Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Armatus Training . . .

College Fjord in Prince William Sound. Loaded with glaciers and seals!

Whoa! I'm already pooped. Went to breakfast at Zip's early in the pouring rain and then "home again home again, jiggedy jig." Since I'll be subbing at Sacred Heart next week I decided it was about time I took their on line course on protecting children. I must say that the Armatus Training is quite comprehensive and took at least a couple of hours to complete but it was good to remind myself about safety issues, particularly abuse of children. It is required of all volunteers and teachers by the Diocese of Norwich but because I'm still a certified teacher in Connecticut and have been finger printed etc. etc. etc. I wasn't forced to take the course. But since everyone else is supposed to take it I considered it best to get it completed. It was presented quite well and to the point. I wish I knew the difference between a "pedophile" and a "homosexual." I mean are they often the same, found in one person or are they completely different? I'm not quite up to snuff on these things. Pedophiles scare the hell out of me. I don't really give any thought to homosexuals. But . . . if homosexuals are often pedophiles I'd like to know that. Oh well, perhaps someday I'll be able to ask someone who knows how this stuff works.

Time for a snack and the Bulletin. Should take all of 10 minutes.

Quote: It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable. __Moliere

1 comment:

Qu'que chose said...

Thanks. I kinda knew that but I had to discuss it with Puppy's Pop today and I'm glad that you helped to clarify the issue. I was making a comparison and I shouldn't make one. I guess it's like apples and oranges but they're both fruits!