Thursday, December 19, 2013

My Charlie Brown Christmas . . .

Not tit-mice.
What a wonderful evening we (I) spent at the Sacred Heart Christmas Concert! Grampa graciously brought me and stayed for the concert, bien sur! I couldn't help but smile through the entire concert. At times I felt a need to laugh out loud but restrained myself. It was easy to use restraint if I stole a glance at Grampa's face. Kiddo's Mom dutifully made videos. The only one I'd really like to see and hear is when Kiddo and his friend Kevin played a duet of Lightly Row, Kiddo on sax and Kevin on flute. They were quite good. I am amazed what they have learned in one half hour group lesson a week since the end of September. I will no longer tell him to only really practice what he has been taught but rather encourage him to go ahead. He reads the music well and likes to play.

I talked P&D's Pop into rearranging the bird feeders so we can entice the Tufted Titmouse  closer to the window. They will not go on the suet and I need the black oil sunflowers seeds close by. They are skittish little fellows. Didn't go to see younger sister yesterday because I was leery of the roads as they had a delayed school start in East Granby. I really miss the visit. This weather leaves me on pins and needles when it comes to venturing out alone. I pretty much trust my own driving but I end up driving so defensively it wears me out! The Hyundai is in for the 52000 mile checkup and hopefully getting the locking mechanism fixed! It locks itself  when I'd rather it didn't. There seems to be a glitch. I also expect to get our gas ration renewed! Have most of the fixings for Christmas Dinner. It'll be plain and simple:  Roast Beast, mashed potatoes, yellow turnip, broccoli, Caesar salad, Sally Lunn bread with Gram's Cheesecake for dessert. Should be just fine and dandy. When P&D's Pop returned from school today he had a nice Thank You, Christmas Card with notes from all of the kids in the plane building class. Thoughtful and grateful they were. Nice.

Quote:  To acquire a few tongues is the task of a few years; to be eloquent in one is the labor of a life . . . ____Spurgeon

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