Sunday, December 7, 2014

Manic Sunday

One of today's photos - untouched.
Started the day at the Roadside and was told that they aren't moving to Canterbury! Holy cow. These guys are more variable then the winds of change. They are bending, wispy willows in a breeze. I feel badly for our friend Trish who was ready to finally have her own place and now these guys aren't selling until they sell. They are pretty flakey but they do have good food, nice servers and good customers.

Liked the singing at the 11 o'clock Mass this morning. They have a great song, " Lord, show us the way; it's been a long and cold December kind of day. . ." I like singing with them and since there aren't many people at this Mass and not too many people sitting next to me I can belt out the songs to my heart's content. That's sweet. I don't carry a tune too well but I do like to sing and they put the words up on a screen I can actually see.

A lot of odds and ends to do this week. Besides the usual, Grampa will be getting the Christmas tree because I'd like Kiddo to help me decorate it Friday. He's always a big help. I finished writing out the Christmas cards today and will mail them tomorrow. I hope my friend Clara can get the Christmas ornaments to me a bit early this year. I ordered them in July but she's had some family upsets and been really busy with at least four extra people living with her for most of the summer and into the Fall so I'm not sure how it will turn out. But I'll make do. She a very nice friend and I don't want to hassle her. I don't think she realizes that I have to mail some of the Eggsquisite decorations to Louisiana and Florida so she sends them on time for our tree which can be a little late for gifts to the little ones.

Took a few photos today but it is so cold that I didn't stay out long. Was going to walk up the street for my exercise except it's so windy and about 32 degrees that I'll settle for working out with the Wii.

Yay! Just got a call from middle child and we're invited for pasta supper.  That means I don't have to make my chili for supper.  Hell's bells though, I'll have to cook it up tomorrow.  Oh well, life is never perfect.

Quote:  I've never had any pity for conceited people, because I think they carry their comfort about with them.   ____George Eliot

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