Thursday, October 7, 2021

Amazing day . . . amazing grace . . .

 I did it. I went to the Early Learning Center and helped out for about two hours with eight four year olds. Oh my gosh! I was in heaven. I didn't do much but it was enough to make me feel happy, bright, smiling and appreciative of the people who allow me to enter their classrooms. I enjoy watching the children with their teacher and I am so happy when I can do any little thing to help make the class run smoothly. The teachers don't need me but it gives me pleasure to just be a part of the lives of these wonderful little people even in a minor way. I felt somewhat tired as I hadn't been to help out in 18 months. Yes, eighteen darned months mainly because of the scourge attacking our families, friends and towns. When I was finally ready to go back I fell and messed up my right shoulder and today I finally made the move. I don't regret it at all; wish I had acted sooner but I'm pretty sure I wasn't ready any sooner than now. I'm still going to PT and working out six days a week at home besides but my right hand, elbow and shoulder are very far from managing mundane tasks well. I will persist until Patrick, my physical therapist, the doctor and I feel that I've gotten the absolute most from the therapy. In any case I now have a smiley place. Everyone should have a place where they can be a part of children in action. It never ceases to be amazing, instructive, heart-breaking, exciting and super.

Was called to supper so I'll be off to eat.

Quote:  The cynic is one who never sees a good quality in a man, and never fails to see a bad one. -He is the human owl, vigilant in darkness and blind to light, mousing for vermin, and never seeing noble game.   ____H. W. Beecher

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