Thursday, October 21, 2021

Phone call made me laugh . . .

 I rarely answer the phone as P&D's Pop is in charge of the phone but he is off on errands this morning and I had to answer the house phone. It was for P&D's Pop but since he wasn't here the man asked me a few questions. He was from the Advocate and wanted to know if my husband would have written a letter to the editor. He had our email address and phone number on the letter that had been submitted on line and he was making certain it was really P&D's Pop's letter. I told Mr. S that I was not privy to what my husband does at all times but if he would read the letter to me I would probably be able to tell if he had written it. So he gave me the gist of the letter which was based on an article in yesterday's paper about making an official graveyard for all governors on the grounds of the state capitol. Well as soon as he mentioned that and the prison at Angola in the same sentence I told him I was quite certain that was definitely my husband's letter. We both cracked up. I imagine it will get published soon. He left me with his name and number in case I was mistaken but we both knew there was no mistake in figuring out who had written the letter. It's so much fun once in a while to find someone with a sense of humor. Of course it would be even better if our knuckle-headed politicians didn't take themselves so seriously and really believe that they should set aside a place of honor in a graveyard at the State Capitol for bloviating, self-serving, criminals at taxpayers' expense. Any righteous former Louisiana governor would be appalled at being offered burial with the the crooks of former times or the crooks in the making! I mean we're talking about governors who have spent time in jail for goodness' sake. Office holders in Louisiana seem to consider it a badge of honor to have at least spent some time in prison. When you follow their antics in the press you realize that what they say and do really does qualify them for space in jail!

Anyhoo - it was fun speaking to someone who seemed to appreciate P&D's Pop's letter. 

I guess it's time to finally get back to doing some baking and normal activities now that my right hand, arm, elbow and shoulder are starting to come into compliance with normalcy. I have cut PT back to twice a week although I still work out on my own four days a week. Onward I shall go until I come as close to normal as possible. What the heck - normal is a state of mind so I've just got to set my mind to what I will accept as right for myself!

Quote:  Indifference never wrote great works, nor thought out striking inventions, nor reared the solemn architecture that awes the soul, nor breathed sublime music, nor painted glorious pictures, nor undertook heroic philanthropies. All these grandeurs are born of enthusiasm, and are done heartily.____Anon  

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Amazing day . . . amazing grace . . .

 I did it. I went to the Early Learning Center and helped out for about two hours with eight four year olds. Oh my gosh! I was in heaven. I didn't do much but it was enough to make me feel happy, bright, smiling and appreciative of the people who allow me to enter their classrooms. I enjoy watching the children with their teacher and I am so happy when I can do any little thing to help make the class run smoothly. The teachers don't need me but it gives me pleasure to just be a part of the lives of these wonderful little people even in a minor way. I felt somewhat tired as I hadn't been to help out in 18 months. Yes, eighteen darned months mainly because of the scourge attacking our families, friends and towns. When I was finally ready to go back I fell and messed up my right shoulder and today I finally made the move. I don't regret it at all; wish I had acted sooner but I'm pretty sure I wasn't ready any sooner than now. I'm still going to PT and working out six days a week at home besides but my right hand, elbow and shoulder are very far from managing mundane tasks well. I will persist until Patrick, my physical therapist, the doctor and I feel that I've gotten the absolute most from the therapy. In any case I now have a smiley place. Everyone should have a place where they can be a part of children in action. It never ceases to be amazing, instructive, heart-breaking, exciting and super.

Was called to supper so I'll be off to eat.

Quote:  The cynic is one who never sees a good quality in a man, and never fails to see a bad one. -He is the human owl, vigilant in darkness and blind to light, mousing for vermin, and never seeing noble game.   ____H. W. Beecher

Monday, October 4, 2021

What the heck . . . I may be back by default . . . Facebook won't open up for either Puppies & Brit Cat's Pop or me . . .

This beautiful evening has presented itself. Excellent! (en francais, bien sur!)

Only cropped - after my early morning walk. Handsome Dad

Practicing for All Hallows' Eve

Very pretty Eastern Blue Bird on the wires this morning enjoying the sunrise.


 So . . . here is a little paragraph or so that I wrote sometime before noon today and tried to put it on my iPhone but it wouldn't download to Facebook. Tough titties!

It doesn't get much better than this. Puppies & Brit Cat's Pop had some business to attend to for our Biggest Big Kiddo and I was on my own. I rarely use CVS coupons but I had $25 off of a $99 spree. I love pretty greeting cards so I bought ten lovelies, still for an unreasonable amount, but I was happy. Then, since I was footloose, I decided I had to say hello at the Early Learning Center. It's been over a year since I last helped out so I was hoping it was okay to stop in. I didn't stay long but it felt so good to be back visiting with all and sundry. When I left I felt determined to follow through on volunteering again hopefully on a Thursday or Friday. Feeling absolutely rambunctious I sped off for Clegg's to buy some beautifully colored mums, a warty, ugly pumpkin (only big enough for me to carry when I have to consider that aggravating right shoulder) and a cute white/yellowish one. I was ecstatic and so damned proud of my myself. I got home super excited. As I was slipping out of the truck, I slip out because my left leg likes to thwart me when I get down from the driver's side, it dawned on me that I didn't have my key to the house. Yup! I haven't needed a key since June 12, 2021 in Dallas, Texas when I fell and ruined that right arm and shoulder. Puppies & Brit Cat's Pop was always home for me so I never even considered that I no longer carried my purse full of junk which included my house key! At least I had my phone and I called him to see if I should drive the 35miles to get the key but I lucked out as he was just finishing up the work he had set out to complete. Yay for me! 

The Big Kiddos' Dad got home at noon and I was able to go in the house to eat a quick bite and shower before going to my thrice weekly two hour PT session. I was really lucky! Anyhoo . . . that's it. I have no idea where this Facebook stuff will end. But that's okay. It can be annoying except that I like to post my birds, flowers and bugs on the special FB sites. I may have to stick to this poor excuse for a blog.

Quote:  Doing nothing with a deal of skill. ______Cowper

Quote:  Heaven, the treasury of everlasting joy. ____Shakespeare