Such beauties. |
So proud of this good man. Puppies and Dante's Pop brought planes to PHS today and gave flying demonstrations for the engineering class and all and sundry who were able to watch. Even the track class was watching as they circled him and the planes! Now that is some cool beansies! Both he and another member of the Yankee Flyers have agreed to volunteer with the building of model airplanes at the school. It seems to be greatly appreciated. Making me smile. Puppies and Dante's Pop has always had a knack for getting people interested in planes. I believe that my friend Angie's son became a an airline pilot because of the flights he took with Grampa. Our kids and our Kiddo have been keenly interested in planes.
Thinking of Angie's son reminds me that he took many photos of the Bobcats living on the hill and roaming in his yard! That is so wonderful. What beautiful animals. There is a Mom with two kittens. It seems they have carved out a good territory for keeping them eating a healthy diet! There are plenty of rabbits, squirrels, mice and deer if they have a hankering for game! Imagine being able to watch them as they oversee their domain.
Time to pay the bills and go for a walk. Another perfect day in Moosup. We have our first natural gas bill: $6.50. I'm sure it will get straightened out in the next couple of months. This is only a partial bill as they get used to what we'll actually use in a full month. I think it'll work out fine although the oil dealers are meeting with the legislators complaining that natural gas customers should be forced to pay more because the oil dealers are losing customers and having trouble making ends meet. Oy vey! Not sure how much of this carping I can stand!
Quote: Familiarities are the aphids that imperceptibly suck out the juices intended for the germ of love. ___Landor
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