Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Back in the groove . . .

Finally a normal, honest to goodness me day. Seems like a long time since I had a leisurely morning breakfast at home with the horrible Bulletin. Got some housework done and when Puppy's Pop got back from his early dentist appointment we went to Lizzy B's for a cup of coffee and a grilled blueberry muffin. It was rather more interesting than usual because "tall Linda" was doing the cooking. She's been working at a different restaurant for a few months now and we missed her, but today she was helping out. She such a marvelous, bright, witty character. Too bad she is only temporary.

I managed to get the garden cleaned up Sunday morning before going to Groton. Grampa also got the fertilizer spread and we ended up with a problem! Our very nice farmer who tilled the earth for us can't do it anymore. He's got a bad hip. Gee, it's not always fun getting older and wiser. but as Mémère used to say, "Every age has its compensations" and Mémère was pretty much always right! So we'll be off soon to borrow Uncle R's Troy Bilt and Grampa will do the honors. I suggested we buy our own roto-tiller but the suggestion was nixed.

Back to playing my usual catch-up on the magazines. ( le sigh )

Quote: A drop of ink may make a million think.

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