Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Thanks to Puppies' Pop . . .

Ma Tante Leonie and Susan, Ma and Little Louise (1952)
Eureka, he has found the perfect blend for the morning coffee here at the old homestead! Puppy's Pop and I have been trying different coffees for years and finally he did it. We buy Green Mountain Coffee's Newman's Own Organics The Second Generation, Dark Roast, French Roast and mix it half and half with Newman's Own Decaf. Such a wonderful, aromatic, tasty cup of java. Yay.  We like it like that!  Broke down late yesterday afternoon and called my APRN's new office in Norwich for a consultation and she's on vacation! So I called the Walk-In in Plainfield and my wonderful PA who had left the practice a few years ago is back and she took me at 5pm. Carolyn checked me out and said that it sounded like I had a glob of junk stuck in one lung. So I'm taking Mucinex. She wrote me out warning signs for pneumonia and said to call her if any of them showed up and she would call in an antibiotic. Hopefully I've gotten through the worst of this mess. I was feeling so blue because I'm just so tired of coughing and no results. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Completed my Paris puzzle and expecting Moosup niece to come and use her iPhone to open up an app so we can see streaming video of Paris! Isn't that a riot? I can't use my iPad because it's too old! How ironic that three years is too old.  Grampa did finally help me on the last day to complete the sucker. Now I miss it - go figure. I think I'm just a mite contrary. Pépère Bonnin used to call me Contrary Mary. Maybe he was on to something  all those years ago!

Will probably go out to a fancy lunch with Puppies' Pop Saturday for our 46th Anniversary even though it will be a day early. The Super Bowl is on the third and I'll go and spend some time with our Kiddo so his folks can rake it in at the bar. Good times for sure!

Expecting my new Bonsai Gardenia today. I shall whisk the box into the living room immediately so it doesn't come in contact with my buggy gardenia. I've already set up a stand for it near the humidifier. In a hurry to see how this one grows. I think that I have the first one under control too. Now that is pretty grand!

Quote:  Hope calculates its schemes for a long and durable life; presses forward to  imaginary points of bliss; and grasps at impossibilities; and consequently very often ensnares men into beggary, ruin, and dishonor.    ____Addison

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