Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How Pavlovian . . .

I am really learning how to respond to robo calls in the proper manner and sequence. Par exemple, take last evening. I received a phone message that CVS Caremark needed me to urgently call extension 3975424 because of a problem with a prescription. Good dooby that I am I called and three robots later I finally yelled at the super robot which kept repeating, " Say yes or no." I said, "Yes" as it dinged. Super Robot,"Missed that. Say yes or no." I said, "Yes" as it dinged. Super Robot, "Missed that. Say yes or no." I said, "Yes" as it dinged. So . . . in my finite wisdom I figured out I had to wait for the asinine ding-dong before I could answer and at this point, screamed, an emphatic, "Yes." Far be it from me to question why you would need to listen for a ding before you can say a simple yes or no. But in the end Super Robo made me understand that Dr. Foley's Office was recalcitrant and did not fax them the refill for Toprol XL and I had to call the doctor immediately and cajole him into correcting his slovenly ways. Again, good dooby that I am I called Dr. Foley's office and, such a beautiful, wonderful, stupendous idea, a real person handles the calls. The prescription had been faxed on November 22, naturellement. I was given the fax number so I could call CVS Caremark and tell Robo that we were getting close to a solution to the vexing prescription problem. But, again in my wisdom I asked for a paper prescription to be mailed to me and then I will forward the prescription by USPS to CVS Caremark. Naturellement, the postal service will most certainly give me grief so I may have to drive to Pittsburgh and demolish the city after I finally get the Toprol XL. You know, this would make for a cutting edge movie.

On a much lighter note I had a wonderful visit with Rosette. It's always such a moving, touching pleasure to be with her. We had my favorite lunch, pepper and egg grinder and then went to an Italian Patisserie for desert where the company was perfect and the pastries were most imperfect but in the grand scheme of life that was just fine. We took a ride around Southwick, MA and Granby, CT to see just how devastating the Halloween Nor'easter had been. I doubt the states will ever pick up all of the fallen trees and imagine they will be left to rot by the roadside.
Nature has a way of humbling human beings.

Quote: Beware the fury of a patient man. __Dryden

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