Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Hell's Bells . . .

No captions needed!
A big Merci Beaucoup to our youngest! On top of getting our gas line connected to the new boiler we don't need a Smart TV. Yep, I can now watch my Amazon Prime streaming movies, TV shows etc on the Sony using the Wii. Not only that but the headphones now work with the Wii and the DVD player! So much good stuff came home to roost for a short time. We'll have to do this more often!

We were treated  to lunch at Richoni's today and while we were there we could watch TJ as he added a new bar to the u-shaped original bar. As you enter the front door and turn to your right there were a couple of tables that were really a little difficult for a bartender to get to especially on a busy Friday night. So the U has now a right turn and goes up to the wall. Seems like a good idea. Most people like to sit at the bar anyway so it adds more places. When we left R was staining the wood. We were able to visit a little with middle child and get in a photo shoot! Just missing big brother. One of these days we'll pull off a family get together! Will bring the youngest to North Attleboro tomorrow so she can take the train and T to the airport. Not looking forward to that but am very thankful she was able to come home. I know she misses G and the menagerie so we're fortunate she returns to her home happy and healthy! That left elbow is improving! Yay! Puppies and Dante's Pop and I were cool chauffeurs this week. It was a wonderful time.

Quote: Happiness consists in being perfectly satisfied with what we have got and with what we haven't got.  It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.   ___Spurgeon

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