Sunday, January 24, 2010

Incroyable . . . January rains to be upon us . . .

Beautiful singing at Mass today with a priest who really speaks English well. It's too bad we don't have more or I should say better American priests. Even the bishop got me upset today! Here he is asking us to write to our Congressmen and Senators asking for special provisions for illegal immigrants. That annoys me. Legal immigrants, yes, illegals no. Even Christ said we should render to Caesar that which is Caesar's. It seems to me that is pertinent here. I think it means you're supposed to follow the law! Oh well, we'll have to wait and see what our erstwhile governing dolts come up with next.

Supposed to have heavy rains later today. It's already getting cloudy. Grampa and his local Oneco brother put the old kitchen stove in the Dodge Ram today. We should be bringing it to Massachusetts Tuesday if all goes well. I would like a picture of it after they fix it up and get it ready to sell. What a beautiful stove. Too bad we really don't have room for it nor can we afford to have it fixed and converted from wood/coal to gas or electric. In no way would it be useful to us. But it certainly is beautiful and I'll miss it. But it's time to start clearing out this old house of the many odds and ends that have accumulated here even before we bought it in 1969.

I was just invited to go walking at the Dog Track before the weather closes in on us. So off I go.

Quote: Criticism often takes from the tree caterpillars and blossoms together. ---Richter

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