Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Just the same . . .

If you look very carefully you can see part of the whale. Look very hard, now!

Just another ho hum day, getting snowed in. But enjoyed talking on the phone with Massachusetts sister-in-law and then Puppy's Pop's friend from Louisiana. Will spend the rest of the day reading, working on the hooked rug, puzzling and walking with Leslie Sansone. Supper will be easy, left over stew! Boy, I love easy! I won't go to pick up grandson because of the snow. He'll be having a ball at Richoni's in his own nice cocoon of an office. Daughter has it set up just right so he'll be able to hang out with his Mom all day! I'll try to watch both UCONN basketball games tonight but I'll have to go back and forth between channels. The men start at 7pm, I think, and the women start at 8pm. Lousy scheduling!

Quote: In general, mankind, since the improvement of cookery, eat twice as much as nature requires. ____Franklin

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