Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My Grandfather's Clock . . .

Managed to get our Wireless Gateway set up thanks to UK daughter who called just as we were working out the bugs. Pretty cool! Now we just have to get the WiFi radio set up and we'll be in business. So we're still on line and everything is copacetic. (Not sure where I got that word, but it works for me. I think that my younger brother came back from Vietnam with that word.)

Grampa is off to horseshoes and I'm supposed to be going shopping today because we're expecting some snow tomorrow. I don't drive in the stuff unless I have an emergency so I'll just shop one day earlier than usual. Don't need too much anyway so it'll be a fast visit then I can walk to my heart's content with my Bleak House. Haven't had time in about a week to walk inside so I've got to catch up.

Had a great visit Sunday from older brother and his wife. They brought me Pepere Bonnin's old clock. My older sister is giving it to our son and so it has made its way back to the old home town for a while. It was thought to be broken but Puppy's Pop has it working almost to perfection. Someday we'll get it down South but for now it's ticking away on the piano. It has got to be the only clock in the world that ticks up a storm and I don't even hear it. It's just so much a part of the past. I listened to that clock for about 24 years. That's probably why it doesn't bother me. If I purposely listen to it I can hear the ticks but when I put it out of my mind it's as if it doesn't exist. It is a comforting bit of the past.

Quote: The true past departs not; no truth or goodness realized by man ever dies, or can die; but all is still here, and, recognized or not, lives and works through endless changes. ___Carlyle

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