Tuesday, September 17, 2013

That's it. I quit . . .

Fall is in the air.
Went a bit overboard today. After going for a doctor's appointment this morning I've spent the day digging holes for plants, bringing plants inside, re-potting plants, picking tomatoes, flowers, pumpkins and gourds. I am wiped out. Besides I started to scrape the ceiling in the living room and pulled all the wall paper down yesterday. Not sure where all this activity came from but now I quit at least for the rest of today and tomorrow! Tomorrow I'll go see younger sister and spend some calm, easy time just relaxing, eating, playing cards and visiting. Thursday will be time enough to get back to the living room. Not sure if we will put the mirror back. I'm rather liking the "no mirror" idea. It looks like a good place to but the petit point art that our youngest completed some years ago. Have to wait and see if the wall paper will be okay. Not that there will be any other choice as I bought it the same time we redid the big bedroom last year! So no matter what we'll go with it and hope for the best! I also closed up the house today by shutting all the storm windows. We're supposed to have a good frost tonight and it's no use letting our heat go out the windows. I'm working on getting an energy rebate from the State and should also get some tax relief when we file this year. So far so good. It's a good thing UK daughter got the Gas company to come and complete their job. The nights have been cold and we have needed the heat. Working like a charm.

Quote:  Good sense, kindness of heart, and a proper self-respect are the elements of the best manners.   ___Tryon Edwards

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