Wednesday, January 6, 2010

No more Dodd . . . now to get "no more Barney Frank!"

The photos of Glacier Bay will not be able to do it justice. I haven't traveled much but for me it is one of the most beautiful places on earth. There certainly is a Creator and this must be His resting place. It's so magnificent that it takes your breath away. It's difficult to believe that He may have made man in His image and yet man must struggle to be beautiful in spirit. The Universe is perhaps His perfect creation while man remains imperfect.

Hip, hip hoorah! Dodd is not running again. But . . . this may not be a good thing. It looks as if Blumenthal our AG will be running so I believe that the Democrats will keep the seat. Boo hoo. I wish that the Republicans would get their act together but they're so moderate and to the left it's scary. Oh well, maybe some Republicans somewhere will be elected to the House and Senate but I'm not going to hold my breath.

In local politics the Plainfield Board of Education gave a raise to the schools administrators. But the selectmen called for a town meeting and the raises were voted down! That's cool. I hope it ends there but I doubt it. I believe that the administrators can seek binding arbitration from the state. That would not bode well for the town.

Cold and crisp but clear as a bell out side. Off to shop, then walk and listen before I go to Groton.

Quote: The meanest, most contemptible kind of praise is that which first speaks well of a man, and then qualifies it with a "but." -------H. W. Beecher


2Evil4U said...

Yep. And that McMahon twit has given money to Rahm Emanual every year for the last 10.

At least mail order your ink from somewhere online. Even with shipping you'll save a bunch.

Qu'que chose said...

Didn't know that about McMahon but she made me uncomfortable. I must have sensed her insincerity.

I order so much else on line I'm not sure why I've never gotten the Epson Ink Cartridges there :( Thanks for the reminder.