She always chooses the best calendars and I would miss them if they stopped bringing them! We had a wonderful visit. They look and sound spectacular. Laughed a lot, shed some tears and made sure they understand that as long as the garage door is open we're home. Hope they will stop often.

Quote:  Count the day lost, whose slow descending sun views from thine hand no worthy action done.    ___Young