Friday, May 20, 2016

A rather wild ride . . .

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Poor puppies, especially little puppy. We had a whale of a thunderstorm last night and being kept in your crate is not cool, even a little bit. We closed the bedroom doors so we couldn't hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth and I fell asleep. Didn't realize until this morning that I finally slept so well because P&D's Pop took Daytona and let her sleep in her own bed, which had been in the crate, in the large bathroom and closed the door so she couldn't wander. She was as good as gold in her new bathroom cum crate! She had been good the previous night but the storm set up a massive protest! She didn't hold it against me this morning because she wanted to be held as I had my morning coffee. She also found a new place to snooze! I brought out one of Ma Tante Rose's crocheted granny square blankets and folded it up near the cookbook case in the kitchen. She is lying there as I write. Neato!

Grampa never heard back from the VA yesterday which annoys the heck out of me. His back has been awful and they had told him to just give a call if it did not continue to improve. Well giving a call, leaving a message and waiting for a return call is not copacetic. He did figure out that when we arrived here in the new house the movers never left the special boards he had had for the big bed. We had set that up quite a few years ago when he had hurt his back previously, mowing the lawn back then too, I think! Well I went to Home Depot and bought two 1x4x8 lengths of pine and had them cut in half then I held up the mattress while Grampa put the boards in place. Instead of sitting down yesterday, which is not good for that lower back pain, he was able to lie on the bed and I set up Bluegrass on the little TV; worked like a charm. He is somewhat better this morning and put the puppies out for their morning ablutions before I ventured out of bed at 6:30. I also got him a plain black cane to take the pressure off of his back when he stands up from a sitting position and put the screen for the computer high up on the old desk top. We're doing better today but I bugged the hell out of him to call the VA again and leave another message. It is Friday so I'm sure they're very busy before the week end. I almost don't expect them to get back to him but if he needs a muscle relaxer or something more than ibuprofen then I want to be able to drive him to the clinic on Essen to pick up the prescription before they close! At least we seem to have found that resting flat on the bed with the new boards and the foam pad removed has been a big help.

The puppies and Grampa are now comfortably resting while I sip my coffee and appreciate this change of pace life. It feels good to be helpful and I have even set up a puzzle on the island that can be worked on in a standing position! I may have to wait for southern daughter to complete it though!

Quote:  Fear is implanted in us as a preservative from evil; but its duty, like that of other passions, is not to overbear reason, but to assist it. --It should not be suffered to tyrannize in the imagination, to raise phantoms of horror, or to beset life with supernumerary distresses  ____Johnson

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