Boy, I take the cake when it comes to foolishness. The Yamaha keyboard came today after I had spent a nice, relaxing morning with my younger sister who treated me to a Frittata for breakfast at the Harvest in Simsbury. We had a good beginning to the New Year. The weather was very cold but crisp and bright. We drove by the little airport and I was excited to see so many pretty small planes. They looked so neat lined up against the white snow: bright green, red, orange; beautiful planes. Was home about one and waited impatiently for the keyboard. It arrived around 3 or so and Puppies' Pop helped to unpack it and set it up. It is really neat. Not a looker like a real piano but it sounds so good and the touch is terrific. Didn't have too much time to play with it because Kiddo and his folks stopped in around supper time to pick up a 2003 Kawasaki that one of our Moosup niece's was selling. After the men got the bike
we were treated to pizza, chicken tenders for you know who, and grinders. It was a nice little family get together. Of course I let Kiddo play the Yamaha. After everyone left and the dishes were done I sat down and messed with the keyboard. When I say messed I mean messed. I tried all of the voices using first and second level books as old as our kiddos! I also worked with the beginner book included in the package. When I was well pleased with myself I asked Puppies' Pop who was watching TV if he had heard anything. His answer, "Yes." I was dumbfounded because I had had the head set on. So I immediately uncovered the keyboard only to find that although I had worn the headset I had not checked to see if it was plugged in! Oh foolishness, thy name is Me. Not sure I've done anything quite as crazy as that and believe you me I have done some goofy stuff. Oh well, from now on I'll be certain to leave the headset plugged in to the keyboard! My first lesson learned.
Quote: To do so no more is the truest repentance. __Luther
It is a laughing matter for sure!
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