Up and out way before breakfast this morning! Four a.m. is still pitch black and below freezing, a stumbling around beginning to the day. We brought oldest child's oldest stepdaughter to Providence for her 6:30 flight to Baton Rouge by way of Chicago and Houston. I was amazed at how busy the airport was. The zigzag security line was about three quarters of the way back to the entrance. I had gone into the terminal to make sure B. wouldn't have a problem with her checked bag. But for $25 she was all set and I left her in the security line and found Puppy's Pop waiting out front in the drop off line. We decided to mosey our way back to Connecticut by way of Summit and Clayville, RI along Route 102 so we could catch an early six o'clock breakfast at Zip's. We haven't seen rosy fingered dawn in quite sometime and it was a beautiful ride.Zip's was loaded with people. Hadn't been expecting that but the service was impeccable. The Stafford Springs Swap Meet is today and that was the reason for the crowds at breakfast. Planning to go to late Mass and then to visit a very talented All Hallows friend this afternoon. Another All Hallows and PCA friend who lives and designs home interiors in California will be there also. It will be a pleasant visit even though I have to force myself. I'm not a very comfortable visitor. I am trying to remedy the situation by pushing myself to go out more. Miss my old buddy Angie who would drag me all over hell and damnation! Gee, it's 7:30 am and I'm getting tired!
Quote: They that will not be counselled, cannot be helped. If you do not hear reason she will rap you on the knuckles. ____Franklin
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