Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Sometimes I scare myself . . .

I've gotten way more done than I could possibly expect and it's just 11am. Whoa! Time to slow down. Up at six; breakfast at 6:30; at the park walking and taking pictures while P&D's Pop was flying; read one and a half sections of the Advocate; spoke with my older brother who had spent a week at his cottage which is wonderful news as it means they are well and the cottage is finally ready for full time use with sewers and water newly completed; sent P&D's Pop off to visit Gil; baked some Saltine and Toffee Cookies and viola I have even completed my stretches and my extra special stretches before I sat down at the table to write  this crazy blog. Hell, I impress myself.

The weather is gorgeous - it's still mightily hot but a bit drier than it has been all summer so far. I find it pleasant to sit on the back porch to read and watch the hummingbirds fight over the two feeders. I imagine we will get more birds heading to us from the North as they begin to migrate. Not sure what Fall will bring to us but I'm looking forward to going out and getting a few more plants to brighten up the porches. What I do find amazing is that the huge multi-plant pot
my sister-in-law bought for us when we moved here in February is still going strong! I had to replace one of the plants because it just plain wore out but the replacements are doing great. Time to test the cookies and go back outside to reading and relaxing.

Quote:  A word or a nod from the good, has more weight than the eloquent speeches of others.   ___Plutarch

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