Went out for dinner with Oneco friends last night at The Tavern on Main in Chepatchet, RI on Route 44. It's and old stage coach inn that has been turned into a bar and restaurant. Very old. Made me remember The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere. Here's the link, I think! http://www.tavernonmainri.com/aboutus.htm The food was very good. They even had fresh popovers! You don't see that often at home or in a restaurant. Hearty fare.Didn't stay out late as I'm still dragging and moping! I hate feeling like something the cat dragged in as Ma would say! I'm supposed to see my card playing cousine tomorrow and my younger sister Wednesday but I may have to cancel so I don't carry this crazy cough bug to them. Cousine had the flu over Christmas and I don't want to spread germs to either of them. Our Oneco friends cannot go to visit their parents because the convalescent home has been closed to visitors. Rough going this year.
Quote: Of all virtues, Zeno made choice of silence; for by it, said he, I hear other men's imperfections, and conceal my own. ___Rule of Life
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