Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Well that was fun . . .

Photos are self explanatory!
It only took me two days but I finally scraped the old loose paint off of the porch ceiling. Puppy's Pop helped me to TSP the whole porch and now I just have to buy the paint and paint! Yippee! I surprised myself. We had a guy come to look at doing the job for us on Father's Day! He said he would call us during the week to give us an estimate. Also said we should get two gallons for the ceiling and five gallons for the porch. It's cheaper by the five gallon, says he. I got tired of waiting for his call so I just buckled down and did it myself. We'll buy some good exterior paint in a day or so. I want it to dry really well before I tackle the paint. I also moved the clematis vine from the spruce near the wall to my garage flowers. Hope it takes. The cleomes kid brother gave me are beautiful. His wife gave me some morning glory seeds last year and I finally planted them, late to be sure, but they are climbing on the mimosa. No blooms yet but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Also managed to get some really nice roller shades for the two bedrooms. Moving on up!
The adventurous doe has been at the garden again. She has eaten most of the tender, new cucumber leaves. The cucumbers this year are superior and the tomatoes and squash are doing well. She got a fright a couple of nights ago. I put the outside yard light on at around nine just to see if she would be in the garden. And, what do you know. She was. Puppy's Pop shot off a bottle rocket and it landed right in front of her when it exploded. She took off like a doe out of hell. He shot off another rocket for good measure. He also shot one off last night. So far so good!
Quote: Half the truth will very often amount to absolute falsehood. ___Whately

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