Monday, February 22, 2021

I think I overdid it . . . it's only 80 degrees this afternoon . . .

 It looks like Spring! Took my usual walk this morning; we have Dandelions growing in the neighborhood! Wow! I even saw some daffodils a couple of weeks ago before the deep freeze. Of course the Goldfinches are still hanging around along with the Pine Siskins,Cardinals, Titmice, Carolina Chickadees, Jays, Hawks and Killdeer. But we had a major problem!  My beautiful birdbath broke into myriad pieces because of the ice.  I didn't even think about emptying it and putting it in the storage room so after my constitutional I went to Clegg's to buy a replacement but I couldn't get the nice clear one I had had.  I  settled for a colorful one. Normally I like colorful but not in a birdbath.  This is the second time the ice has ruined my nice plain clear birdbath and I'm not happy with the replacement. I won't be able to see the neat little bird legs as they bathe! Hell's Bells! Oh well I haven't even had time to look and see if anyone one of the hungry beggars used it today. 

After our morning snack I decided to start clipping back the Crape Myrtles. There are 10 of them along part of our fence line and they're really not growing in an acceptable southern manner! The gentleman who owned our home had cut them back too much and they just aren't doing very well. It has been suggested that we have them pulled out and replaced but I just refuse to give up on them! I'm trying to make them bush out and grow just above the height of the fence but I think it is impossible! In any case I feel quite sure that the clipping I did today won't improve their appearance too much! I only hope that they will bloom because I like the colors of the flowers and the birds absolutely love the seeds in the Winter. So I will carry on and hope I haven't cut them back at the wrong time and they won't bloom at all!  Big Kiddo got so disgusted with his that he cut them down.  I really don't plan to do that because they give me a good place to watch the birds. 

We went to Theatre Baton Rouge yesterday for the matinee of The Odd Couple. It was really very well done.  There were only about 50 people max in the audience and although the audience laughed and clapped 50 people don't make enough joyful noise.  The actors put their all into the effort. There was no intermission and all masks were in place. I am impressed that they were able to put on a live show at this point in time. I miss going to the theatre.  

Quote: Time well employed is Satan's deadliest foe; it leaves no opening for the lurking fiend.   _____C. Wilcox

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