The VA finally got back to P&D's Pop yesterday late afternoon and this morning I brought him to the clinic in Baton Rouge and he picked up a muscle relaxer and some pain pills. They seem to be helping but he must still walk, sit, stand and lie down very gingerly. The puppies are on perfect behavior. Old Shelbie sleeps all day except for a bathroom break or two and young Daytona watches out of the front door to see what's going on in the neighborhood before deciding she wants to lie out on the back porch in the shade. They were as quiet as mice all night now that we have figured out that Daytona likes to sleep in her bed in the big bathroom! It's funny. When we had to go to the VA she had no problem just getting into her bed and I closed the door but not tightly. All was perfection when we returned.
I've been walking closer to home lately because of the heat and also because Grampa isn't quite up to par. Yesterday the neighbor in the Big House stopped in his red truck to introduce himself as he's been gone for 21 days. It was nice meeting him but I do believe that when he explained that the man on the corner of Juban and Ashland had his property for sale and it is now being offered as a commercial property he was letting us know that that wasn't going to fly. He's already spoken to the town fathers and they didn't realize that there is some sort of ordinance which prohibits this subdivision from having any commercial zone even if it is on Juban. Last night his wife and our neighbor, Lisa, dropped by with the maps and paperwork for the subdivision. It seems they've gone through this before with the same man. So we'll be part of a property owners association and make sure the town fathers get it right. It seems the man who owns the property is from New Orleans and was renting it and the lady committed suicide in the house. Well, whatever the reason I agree that we really don't want that
acre being used as a commercial property. It seems the owner offered to sell it to the man in the Big House for $400,000. He must be nuts. I guess he bought it about five years ago for $125,000 and if I recall correctly the residential acre with house was advertised for $180,000. We'll see what transpires.
Quote: Pliability and liberality, when not restrained within due bounds, must ever turn to the ruin of their possessor. ____Tacitus
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