Tuesday, May 31, 2016

A lot done . . .

My Snowy Egret
Had a pretty busy day: bananas foster brioche for breakfast, money for the week from Central, walked the neighborhood and was almost hit by a Snowy Egret, dusted, vacuumed and dry mopped the kitchen and hall so when P&D's Pop came in to ask me if I'd like to go for a drink I acquiesced. Phew, I was all pooped out. It must have been because I also read the Advocate and watered the flowers!

We went to the Longhorn Steak House in Denham Springs. We had expected to just get a snack and drinks but they have a neat luncheon menu. For $7 P&D's Pop had Caesar Salad, some kind of cheesy  warm chips and chowder. For $8 I had tomato basil soup, raspberry salad dressing on all sorts of nice lettuce, fruit, and nuts plus tender slices of chicken and the same hot cheesy chips. The total with a good sized, excellent Margarita and a tall Bud was $29.95. They also brought out a nice warm bread and butter while we waited for our food. It looks like we've found a good place for afternoon get-a-ways when needed! When we returned P&D's Pop went to The Shed to work on his electric plane and I managed to listen to Français Authentique for about an hour which is really good for my French which is more than rusty. I also managed to play the keyboard and felt good about the practice. At P&D's Pop's suggestion I use a very old pair of glasses to be able to see the music without having to bend over close to the sheets. It's just perfect and I can sit up nice and straight which is good for my posture and also the right position for my fingers on the keys. I hope I stick with this because it's good for my brain and lack of nimbleness in my fingers! They lock up on me once in awhile. That is such an odd feeling but the keyboard makes me use my fingers a lot especially when I do the warm up exercises. Man, am I ever slow! I have picked out about four pieces that I used to play quite well more than 57 years ago! It seems so strange that it can be that long ago. But I feel as if I am accomplishing a little bit. I always liked the piano but I hated to have to play in concerts so the last concert when I was 16 years old and had practiced Solfegietto by Ph. E. Bach I made sure I was terribly ill and couldn't get to PCA to play. The thing is I really did make myself sick. No more worries about that now!

Quote:  Popular opinion is the greatest lie in the world.    ____Carlyle

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Keyboard set up . . .

Not sure what possessed me to set up the Yamaha but it's all ready to go. I tested it and no glitches can be found because of the 1500 mile trip from Connecticut. Now I've got to get myself back to playing. That'll be another story I suppose. I wish I played easily but I don't and so I'll have to struggle but I still like piano and I have all sorts of beginner books as I never got past third grade books! I think the singing of Panis Angelicus before Mass this morning made me miss the music I grew up with. One of the music teachers at Killingly High made a tape of Panis Angelicus for our son when he was in high school so he could practice it and compete for a spot in The All State Choir. I've always loved that piece and he did get a spot! I believe that somewhere I have the tapes from at least a couple of the all state performances in Storrs.

We had an excellent afternoon yesterday with our son and his wife. The smoked brisket and pork butt were fantastic and we brought some home so there'll be a great supper tonight. The bread, cake and coleslaw I made were certainly adequate so we had an excellent lunch. The time just flew by. It was nice sitting on their porch swing, chatting quietly together as the world turned. Life can be soothing when we allow it to happen.

Think I'll see if I can play a little piano. I will start with some really easy stuff.

Quote:  He who has not a good memory should never take upon him the trade of lying.   ___Montaigne

Waxing nostalgic . . .(Bad on me - should have posted this Friday!)

Not sure why, perhaps because it will be the first Memorial Day that I haven't gone to the cemetery with flowers and so I'm thinking about Ma and Pa, Pépé Bonnin, Little Louise, MaTante Rose, Gram and Angie. No matter the years I think of them daily even if only to ask them to continue to watch over our families and friends. Spoke with younger brother and his wife and all is well in their neck of the woods. He told me that the cemetery looks good and there were flowers on Ma, Pa and Louise's plot. I have also spoken with our cousin Susan and it is thanks to her and her younger sister that there are flowers at the cemetery for our family. It is very thoughtful of our cousins to care for the graves. I was concerned about that when we left Connecticut and now I can smile because their graves will not go undecorated.

Spent the morning using my 1980's Oster Kitchen Center which Ma Tante Rose gave me those many years ago. I believe she received it as a gift from a bank when she opened a new account. There was quite a lot of competition back then and she would receive some nice gifts from the two banks she did business with. P&D's Pop helped me to sliver the cabbage for Ma Tante Blanche's coleslaw which we shall bring to Big Kiddo's home tomorrow to go with the brisket he's smoking as I write! I also decided that we needed a Black Coffee Cake and a Sally Lunn bread. It will be a nice quiet get together as daughter-in-law has just had shoulder surgery and will have to baby that shoulder for a while.

Went to South Park early this morning and was surprised at the amount on tree limbs, branches and leaves blown and scattered all over the place. One huge tree had also been toppled by the storm we had last Thursday night. Grampa managed to sleep through it but I was up having a can't-sleep-attack-snack and although I usually like to look out at the rain and lightening I couldn't get myself to open the blinds. The lightening was pretty fearsome and lasted for what seemed like a couple of hours. Not really sure how long it lasted but I finally went to bed and to sleep. The only non damage in the yard the following morning were leaves and small branches from someone else's trees and the watering can on the other side of the porch.

Quote:  Infant - Joy thou bringest, but mixed with trembling; anxious joys, and tend
er fears;  pleasing hopes, and mingled sorrows; smiles of transport dashed with tears.  ____Cottle

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Interesting meeting . . .

Caught this guy sneaking around the neighborhood.
Two legged Great Egret
There were quite a few neighbors at the first Home Owners Association Meeting and a second meeting has already been set for June. We even had one of our Livingston Parish representatives at the meeting. Besides the concern with one gentleman trying to sell his acre of land and house for commercial purposes the quest for city sewer lines also came up. That might be costly but I would certainly go for it. These engineered systems aren't too great. Sewers in ditches isn't very pretty or at times aromatic! There was also concern about having a neighborhood watch which I think is a good idea but the concern about a subdivision sign so people know where you live seems silly to me. I think we were the only ones who didn't put an x in the box to show that was an important concern for us! Everyone agreed that they did not want to have a commercial building at the entrance to the subdivision off of Juban and it is already being looked at by Parish officials or Denham Springs officials. I haven't got this whole Parish/City politics thing figured out yet. We seem to have more elected officials than there are streets in DS. At least we're on the right track and in two years I believe that as long as a majority of the home owners sign off on it we can renew the ordinance that says no property can be sold for commercial purposes in Ashland Plantation.

The idea of a neighborhood watch was interesting to me today because as I walked my usual rounds this morning two young men, one dragging a beer can behind him on a string walked from Juban into the neighborhood. I said hello to them as I always greet people as I walk around and continued my walk. When I turned around in front of the Big House they ended up walking up Ashland Bend in front of me. I guess the tall thin kid got a little shamefaced about dragging the beer can on the road just to make noise because he slung it around his neck. I was bothered a bit because when they walked by the house across from ours where there is a large fifth wheel travel trailer the shorter, dirty blond young man took his phone out of his pocket and I didn't see him raise it to speak on it but it seemed to me he showed an interest in the travel trailer. I decided to lengthen my walk to see where these two kids lived if they were a part of the neighborhood so I kept walking behind them until they turned left on Brown Road. The shorter, blond kid kinda slowed down to let me pass him and did speak a few words about the beautiful day for a walk. Maybe I shouldn't have been suspicious since school is out now and perhaps they were just taking a shortcut home but still I was a bit leary because not too many people walk here except the people who live here. It may have been just an innocent walk through along with the Egret fly through earlier!

Almost time to leave for my Snoball at Deb's inWalker. Hope she's open and not busy! I feel a need for a blackberry or blueberry Snoball!

Quote:  Dissimulation is often humble, often polished, grave, smooth, decorous; but it is rarely gay and jovial, a hearty laugher, or a merry, cordial, boon companion.    _____Bulwer

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

It's going to take me a while to get over this one . . .

The last time my husband mowed the lawn he got stuck twice in the mud and so he had me sit on the tractor/mower and put it in gear while he pulled the mower out of the mud - twice, mind you. We have a truck and we have strong gear to hook to a truck that could pull a tractor/mower out of the mud with me on it besides. Well all went fine for a short bit until husband's back really started to bother him. He never complains so you know that if he's complaining and allowing me to get him a cane so he can get up off of a chair something is truly bad. Just by luck he had an appointment at the VA a few days later but he told them he was already getting better. Of course that night his back was really, really bad so I asked him to call the VA to see if they could help him out. In the meanwhile I went to Home Depot and bought some boards for the bed because he sleeps better on a hard surface. I removed the foam pad I had gotten and I lifted up the mattress so he could slide the boards in. Remember here that my chest is still tender from a bit of surgery. But there was no way I liked seeing him struggling with pain. The VA didn't call back until two days later when they said that on the third day he could go to their pharmacy in Baton Rouge to get some meds that should help ease the pain. I drove him to the VA and he started the meds as soon as we got home. At 3am it happened that both the muscle relaxer and the pain pills were set to be taken at the same time, which he did without food. So all day Sunday he was throwing up. Also keep in mind that we had the puppies here so I worried a bit about them too making sure they were well fed, watered and walked. Monday he was much better and the puppies went home. Last night we walked to a neighborhood get together and said husband still had trouble with his back and couldn't sit well which leads us to today. I had a doctor's appointment and when I got home the neighbor whom I had hired to mow the lawn from now on was at work. The yard looks fantastic and I'm so proud of myself for being a thoughtful, caring wife except - I noticed that the circle was mowed and thought that was nice of the man I hired to mow the circle too. I figured he just wanted the neighborhood to look nice since no one owns the circle but my husband had taken it upon himself to keep it mowed. Well, you guessed it, while I was at my appointment husband decided the mower's tires needed to have air in them because they leak (knowing that he did not have to mow and that I was paying someone to mow he still had to put air in the tires and what the hell once you have air in the tires you might as well mow the circle.) He supposedly got that done before the men hired to mow and trim the yard came. I have never been so pissed off in 50 years of having this husband. How on earth can he think it's okay to hurt his back; scare his wife as she sees him struggle to move around and she does all in her power to not cause him any work at all; sets up the TV in the bedroom because he can't sit quite comfortably yet and then when she gets the time to go to an appointment he bounces around on the mower getting it out of the small shed, bends to put air in the tires and then mows the circle. I give up. I quit. I have never been so beside myself with anger at the sheer asininity of what he did. That's it. I'm still pissed and he will not understand why, I'm certain of that. I may have to scream. (I think I have removed all of the really bad words.)

Monday, May 23, 2016

Saturday night error . . .

Our first crape myrtle in bloom; so glad it's pink. 
Grampa spent a horrible day yesterday; couldn't keep anything down. But today he seems to be doing okay. It seems the combination of muscle relaxer and pain pills taken at 3am into Sunday morning was a very bad idea. The hours to take the two sets of pills happened to coincide at 3am. He hasn't taken anything today except two Advil. The back is very slow at getting better but P&D's Pop is working in The Shed on his first electric plane as I write. It looks good and it's good to see him feeling better. Yesterday was pretty awful. Not used to P&D's Pop sick - don't like it one single bit. Makes me feel terrible too!

Just found out that Terminix is supposed to be making sure we don't get fire ants. The technician came this morning and sprayed and set bait. I told him we've been putting poison on the few little hills we've seen as I didn't realize that we not only had termite control with them but pest control too. You can be sure I'll be hollering if I see another fire ant! He said the poison doesn't get to the queen most of the time which is why they put out bait so the ants will bring back the food to the whole family! He had better be right because I don't like those ants and the fact that we've been putting stuff on them and not calling Terminix! My fault for not reading or understanding the contract. They'll be back in July unless we need them sooner. The man said that the ants travel far and you can never get rid of all of them on your property because they'll come from the neighbor's yard too looking for food.

Got our invitation to the homeowners meeting yesterday evening. It's at 7pm tomorrow in the Big House's Backyard. We may only be able to stave it off for two more years. I think the restriction clause runs out after 25 years. We'll find out tomorrow night. Planning on a quiet day. May go and buy a flag to put out for Memorial Day.

Quote:  To study philosophy is nothing but to prepare one's self to die.   ____Cicero

Saturday, May 21, 2016

This is a first . . . Exactly 60 . . .

Wow, I am impressive. The chocolate chip cookie recipe always says it makes 60 cookies but I have never gotten that many out of a batch; today I did it, exactly 60 and I only had to eat one raw one to accomplish this extraordinary feat. I deserve some ice cream to eat with these warm cookies. I chose to use the convection oven and it worked well. I had tried it with a roast and I didn't like it at all. I suppose if I read the manual I'd be in better shape.

The VA finally got back to P&D's Pop yesterday late afternoon and this morning I brought him to the clinic in Baton Rouge and he picked up a muscle relaxer and some pain pills.  They seem to be helping but he must still walk, sit, stand and lie down very gingerly. The puppies are on perfect behavior. Old Shelbie sleeps all day except for a bathroom break or two and young Daytona watches out of the front door to see what's going on in the neighborhood before deciding she wants to lie out on the back porch in the shade. They were as quiet as mice all night now that we have figured out that Daytona likes to sleep in her bed in the big bathroom! It's funny. When we had to go to the VA she had no problem just getting into her bed and I closed the door but not tightly. All was perfection when we returned.

I've been walking closer to home lately because of the heat and also because Grampa isn't quite up to par. Yesterday the neighbor in the Big House stopped in his red truck to introduce himself as he's been gone for 21 days. It was nice meeting him but I do believe that when he explained that the man on the corner of Juban and Ashland had his property for sale and it is now being offered as a commercial property he was letting us know that that wasn't going to fly. He's already spoken to the town fathers and they didn't realize that there is some sort of ordinance which prohibits this subdivision from having any commercial zone even if it is on Juban. Last night his wife and our neighbor, Lisa, dropped by with the maps and paperwork for the subdivision. It seems they've gone through this before with the same man. So we'll be part of a property owners association and make sure the town fathers get it right. It seems the man who owns the property is from New Orleans and was renting it and the lady committed suicide in the house. Well, whatever the reason I agree that we really don't want that
acre being used as a commercial property. It seems the owner offered to sell it to the man in the Big House for $400,000. He must be nuts. I guess he bought it about five years ago for $125,000 and if I recall correctly the residential acre with house was advertised for $180,000. We'll see what transpires.

Quote:  Pliability and liberality,  when not restrained within due bounds, must ever turn to the ruin of their possessor.   ____Tacitus

Friday, May 20, 2016

A rather wild ride . . .

Add caption
Poor puppies, especially little puppy. We had a whale of a thunderstorm last night and being kept in your crate is not cool, even a little bit. We closed the bedroom doors so we couldn't hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth and I fell asleep. Didn't realize until this morning that I finally slept so well because P&D's Pop took Daytona and let her sleep in her own bed, which had been in the crate, in the large bathroom and closed the door so she couldn't wander. She was as good as gold in her new bathroom cum crate! She had been good the previous night but the storm set up a massive protest! She didn't hold it against me this morning because she wanted to be held as I had my morning coffee. She also found a new place to snooze! I brought out one of Ma Tante Rose's crocheted granny square blankets and folded it up near the cookbook case in the kitchen. She is lying there as I write. Neato!

Grampa never heard back from the VA yesterday which annoys the heck out of me. His back has been awful and they had told him to just give a call if it did not continue to improve. Well giving a call, leaving a message and waiting for a return call is not copacetic. He did figure out that when we arrived here in the new house the movers never left the special boards he had had for the big bed. We had set that up quite a few years ago when he had hurt his back previously, mowing the lawn back then too, I think! Well I went to Home Depot and bought two 1x4x8 lengths of pine and had them cut in half then I held up the mattress while Grampa put the boards in place. Instead of sitting down yesterday, which is not good for that lower back pain, he was able to lie on the bed and I set up Bluegrass on the little TV; worked like a charm. He is somewhat better this morning and put the puppies out for their morning ablutions before I ventured out of bed at 6:30. I also got him a plain black cane to take the pressure off of his back when he stands up from a sitting position and put the screen for the computer high up on the old desk top. We're doing better today but I bugged the hell out of him to call the VA again and leave another message. It is Friday so I'm sure they're very busy before the week end. I almost don't expect them to get back to him but if he needs a muscle relaxer or something more than ibuprofen then I want to be able to drive him to the clinic on Essen to pick up the prescription before they close! At least we seem to have found that resting flat on the bed with the new boards and the foam pad removed has been a big help.

The puppies and Grampa are now comfortably resting while I sip my coffee and appreciate this change of pace life. It feels good to be helpful and I have even set up a puzzle on the island that can be worked on in a standing position! I may have to wait for southern daughter to complete it though!

Quote:  Fear is implanted in us as a preservative from evil; but its duty, like that of other passions, is not to overbear reason, but to assist it. --It should not be suffered to tyrannize in the imagination, to raise phantoms of horror, or to beset life with supernumerary distresses  ____Johnson

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The guests have arrived . . .

I'm surprised.   The photo isn't too bad.
Old dog, Shelby, is chilling in her crate and young dog, Daytona is sitting by the front door looking out on the world. She and I took a tour of the house and she seems okay with it. She decided she didn't want to be in The Shed with P&D's Pop, at least not for now. I fixed up the kitchen area so it's a lot like home for them. Looking forward to a nice time with the puppies.

Yesterday I met the last major Doctor I needed to see here. He checked out the mammogram I had taken a month ago and all is well. I don't have to see him except for my yearly checkup which is super cool. He also gave me the name of a Primary Care Doctor here in Denham Springs so I will no longer have to travel to St. Francisville which is about 50 miles away. Grampa went to the VA Clinic in Baton Rouge today for his yearly check up, blood work etc. He hurt his back mowing the lawn this week and they told him that as long as it's getting better to just keep on babying it. The ground here is very lumpy when it's dry and muddy when it's wet so he was bounced around pretty badly. I called our next door neighbor who has quite a few landscaping crews and we're now on his schedule. I asked him to do the yard work whenever he thought it needed it and I will be billed once a month. I expect to keep him for our regular lawn maintenance because even in Connecticut lawn mowing is not good for older backs! I had always thought we should have someone do the job when we got down here and now I'm pretty convinced of it. Not sure Grampa will agree with me when he feels better but just maybe he won't want to take a chance on hurting himself again. That also messes up the flying. So we'll see how it all works out. He was also told to keep track of his blood pressure; it was  high when he first got to the clinic today but then went back down.  Still it's a good thing that they're checking on everything.

Grampa moved one of the bird feeders to a spot where I can more easily get photos of the birds. Well, two minutes ago he pointed out a hawk sitting on the fence opposite the feeder! I got my untrusty camera out and didn't get a good shot. Darn! Perhaps I shall take a course in how to work with my Panasonic FZ200.

Quote:  Man must be prepared for every event of life, for there is nothing that is durable.   ___Menander

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Warmish but nice . . .

My very own Red-headed Woodpecker
So far I have found that the sun seems to be closer and more direct down here and when you're in the sun it's very, very hot. I'm not speaking of humidity, just the direct rays of the sun beating down on my back. Warm feels so good. It almost lubricates these older bones.

 ( Just spent some FaceTime with my very special Kiddo and I can't stop myself from crying. He was in a musical at school last night, High School Musical 2 and I wasn't there. It's the first time I've ever missed anything he's been in and this was a very important play for him. But middle child sent me two videos of his singing parts and I've watched them quite a few times already. It's not the same as being there but it's still great. He was happy with his performance and I know that counts for a whole lot of satisfaction. He said he felt comfortable enough to smile at his Mom during the play and she smiled back which made him feel so good. I would have loved to see him in person but speaking with him about what a good time he had and all the work he put into his part with the rest of the cast was telling. He is a consummate performer - gets nervous but pulls it all together and is happy with what he accomplished along with his friends and all of the people who supported the cast. I don't usually use the expression, "I'm proud of something or someone" because it is overused and has become trite and meaningless but I am sincerely proud of our young Kiddo. He did a great job by accepting to replace a young man who backed out of the part and he pulled through with flying colors. He was happy they asked him to help out and he enjoyed it.)

Well that was quite an aside.

I received a call yesterday from a ninety year old woman who is greatly involved in Immaculate Conception Parish. She is an Italian Mama and the mother of our realtor. I enjoyed speaking with her as she tries to get me involved in the church goings on! I fended her off somewhat except for what I truly want to do, work in the early childhood learning center, and she said she was going to speak with one of the women who could probably help me out! I think she's almost a classic Jewish Mama! I liked her and agreed to meet her one day for coffee. She goes to the 4pm Mass on Saturdays and I go to the 9am on Sundays so we are not slated to meet unless we get together. Mary said she'd call me to set up a date. I am looking forward to meeting her.

P&D's Pop is at a friend's flying field this morning and then will stop to help Big Kiddo with his step-daughter's car. Seems there is something amiss and father and son love to fix things! So I went for my walk in the neighborhood and Barry, our neighbor who hired The Shed carpenters, Henry and Rich, wanted to show me his new storage building. It's really nice and Henry will finish the electrical stuff while Barry's Dad will complete the finishing wood work. Barry bought his home and property 22 years ago when this subdivision was just going up. In all these years his two daughters, 21 and 16 years old have never seen his trains. He can't wait to get them set up in his new space. I can't believe that he has never shown them to his kids! Barry said that he and his wife have never had place in the house for all of his collections so his kids have never seen a lot of  their things! He is also an artist and has airbrushed t-shirts in a Mall setting, decorated eggs as ornaments, painted duck stamps in competition and has over, I think I heard right, 10,000 comic books stored n his daughters' closets! The man looks like Arlo Guthrie and I believe is a vintage hippie. I like him.  P&D's Pop will have to go see Barry's new place. I asked to be invited over to see the trains when they are set up. He's also setting up an airbrushing station for his 16 year old who has a big artistic streak running through her too! It's marvelous. What neat neighbors we have.

Quote:  What we hope ever to do with ease, we must learn first to do with diligence.    ____Johnson

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Sugar high . . .

Mine on the left
This is the cat's meow.
Odd week in some ways. Monday I had to take a pill that I need every once in a while to fight off the effects of an antibiotic I need every once in a while.  So Monday I was a wild dervish, walking at the park, coming home to wash all the bedding I could possibly find, dusting and vacuuming. Tuesday after an excellent breakfast and walk at the park I returned home and started to throw stuff out of my closet. P&D's Pop came to see what I was up to and didn't seem concerned. That's a good thing! I got rid of so many shirts and some really old clothes that I haven't worn in years. I know that I'll never wear them and I'm not quite sure why I kept them except that I hate to shop and really don't know what I like even after all these years. When I shop for clothes I often buy what's available in the closest stores and when I get home I generally hate what I've bought and only wear it once before going back to my old faithful jeans and t-shirts. Well after dumping the old clothes into an extra large trash bag and throwing it in the trash - I have not seen any Salvation Army bins here - we had to go out to get P&D's Pop some copies of blueprints he had received in an e-mail. It just so happens that Office Depot is right next to Stage! Wonderful! I went to Stage but could only come up with one pair of capris. None of their tops are cotton and I am not comfortable in man made fabrics for blouses and shirts of any kind. So when we returned home I did as I usually do I ordered a few tees from LLBean and a pair of shorts from DYDJ. Yes, they're expensive but they're comfortable and that's what counts.

I received an invitation from a very nice southern friend to accompany her to Arnaudville today. I left the house at 9am and returned around 6:30 this evening. Oh what a great day we had. We ate lunch at The Little Big Cup. It is a exquisite place in the sense that it is perfect for dining but not over the top fancy - just a great dining room plus so much more. I ate a cochon au lait sandwich with fries and it was excellent. Amy had cochon au lait tacos and for dessert she had  bread pudding while I opted for the dark chocolate cake with deeply flavored coffee frosting. We took a few photos in town before driving off to sight see. On the way home to stopped at the Crawfish Boss for Snow Balls, yes they have snow balls on the menu. It is a drive through only restaurant. The line around the building was incredible but moved along rather smoothly. I had no clue what to order but Amy showed me their snow

ball menu on her phone and I figured it out. I had a blackberry snow ball with extra blackberries, ice cream sauce and cheesecake. Okay, gotta tell y'all that I have never tasted fresh fruit that was as delicious as this snow ball. I ate and drank the whole thing with utmost delight - just like a kid. It comes in a large styrofoam cup with a spoon and a straw. I left nary a drop in the cup, which is why I am sitting here at 10pm writing. I wish.  I could do the day justice in words but I can't. Suffice it to say that the company was excellent. Amy sent me home with a very large piece of cake for P&D's Pop which he sampled as soon as I got in the door. I didn't dare eat any more today but tomorrow I shall have some after supper. I know that it is chocolate and praline frosting, I believe. I shall have gained umpteen pounds but I'll work it off by extra walking - maybe!

Quote:  Memory tempers prosperity, mitigates adversity, controls youth, and delights old age.    ____Lactantius

Thursday, May 5, 2016

The weather gods are smiling . . .

Inside a Magnolia blossom
Today is like late September in New England - the windows are open, the breeze is cleaning the house as I sit on the porch and enjoy the comings and goings of  lively birds. I expect at any moment to be pierced in the eye by an irrational hummingbird chasing another hummer through the porch and carport. I believe this is odd weather for this time of year; I've been warned repeatedly about the sweltering heat and beat-you-down-to-a-pulp humidity. I have no idea what we will encounter as Summer hits us next month but at this precise moment in time I rejoice in the glorious weather.

We went to South Park this morning and the man in charge of the Park tracked me down as I walked and P&D's Pop was flying to tell me that he thought of me yesterday. ( I'm the only walker/runner who lugs a camera around.) The young eaglet spent about an hour yesterday afternoon flying over South Park. It must have been a beautiful sight. I appreciate the men who work at the park. They are always very nice as are the regulars who exercise in the park daily.

When we returned home I tried to get some good photos of a Magnolia blossom. The damned earwigs and ants attack them on the tree so I was able to take a low blossom and put it in a vase for my photo shoot. I still haven't got the photo I want but that's because I really don't know what I'm looking for. I suppose I should take a class in photography but I tend to like to do things by the seat of my pants. It's always an adventure when I look at my photos - the ones I really wanted to take because I was so excited about the subject I fumble; the photos I don't put any effort into come out perfect. Oh well, it's still fun to try to capture a splendid moment in time to save for later enjoyment. The honest truth is that a photo makes the ephemeral last and somehow that doesn't seem right. It's best if we have these wonderful memories in our heads, although, admittedly the brain doesn't always know where to store the best stuff! It's hard to dig it out sometimes - probably a function of age.

Had to stop playing with the photos twice when P&D's Pop came to get me so I could help him pull the lawnmower out of the mud. First time I sat on it and put it in reverse while he pulled it from the back using the 5,000 pound tie down strap ( I think that strap came from the Air Force.) The second time he had me go forward as he pulled the mower and me out of the mud. I was afraid he would slip on that yucky brown slop but he got us out. I should use my Black&Decker weedwacker but I'm so relaxed and pleased with this day that I'll just put it off. Heck, I may not get to it until next week.

Quote:  A man without decision can never be said to belong to himself; he is as a wave of the sea, or a feather in the air which every breeze blows about as it listeth.    ______John Foster

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

So disappointed . . .

We went to Albasha Greek & Lebanese Restaurant for my Mother's Day dinner and I left the leftovers on the table. Shitski. There was one Stuffed Grape Leaf, a Stuffed Cabbage Roll, some Chicken Shawarma and the Grecian Sauce for dipping. I am heartbroken. I was looking forward to having that salubrious food for supper tomorrow. Phooey. Oh well it's my own fault, probably enjoyed the great Margarita a little too much.

We spent this past weekend in El Dorādo, Arkansas at a Control Line flying contest. Most of the way there we had spectacular weather and sights: flat rice paddies, cane fields, crawfish farms and pine forests. When we got about an hour from our destination the early afternoon sky turned into the blackest of nights. (P&D's Pop just gave me a glass of Harvey's Bristol Cream to make me less morose because of the loss of my Lebanese left over. We'll see if it helps.) Those black skies started to rumble and roar dumping tubs of rain, excessive thunder and lightening. Grampa managed to drive through that incredibly bad weather and by the time we got to El Dorādo we were able to go and check out the flying field with only a few drops of rain falling. We ate supper in the city, a very clean and neat older city. Bella's is a Delicatessen cum odds and ends cum home made fudge emporium. We had a terrific pizza made with fresh tomatoes, peppers, onions, their own sausage and excellent dough. Then we took a leisurely stroll in the light rain around the city before heading back to the hotel and a good night's sleep.

Saturday started out so windy and rainy that we were certain the contest would be cancelled so we drove about 60 miles South, back into Gibsland, Louisiana to visit the Bonnie and Clyde Ambush Museum. Middle child had told us about it but I didn't believe that there was such a museum. Well, there is! It's rather tacky and not worth a four hour drive just for the museum but it was still very interesting. There are video clips they have put together of many of the people who were involved in the ambush of Bonnie and Clyde. The museum is located in the building where they had bought their last meal, sandwiches to go, which they probably never ate because they were gunned down by 6 law enforcement officers about 4 miles out of town. I did buy middle child a book written by Ted Hinton one of the law officers who took part in the ambush. It's quite an interesting story, macabre, ruthless but none the less historical.

As we headed back to El Dorādo the skies cleared and we got back just in time for the contest. P&D's Pop came in second place in Warbirds. While he was flying I met a lot of the Flyers' wives. They were very kind and that evening we went to the home of a member of the South Arkansas CL Club who hosted the whole gang, at least 16 couples or more. It was an incredible evening for us who tend to be quiet and shy with people. We were welcomed with open arms and made ourselves at home. Mike and Peggy had an old basket swing on their wrap around front porch and I was in heaven while Grampa spent beaucoup time in Mike's workshop.  It is the biggest I've ever seen (remember, I've led a sheltered life!) There were planes and plane parts and other parts and parts for the parts, motorcycle, guns, antique furniture etc. etc. etc. I did make a short video of the workshop because I've never seen anything to equal it.  Mike also builds honest to goodness real planes and owns a hangar at the local airport and also leases another one for his projects. They are salt of the earth people and you would never know they are quite wealthy - their home was built in 1930 and the lady who owned it asked Mike to buy it from her when she was not able to live there anymore because of her age.  She had known Mike all his life as he was her neighbor. At the time Mike and  Peggy didn't have money set aside for a home but she financed it herself and they paid her $250 a week.  I don't know how long they made payments but it is a grand old house which they have remodeled a bit.

Sunday, after all of the flying, we left for home and crossed northern Louisiana then drove down eastern Louisiana before hitting Natchez, MI across the mighty Mississippi River. What a great drive. We passed miles and miles of corn fields before getting to St. Francisville, Louisiana, an hour from home. All in all a spectacular weekend.

Quote:  It were better to have no opinion of God at all then such a one as is unworthy of him; for the one is only unbelief - the other is contempt.   ___Plutarch