Monday, August 15, 2011

Time for blueberry pie . . .

Pretty miserable day so I thought a blueberry pie was in order. Haven't baked in a dog's age but it came out almost perfect. The crust was perfect but the filling could have been a bit sweeter although Puppy's Pop thought it was fine. I even made a little brown sugar baby which I devoured as soon as it cooled enough to eat! I miss having kids in the house! I used to bake quite a bit when it wasn't just the two of us. I'll probably have pie for lunch tomorrow!

We had a rainy VJ Day parade but it was still wonderful. So many military groups marching and many civic societies march, play musical instruments, dance, sing, clown around, ride bikes, drive old motor cars and fire engines! It's exhilarating especially in the rain! We adjourned to the old home for the pig roast and that was also a humdinger! I think there were at least 6 tents/canopies set up and umpteen picnic tables and chairs. The food was tremendous and the drinks were outrageous! We sat with some old neighbors from my kid days at that old house and kid brother, his wife and their friend from Norwich who likes to kid me about the Bishop of Norwich whom I dislike. Good times! Older brother and his wife came late and we had already returned home so they stopped in for a night cap! (Tea!) Their oldest son and his family are on their way to Singapore today. The whole family is moving there to live. That will be a long haul when it's time for visiting!

Quote: How beautiful is the rain! After the dust and heat, in the broad and fiery street, and in the narrow lane; how beautiful is the rain! ____Longfellow

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