Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hard day . . .

Forgot to mention what a nice time I had in Southbridge Monday: delicious lunch; homemade potato broccoli soup, cretons on English muffins, cookies and tea. And to top it off we played Chicken Foot (dominoes) and even though sister-in-law won (she was keeping score!) I came out second and big brother had to settle for last. Whoo, whoo!

Yesterday was spent on the phone getting insurance problems partially straightened out and did manage to clean the house while waiting for phone calls to be returned. Stirling & Stirling said they were not at fault; they never get paperwork from the VA. The VA said they keep sending bills to Stirling & Stirling and they never hear from them. The VA has to give the insurances 60days to reply to them, then the VA sends out another notice and has to give the insurances another 30 days. If the VA then does not get a reply the VA calls. How 'bout that. 90 days to screw up. The nice lady at the VA said that most insurances don't want to pay and figure that they'll just fall between the cracks, be forgotten and save their money. The VA did get the bill cut in half because they're still playing footsie with Stirling & Stirling. I was incensed and tried to call the Connecticut Teachers' Retirement Board who provides the insurance. The message I had to listen to after CTRB hung up on me before anyone answered the first call was: "I have 500 calls in my box. Don't call again. I'll get back to you. We're in the middle of the enrollment period." OK. That just set me off again so I went on line and wrote to the webmaster at CTRB because some of the info on the site said that the webmaster would forward the email to the proper person at CTRB. I titled my email, Stirling & Stirling is a rip-off, and proceeded to explain the problems. I received an irate call soon after the email went out from Suzan at CTRB. She was very upset that I used the word rip-off! But I, also irate said to her, "Got your attention, didn't I?" We almost went up the slippery slope from that point on. I'm sending her the paperwork I've received from the VA and she's going to look into it. I wish I had recorded the conversation because she was a real self-important pip. She's the one who left the phone message about all her messages. ( She's on #372.) Go figure. Told me I should never have called the insurance company. I should have called her. Learn something new every day! "Who'd a thunkit?" as Ma would say.

Will be off this afternoon to pick up grandson who missed two days of school with his bad cold that he's now passed on to his Mom. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Grampa and I are going to be immune to colds by this time.

Quote: Common sense is the knack of seeing things as they are, and doing things as they ought to be done. ---C.E. Stowe

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