Monday, July 11, 2011

And it just popped . . .

What a clean fragrant sound as the raspberry and wild blackberry jelly jars pop! Grampa picks the berries and I make the juice. When I get a quart of juice saved up it's on to the jelly processing mode. It is 92 degrees outside but still fairly comfortable in the house without the air conditioning and a very hot stove top! Even though we took down the two tamaracks the trees on the hill seem to give us the shade we need to be comfortable. That's a good thing.

Spent a very pleasant Saturday in Cambridge, NY for the wedding of my god-child. She and her husband have a beautiful 60 acre farm. Both of my brothers and their wives were at the wedding along with nieces, nephews and many of their friends. It was a beautiful day in New York's Taconic Range as we enjoyed the view of Vermont's Green Mountains from the Gazebo. I was almost a JP for the ceremony! Got a scare when a handsome man came out to get Aunt Irène because the Justice of the Peace hadn't arrived! But I was saved at the very last moment when he did show up! Phew! The funniest thing is that I didn't know that the handsome man who had sought me to act as JP was the groom! We stayed the night in Bennington,VT which is only about 10 miles from Beloved Farm. Sunday morning we moseyed back through the hills and dales to the 1840 home for breakfast with the family. It was a thoroughly enjoyable time. I even learned a new game, Ladder Ball, which I have already ordered so we can play at the Horseshoe Tournament in September. You throw golf balls connected by a 13" nylon rope at a three rung ladder made of PVC pipe. I love it and can't wait to try it out with Kiddo Friday.

The only small downer this week was the trip home from Cambridge. I let the GPS do the talking and she took us to Albany before getting us on Route 90! Added about 30 minutes to our return trip! On the way there I only turned the GPS on when we got off of 90 and headed toward Lebanon Valley and the Dragstrip. Then she took us up Route 22 North. I need a consultation about a new GPS! We need something that let's me set up the routes I want to use not what it thinks is the best route! My Magellan doesn't even learn to use the route I always take to East Granby! I keep having to disregard it until I get to Bradley Airport and then it works well!

Even though the foxes have done their best to ruin the garden we are eating cucumbers, Swiss chard, yellow straight necked squash, green beans and raspberries. We have a crazy sun flower magically growing between the hard top and the cement slab for the garage. Puppy's Pop has the property looking pretty good. Have to go to work now and make a bread for Kiddo's brother who just got his driver's license! He is pumped! No more extra rides to Mystic to bring him to work! Hip! Hip!

Quote: But happy they, the happiest of their kind, whom gentle stars unite; and in one fate their hearts, their fortunes, and their beings blend! __Thomson

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