Friday, February 19, 2021

Draft that I almost threw out . . . who knows I may do something with it someday. I'm surprised I was able to get it back!

I'm not sure where this insight comes from but as I was out swinging on the back porch I was musing about how many people I've met don't seem to know how to work - at anything. Whether they are salespeople in the stores or teachers or cleaners or road workers or business men or heaven forbid politicians or utility workers or techies or lawyers or pastors or students everyone seems to be lazy.  It doesn't seem to matter what they get paid; they don't work hard and to the best of their ability. Even if you're making $8 an hour at whatever you are doing you must put in your best effort. That seems to be missing in almost every category of worker I've met or read about in the Advocate. On top of that no one seems to think they are paid enough for what they do. Well even if this may be the case for a lot of workers there is never an excuse not to give your best effort and no matter the job always be trying to learn how to do it more efficiently and well. Even when I was making .50 an hour at my first job umpteen years ago as a waitress I put in lots of effort to do everything right and even better then right. I tried  to improve on cooking and delivering the food and drinks when I had to open the restaurant at 6am alone at 16 years old. I loved being able to do all of the tasks expected of me even when the tips were minuscule. After all when the early morning people arrived for a coffee and a doughnut they would leave me a quarter and my tip was 10 cents.  Think about that - it was a big tip since the doughnut was .05 and the coffee was .10. I would never have considered not working my buttski off just because I was working in an unskilled job. 

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