Monday, October 11, 2010

Leg numéro deux. . .

We drove through 7 states yesterday in our allotted eight hours with stops. Today we'll only drive in four! We're in the Shenandoah Valley with the Blue Ridge Mountains to the East and the Piedmont to the West. The sky is beautiful with early morning clouds lit up by dawn's early light. (Can't help myself, I love clichés!) Had one of our best walks ever last evening when we stepped back in time to New Market during the Civil War. What a beautiful little town. Gracious homes with verandahs, wonderful parterres, comely people and some gun shot holes where the Yanks shot their way into town. I believe that the battle of New Market was the last time the South won a battle during the war. If we get back here early enough next Tuesday I hope I can convince Puppy's Pop to visit the battle field and the museum. He doesn't like going to the battle fields because it is very uncomfortable to remember what took place on this beautiful land. Battlefields of the Civil War are truly hallowed ground. Time to get back to marveling as the scenes unfold.

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