Ca sent bon! |
No, not the nun's habit - silly! I've lost the habit of blogging on a somewhat regular basis - perhaps I'm spending too much time taking pictures, walking and reading. Not sure how you can spend too much time at those endeavors but I'll put the blame there.
For the second time since we've moved into our home CVS Pharmacy in DS has filled a prescription improperly. It hasn't had dire consequences for me but it makes me worry about the quality of the people who fill the prescriptions - probably not the druggists themselves but the helpers! I picked up a prescription 6 days ago and have taken one a day as directed by the new Doctor located behind Our Lady of the Lake in Baton Rouge. Today I kept looking at the container because it is so full I almost spill it each night when I take my one pill. The container indicates that there are supposed to be 30 capsules and since I have already taken 5 there should be 25 left. I counted them - there are 79 left! Holy shitski! The pills are the right ones, I checked but the amount is crazy. I never really looked to see how many were supposed to be in the filled prescription but today as I looked and found the error I noticed that I had 11 refills! I called CVS and they had trouble understanding the problem - they were going to give me more since he thought that they hadn't given me enough! Well, I finally convinced him that the container that should have held 30 capsules had held 84. The light came on and he apologized and said not to worry - just use them up and when I needed more to call them. I explained that this was second mistake in less than a year and I thought they should look at who was filling the prescriptions to make sure these mistakes don't happen to anyone else or me again. He thanked me and said they would look into it. Cripes - suppose they put the wrong pills in the damn container? I think the pharmacist probably told a helper, "Fill this prescription." and the helper proceeded to fill the container with as many capsules as would fit! This is scary stuff! The last time the prescription was for a 30 day supply of medicine. That meant that I only needed 15 pills because I had to cut them in half to get the correct dosage - yup, you guessed it - I ended up with 30 pills which when cut in half gave me a 60 day supply. I'm not making this up. Well time to make some gumbo supper. Talk to you later.
Well the gumbo is now cooking and Mr. P&D's Pop is taking care of the salad so I'm back for a bit. Salad tonight will be lots of cucumbers - I'm pretty impressed with my cucumbers growing in a pot near the wood fence in the side yard. Mr. P put up some twine on the fence and the cukes are growing up the twine like mad. So I've decided to grow some green beans too. We've got another pot set up and hopefully when we return from our El Dorado flying contest they'll be sprouted enough to put up some more twine for climbing. All of my flowers are looking good too and to top it all off our Sago Palm has come back from the brink of ugly to almost beautiful. I wish I could take credit for all of this but I can't - living in Louisiana is a boon to pot gardening!
We had a major problem Sunday when the toilets would not flush - called Slaughter son and in no time at all between son and father the problem was rectified. It only took some digging and a snake and lots of hard work to get it all figured out and flowing smoothly. Thank goodness our son lives fairly close by and knows how these septic systems work. Eventually we'll get someone to come and empty the system and make sure all of the lines are cleaned out and working well but for now we have a reprieve. Yay! Thank Higgs Bosun for a son who always helps out.
Quote: Ingratitude is monstrous; and for the multitude to be ungrateful, were to make a monster of the multitude. ___Shakespeare