Monday, February 8, 2010

Cabin Fever . . .

Got up this morning a bit on the late side as I didn't get home until about 1am from Groton. Was so happy that the Saints won the Super Bowl. Poor kiddo and his brother were rooting for the Colts :( Too bad, so sad, they lost!

In any case when I got up about 7:30 I asked Puppy's Pop to please take me out for a ride. I was not in the mood to be in the house today. So off we went in the Dodge Ram to Oneco for a light breakfast and then for a cool ride to Quonset Point and Jamestown RI. What a beautiful sight to see Quonset being used as a port and airport! It's a busy place. RI has built new roads to get you to the old base. The SeaBee sculpture is all cleaned up but it has been placed at the entrance to a Mall like area with box stores! Yikes, doesn't quite do it justice, but at least they are using the area. The last time we went to Quonset Puppy's Pop and I had visited the Air Museum and then walked out to the waterfront to collect "sea glass." The Museum is there but is only open on weekends and we could not go to dig for sea glass because that area is now a ferry landing! The 143 Air Guard is still based at Quonset and it has quite a few new buildings. Somehow I missed seeing the parked C 130's but I did see some of the museum aircraft which are parked outdoors.

Jamestown is so different in Winter. It's still very beautiful and of course you can have the entire place to yourself. We didn't walk around because it was so cold and windy but the sun was playing havoc shining off of the ocean and we did see the brand spanking new out houses! Couldn't use them because they're locked up but they're actually nice looking wooden box like structures with opaque windows! We left Jamestown and drove to Groton for lunch at Richoni's.

Good choice. Grampa had chowder and fish and chips and I had a meatloaf platter with mashed potatoes, gravy and garlic bread. Fantastique food! Daughter was doing the cooking and it was way more than adequate. Food for the both of us was just about $15 and the portions are so large I had to bring half of it home. So, now I don't have to make supper!

Going to try playing with the WiFi set up now. I may not be online for a few days if we botch this!

Quote: Wine ___The conscious water saw its God, and blushed. ___Crashaw

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