Sunday, February 28, 2021

Just a little from Les Miserables . . .

 I am listening to the original French version of Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. I have found this free English translation in Gutenberg Press so I can pass on this passage to all and sundry. I believe it is devastating that man is still killing man to ensure his liberty yet not all people will consent to be free and live as free people. 

“Citizens,” said Enjolras, “what that man did is frightful, what I have done is horrible. He killed, therefore I killed him. I had to do it, because insurrection must have its discipline. Assassination is even more of a crime here than elsewhere; we are under the eyes of the Revolution, we are the priests of the Republic, we are the victims of duty, and must not be possible to slander our combat. I have, therefore, tried that man, and condemned him to death. As for myself, constrained as I am to do what I have done, and yet abhorring it, I have judged myself also, and you shall soon see to what I have condemned myself.”

Those who listened to him shuddered.

“We will share thy fate,” cried Combeferre.

“So be it,” replied Enjolras. “One word more. In executing this man, I have obeyed necessity; but necessity is a monster of the old world, necessity’s name is Fatality. Now, the law of progress is, that monsters shall disappear before the angels, and that Fatality shall vanish before Fraternity. It is a bad moment to pronounce the word love. No matter, I do pronounce it. And I glorify it. Love, the future is thine. Death, I make use of thee, but I hate thee. Citizens, in the future there will be neither darkness nor thunderbolts; neither ferocious ignorance, nor bloody retaliation. As there will be no more Satan, there will be no more Michael. In the future no one will kill any one else, the earth will beam with radiance, the human race will love. The day will come, citizens, when all will be concord, harmony, light, joy and life; it will come, and it is in order that it may come that we are about to die.” 

Man has never learned from the past and I don't believe he is capable of living in concord and harmony. The English translation misses the strength, beauty, truth and vigor of Victor Hugo's prose/poetry. But it is the best I can do. I do not like to read books in translation but of course I do because I can read English and French.  It seems to me that a book in translation is a very different book indeed. It must be a most difficult task to render someone else's thoughts into another language; it is impossible to do them justice.  I did try to translate Antoine de St. Exupery's Le Petit Prince into English as I hated the translations I've given to friends and family but I couldn't do it justice although I tried so hard to get it right it just wouldn't translate! I do recall taking French Lit in college and working with microfiche to translate literature from the middle ages into modern French. It was very difficult and wonderful to be able to read the works and understand them. But the translations were never poetic - never moved my soul as the original works did. I loved Tristan et Iseult in its beauty and power but translations fall flat - especially my own!

Quote:  Fully to understand a grand and beautiful thought requires, perhaps, as much time as to conceive it.   _____Joubert

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Lots of Saturday cleaning . . . beautiful sunset . . . Snow Moon . . .

Last night

Ended up quite well for a grey, rather damp day. Plus both the MEN and WOMEN HUSKIES won today. We're on our way! The MEN beat  Marquette and the WOMEN beat Butler.

Quote:  He who has a firm will molds the world to himself.    ____Goethe

Friday, February 26, 2021

Rose-breasted Grosbeak and a little drop of Shakespeare that we had to memorize at Putnam Catholic Academy . . .

 Quote:  The quality of mercy is not strained; it droppeth, as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath; it is twice blessed; it blesseth him that gives and him that takes: 'tis mightiest in the mightiest: it becomes the throned monarch better than his crown.  Mercy is an attribute to God himself; and earthly power doth then show likest God's, when mercy seasons justice. Consider this --that, in the course of justice, none of us should see salvation: we do pray for mercy, and that same prayer doth teach us all to render the deeds of mercy. ________Shakespeare

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Cloudy, foggy, muggy, warm day plus a rudeness unparalleled . . .

Yay! Last evening I finally got a picture of a bird on the new birdbath.

Foggy day at My Old Man River - Northern Mocking Bird

Puppy's Pop on the edge of the Big Muddy

Normally we can see right across the Mississippi.

We also made it to South Park. Puppy's Pop is on the left in the background. Mom and son are having a blast racing around.

Probably the rudest person I have seen in action. We went to  St. Francisville for breakfast. With all of the Covid rules in place it is difficult to find a place to sit in our favorite, very small cafe. There was one small table we could have sat at but it had a cell phone on it so we figured that someone must be coming right back from the bathroom to reclaim their table; there was no other table available.  The barista caught my eye as we entered  and he immediately started to make my coffee-mocha freezy thing but I explained we didn't yet have a place to sit. He pointed to the small table we had passed but I told him there was someone's phone on it. He went to the table, picked up the phone and gave it to a pain in the butt lady who was seated at a table for 5 with only one other lady sitting across from her. She was not happy to get her phone back. It seems she was either saving a table for more friends or she didn't want anyone to sit across from her! The table was at a very safe distance from her much larger table. She was a blousy, middle-aged hag with poofy dyed hair, a pain in the derriere as she kept the poor waitress busy refilling something or other all the time we were there - probably a regular!

But the day was still wonderful as we descended to My Mississippi in the very heavy fog. After a short photo taking session we came home and changed to hot weather clothes before we headed for South Park.

 Quote:  Whenever nature leaves a hole in a persons mind, she generally plasters it over with a thick coat of self-conceit. ___________Longfellow

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

All in a day's work . . . or play . . . as the case may be . . .

Wanted to get a picture of a bird on the new bath but failed utterly!

 Watched a lot of basketball yesterday. Poor LSU Men just couldn't get it together against Georgia. It was a very nondescript game at best but then we watched UCONN Men. They finally got their act together and beat Georgetown, a former Big East foe, by 13 points. It was hard fought but they are working well together. I am very impressed by Coach Hurley and what he has been doing with his team.  The pieces are finally coming together and his players seem to work together quite well.  They are tough.

Finished cleaning up around the miserable and scraggly Crape Myrtles yesterday.  I picked up all the sticks from our previous day's work and Puppy's Pop but them through the wood chipper. I was given the opportunity to run the chipper but I have a real fear of machines that must be fed by hand and chop stuff up to smithereens. I was surprised that the chips just filled a 40lb bag that the black oil sunflower seed came in. Hoping the garbage men come today.  They had to skip last week because of the weather.

Had a good conversation with a neighbor who religiously walks in our neighborhood early in the morning. I had not realized that he is a former history/social studies/ civics teacher. He is originally from New Orleans and moved here after Katrina destroyed his home in 2005. He commiserated with us about the problems we've had recently with the septic system, the hot water etc. 

The sun had been out but it has clouded up so I think I'll just peruse the Advocate.  That won't take long.

Finished a lot of work this afternoon. Went to Our Lady of the Lake in Walker for my First Shot. It went smoothly. I was pretty impressed. My cardiologist told me last week  I had to get it and I must put my name in a number of places. So I did! Yesterday OLOL called and asked me to be there for a 10:40am appointment this morning! I was out and about at 11:15. Puppy's Pop got his First Shot a little over a week ago.

 We came home and snacked before leaving for South Park where Puppy's Pop flew his models and I walked and listened to Les Miserables by Victor Hugo on my iPod. It is an amazing book; I marvel that  Alain Boublil, Jean Marc Natel, and Claude-Michel Schonberg were able to write the musical.There is so much more to the book than what was written for the play. Hugo's book and the Musical are astounding, memorable works of art. On our return from the park we put fertilizer around the 12 crape myrtles and most of the other bushes and trees on the property. Puppy's Pop made four holes with a crow bar and I filled the holes with 13/13/13 fertilizer for each tree or bush. I hope to have flowers this summer! 

I think it's time to call it a day and find something to eat for supper!

 Quote:  God has so made the mind of man that a peculiar deliciousness resides in the fruits of personal industry.   _______Wilberforce

Monday, February 22, 2021

I think I overdid it . . . it's only 80 degrees this afternoon . . .

 It looks like Spring! Took my usual walk this morning; we have Dandelions growing in the neighborhood! Wow! I even saw some daffodils a couple of weeks ago before the deep freeze. Of course the Goldfinches are still hanging around along with the Pine Siskins,Cardinals, Titmice, Carolina Chickadees, Jays, Hawks and Killdeer. But we had a major problem!  My beautiful birdbath broke into myriad pieces because of the ice.  I didn't even think about emptying it and putting it in the storage room so after my constitutional I went to Clegg's to buy a replacement but I couldn't get the nice clear one I had had.  I  settled for a colorful one. Normally I like colorful but not in a birdbath.  This is the second time the ice has ruined my nice plain clear birdbath and I'm not happy with the replacement. I won't be able to see the neat little bird legs as they bathe! Hell's Bells! Oh well I haven't even had time to look and see if anyone one of the hungry beggars used it today. 

After our morning snack I decided to start clipping back the Crape Myrtles. There are 10 of them along part of our fence line and they're really not growing in an acceptable southern manner! The gentleman who owned our home had cut them back too much and they just aren't doing very well. It has been suggested that we have them pulled out and replaced but I just refuse to give up on them! I'm trying to make them bush out and grow just above the height of the fence but I think it is impossible! In any case I feel quite sure that the clipping I did today won't improve their appearance too much! I only hope that they will bloom because I like the colors of the flowers and the birds absolutely love the seeds in the Winter. So I will carry on and hope I haven't cut them back at the wrong time and they won't bloom at all!  Big Kiddo got so disgusted with his that he cut them down.  I really don't plan to do that because they give me a good place to watch the birds. 

We went to Theatre Baton Rouge yesterday for the matinee of The Odd Couple. It was really very well done.  There were only about 50 people max in the audience and although the audience laughed and clapped 50 people don't make enough joyful noise.  The actors put their all into the effort. There was no intermission and all masks were in place. I am impressed that they were able to put on a live show at this point in time. I miss going to the theatre.  

Quote: Time well employed is Satan's deadliest foe; it leaves no opening for the lurking fiend.   _____C. Wilcox

Sunday, February 21, 2021

I was surprised but pleased with the Advocate . . .

Yesterday in the Advocate, Baton Rouge

 The Advocate which I have been reading everyday for 6 years has turned into a very liberal rag but occasionally the newest owners do the right thing. Yesterday was one of them. No matter your political leanings Rush always gave you a conservative and honest perspective. You didn't have to agree but at least you were not stuck with run of the mill  editorials. He spoke with tongue in cheek humor and will certainly be missed.

Here is a link to Cal Thomas' article also from the Advocate.

 Planning to go to see The Odd Couple at Theatre Baton Rouge this afternoon. I am amazed that the theatre has been allowed to have a live production. I believe that they will be at 50% capacity which means about 100 patrons or so. They sent us this notice about what to expect concerning attendance. It is quite thorough.


Thank you for purchasing tickets to Theatre Baton Rouge's performance of "The Odd Couple" !  
We are very excited to be doing a live performance in our theatre again.  However, there is some important information we would like for you to know before the performance.  

Please read this email all the way through. 
We know it is long, but everything in it is important - we promise.

1.  Please come to the theatre 20 minutes before curtain time.

2.  Please do not come to theatre if you are feeling unwell or are displaying symptoms 

     of being ill.

     - If you are displaying symptoms of illness, we ask that you do not come to the theatre.

       The theatre will be happy to exchange your tickets to a future performance of "An Act of 
       God" with no exchange fee if tickets are still available.

3.  You will be required to wear a mask the entire time you are on theatre grounds.

     -  Masks will be worn at all times by patrons and staff while in the building.

     -  A mask will not be provided for you, so please make certain to bring a mask with you.

4.  Your temperature will be checked at the door by an Oschner Nurse or TBR Staff Member 
     using a touchless thermometer.
     -  If your temperature is 99.5 or above, we will ask you to stay in an air conditioned space 
         away  from other patrons and allowed five minutes for your body temperature to cool down.         
        After five minutes we will try again.  If we get the same reading, you will be unable to

        see the performance that day.

     -  If you are asked to go home due to a high temperature, we will reschedule 
        your tickets for another performance date if possible.

5.  Please know your seat assignment.  (Not applicable for General Admission Performances)
    -  For patron safety, no physical tickets will be handed out at the theatre.
    -  If you need to know your seat number, please call the Box Office and we will be happy

       to give you that information.  Box Office hours are Monday - Friday, 10am to 5pm, 

6.  The floors around the theatre will be clearly marked in areas where people may be waiting in line.  

     These indicators will be six feet apart from one another for social distancing.   

     (These  marked areas will include the bar and the restrooms.)

7.  Restroom entry will be monitored by a TBR attendant.
     -  The number of patrons allowed in the bathroom will be limited to avoid crowding.
     -  Hand sanitizer will be used upon entering and leaving the restrooms.

8.  The Bar 
     -  All drinks will be served in disposable cups with lids and straws.
     -  For the safety of our patrons, we are suspending the use of TBR sippy cups.  ALL drinks will be served in disposable cups.

     -  We ask that you pay with a credit card or exact change when paying at the bar.  We

         are unable to make change for large bills at this time.


9.  The theatre will be deep cleaned and disinfected between each performance by a member of our janitorial staff.  
      -  This cleaning process will include the use of HEPA filters and UV lights.

10.  Tickets may not be purchased at the door.  Because we are worried about congestion  and social distancing by the entryway, we will not be selling tickets at the door.

      -  If someone you know wishes to see the performance, they will need to order tickets 

         through the box office or online before the show.
      -  Tickets will be unavailable for purchase one hour before the scheduled beginning of 

          each performance.

11. For the safety of our volunteers and patrons, there will be no "meet and greet" with the cast after the performance.

12.  At the end of the performance, an will come to your row and ask you to exit the auditorium.
      -  Please remain seated until you have been asked to leave.  This way, we hope to avoid 
         crowding at the exits and in the aisles and everyone can safely and socially distantly exit
         the building.
14. In order to ensure patron safety, we will not be using paper programs during "The Odd Couple".  Below is a link to the electronic version of the playbill:

Friday, February 19, 2021

Draft that I almost threw out . . . who knows I may do something with it someday. I'm surprised I was able to get it back!

I'm not sure where this insight comes from but as I was out swinging on the back porch I was musing about how many people I've met don't seem to know how to work - at anything. Whether they are salespeople in the stores or teachers or cleaners or road workers or business men or heaven forbid politicians or utility workers or techies or lawyers or pastors or students everyone seems to be lazy.  It doesn't seem to matter what they get paid; they don't work hard and to the best of their ability. Even if you're making $8 an hour at whatever you are doing you must put in your best effort. That seems to be missing in almost every category of worker I've met or read about in the Advocate. On top of that no one seems to think they are paid enough for what they do. Well even if this may be the case for a lot of workers there is never an excuse not to give your best effort and no matter the job always be trying to learn how to do it more efficiently and well. Even when I was making .50 an hour at my first job umpteen years ago as a waitress I put in lots of effort to do everything right and even better then right. I tried  to improve on cooking and delivering the food and drinks when I had to open the restaurant at 6am alone at 16 years old. I loved being able to do all of the tasks expected of me even when the tips were minuscule. After all when the early morning people arrived for a coffee and a doughnut they would leave me a quarter and my tip was 10 cents.  Think about that - it was a big tip since the doughnut was .05 and the coffee was .10. I would never have considered not working my buttski off just because I was working in an unskilled job. 

Yup, that's what happens when your home is 25 years old . . .

American Goldfinches

The only flowers that have survived. I dragged all of the pots I could unto the porch.

Killdeer in the mud. 

I was so excited that the septic system had  been upgraded properly and rather expensively over the last couple of day. So last evening when I went to take an early shower there was no hot water! Puppy's Pop went up in the attic and our hot water heater was leaking.  I called the Big Kiddo and he left his home to come help out. They managed to drain the water from the tank and then found a new one on line at Home Depot which they installed today. Puppy's Pop picked it up this morning and put down some extra plywood over the cross beams so they could have some maneuvering room. 

The Big Kiddo got here about 9am and he and Puppy's Pop brought the new hot water heater up into the attic and by about 1pm they had it all connected. We have hot water. I am always impressed with how well this wonderful father and son duo get things done. After a bite to eat Big Kiddo was on his way home which is about a 35 mile drive.

Quote:  All wish to possess knowledge, but few, comparatively speaking, are willing to pay the price. ______Juvenal

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Just checking.

Some how I've managed to mess up the last post. Trying to figure out what went wrong. I know it is me! Not sure how to fix it! Blogger has changed so much.

Excellent day when the septic system is working properly ! ! !

It is absolutely unbelieveable how much I missed being able to flush when necessary! Puppy's Pop is a superior man as he managed to keep it as workable as possible until the men were finally able to get here in this extreme cold weather and fix the old system. It took them 2 full days but we now have the latest, fashionable Louisiana system. We went to Big Mike's to celebrate. I had my Muffaletta Pizza and traditional Root Beer Float. Perry had his usual Bud Lights and tried a new sandwich with the best fries in Christendom! Life is good. I've even learned to read the Advocate in 5 minutes flat. What a bunch of poorly written articles and hooey. Quote: A word of kindness is seldom spoken in vain, while witty sayings are as easily lost as the pearls slipping from a broken string. _____G.D. Prentice

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Well, I've come back . . .

Not a good day for refurbishing the septic system!

I can't believe how different the layout is. I guess it serves me right for not paying attention. I will just post a photo today and, bien sur, a quote!

Quote:  Clocks will go as they are set; but man, irregular man, is never constant, never certain.  ____Otway