Saturday, February 6, 2010

Of Eclairs and Recipes . . .

Getting ready to leave Glacier Bay.

What a neat surprise. We had just returned from Groton when there was a tiny, quiet knock on the door. There was young K from across the yard with some Eclairs that he had just made! They were scrumptious, chocolate creme filled with dark chocolate icing dribbled on top. Wow, I didn't know kids could cook so well. He must be about 10 years old. Perhaps he'll be a pastry chef! He also brought us a homemade booklet titled, Memere Robidoux's Recipe Box with a smiling Ma Tante B on the cover. K's grandmother, who lived next to us for a few years when our kids were young has made the booklet from the bits and pieces that Ma Tante B had collected over the years. It is so much fun because many of the recipes were taken off of cans and packages and so the old fashioned pictures are included in the copies. There are even a couple of recipes I had written out for Ma Tante when she dictated them to me. What a wonderful gift. I believe that a copy of the booklet was given to each of Ma Tante B's 17 grandchildren. I'm thrilled to be included.

So glad to hear that DC is snowed in. Maybe they'll not be able to add to their stupidities for a few days.

Grampa and kiddo few to California on the simulator. The kiddo likes to land and take off. It took a while!

Quote: Men are born with two eyes, but only one tongue, in order that they should see twice as much as they say. __Colton

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