Thursday, November 14, 2013

Oh what a beautiful Nelson Eddy morning . . .

Yes it is. Was awakened by Puppies and Dante's Pop telling me there were two deer in the yard. I immediately sprang into action, flannel nightgown, bare feet and camera in hand to capture the devils as they meandered down from the glacier strewn boulders toward the spring. I think they enjoy taunting me! But come Spring I shall have the last laugh because I have found a malodorous  remedy for their foraging in the garden and on newly planted trees! Yay for moi. I was also able to track down a noisy woodpecker who kept scolding me as I tried to capture him in a photo. He kept circling the dogwood making wise cracks as he maneuvered but I got the brat, not too well, but I did get him. One day I will probably spend the money for a camera with telephoto capabilities but I can't seem to push myself to spend big bucks, at least, not yet.

We took a ride to Brooklyn International Airport and while Grampa got in three flights I managed to walk around the area four times. Still get some pains as I walk the hill the first time but as I continue to walk everything calms down. Will see the Doctor today and feel sure that he'll agree that the cold air is bothering me until I finally warm up. We stopped at the Roadside Diner for gingerbread muffins and coffee. Have to go do a bit of shopping now.

Quote:  The best of all governments is that which teaches us to govern ourselves. __Goethe

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