Waiting for the rain. |
I know it sounds strange, even to me, but whenever I get a message to call a Doctor, after I've just been given a clean bill of health the week before, I get really anxious. Well the anxiety is for nought, no matter what and this was no exception. Not sure why the message couldn't have said, " Your urologist says all tests were fine!" rather than " Call Dr. Smither." In any case I've been going around the house saying, "Yeah!" forty thousand hundred million times. Good thing that the message was left after we were already on the road to Arkansas Friday and I didn't get it until last night.
I've been feeling so good lately; I think that the amount of walking I've been doing and the calorie counting has been helpful. We had a great weekend at the flying contest and although P&D's Pop didn't place in the three events he flew in, his scores are improving. He did come in fourth in two of the events. The flyers here in the South are much better than the northern flyers. I suppose it makes sense as they can be out practicing almost all year round. I had to help launch the planes which I don't like to do at contests because I'm a Nervous Nelly and am fearful of making some horrible mistake but his usual helper, John, was flying on a different field so I was the go to guy! It worked out fine and a man even came over and told me how much the men like to see women helping their husbands out. That was pretty cool. If I didn't know better I'd think that P&D's Pop put him up to it! We came home with lots of good raffle stuff that should keep my Yankee Flyer busy during the rainy season, if it ever gets here!
We'll be having a guest in the house for a few weeks - Puppy will stay with us as his folks, Big Kiddo and his wife, will be off for work and family obligations through Thanksgiving. That'll be great as we've already decided on our Thanksgiving dinner - roast chicken and stuffing, turnip, mashed potatoes, homemade bread, Caesar salad, apple pie and perhaps a nice Riesling and a bit of Harvey's Bristol Cream. The time is just flying by. We'll have moved to Louisiana a year ago in December. Wow!
Quote: Speaking much is a sign of vanity; for he that is lavish in words, is a niggard in deed. ___Sir W. Raleigh