Tuesday, March 31, 2015

That was odd . . .

The prodigal's return
We had a chance to go out for breakfast this morning and headed off to the American Diner on Route 12 in Plainfield. We have been going there for a couple of months since Central Village closed. The odd thing is there was only the cook. Yes, he was alone. He had already served two customers before us and then at least three more came in while we were there. It's really a big restaurant and I was surprised at this lack of help. I got our coffee and poured for another customer too. The cook came over to make sure we were doing okay when he had a break; he told us he had no access to the computer or cash register and he figured we owed about $15. He didn't make slips for anyone so we left him $18 and I put it on a shelf near the kitchen and told him where the money was. It seems a waitress had called and said she'd be a few minutes late but an hour had gone by and he was still alone. Qui sait?

Will go to Big Y and pick up the items I need for Sunday's Easter Dinner. I like to get a head start! P&D's Pop is at the high school helping out with the battery powered car and the stage props for The Wizard of Oz. Such a character I have married!

Quote:   There is no genius in life like the genius of energy and industry.   __D.G. Mitchell

Monday, March 9, 2015

Interesting . . .

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We received a bill for SiriusXM for the coming year with a base price of $179 and a total price of $204. I called them in January. At that time I explained that anything over $100 was really way too much so the lady whittled it down to $119 but said I had to call them today to get this great deal as our subscription ends tomorrow. So . . . I spoke with a young man who was very polite but difficult to understand and at the end of a half hour or more we ended up with me talking him into $100 for the year. I have no clue how I did that; they must be desperate. I was upset at first when he told me that the $119 charge was the basic rate and by the time he added it all up he was at $146, then $134 but I kept saying that's too much. After many breaks in the conversation and being on hold quite a few times I finally ended up with my $100 for the year.  Pretty good, I think. We really only listen to about three stations but I like them with no advertisements so I'm happy and P&D's Pop doesn't mind as he gets to listen to his Bluegrass.

Went out for a light lunch on this most beautiful day. Waiting for Winter to call it quits. I actually opened the door near the TV and let the sun shine in. It was glorious.

Quote:  Let us enjoy the fugitive hour.  Man has no harbor, time has no shore, it rushes on and carries us with it.  __Lamartine