When my brain is functioning at a somewhat higher level I must look into
Health Companion. I underwent a normal procedure today at an outpatient type clinic and the anesthesiologist put a paper in my bag so that I could peruse it when I returned home. She did explain that she had no choice but to fill out the required forms and the paper would let me access my medical record at a secure on line site of what the doctors did today. She said it was now mandated that the doctors enter my records at this secure site and they would be audited to ensure that they did so! I was perplexed and shocked because no one asked me if I wanted to do this. (Perhaps somewhere in all of the signatures I wrote over the last two weeks I was asked to agree to this new repository of my medical records but I don't recall that being the case.) She said most of the doctors do not like having to enter the patients' records on this site and most patients are not happy to learn about the site either. As she left me she said something like, "Welcome to Obamacare." I couldn't help myself and asked her to excuse my language as I said, "Holy shit!" And she acknowledged with a, "Just so." I'm feeling put out about this because if I understand correctly it is a federal mandate and it seems as if no one was asked if they would like to take part but are forced to comply, doctors and patients! So, as my brain returns from the fog I shall look into the matter. I will include a copy of the form she gave me but shall redact the last four digits of my Medical Record Number. Shitski, I say, shitski. Hey, you know what's funny? The iPad knows how to spell shitski correctly! Yikes. Great tech world out there!
Quote: Ages of ignorance and simplicity are thought to be ages of purity. but the direct contrary is the case. Rude periods have that grossness of manners which is as unfriendly to virtue as luxury itself. Men are less ashamed as they are less polished. ___Warton
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