Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Good grief, Charlie Brown . . .

Words, words, words, I'm so sick of words. Is that all you blighters can do? (My Fair Lady) The schadenfreude, the obsequiousness, the unending empathy, the boldness, the paranoia, the drama, the indignity, the ostentatious grief engulfing people not closely associated with the slaughtered, is beyond my feeble wit. Perhaps we should look to the me-ness, the egos and seek answers in our own flawed society. Man is by nature imperfect. Whether you study the bible or history you realize that man is as cruel in 2012 as he was at the dawn of human life. I'm not certain we really can effect any changes in the human condition. Scholars have been writing about what it means to be a man and we are no further along in our understanding. Perhaps if each individual grapples with his own devil and can win the battle we might have a chance to create lasting goodness on earth. Heaven on Earth. Possible? Impossible? Improbable? Worth seeking? Yes, good is worthy of the search. Define good. Good cares for others, gives to others and asks only for what is needed. Much too simplistic but I fail to see how there can be so much evil in a world where simple goodness could lead to a sweet, shared, kind existence. I guess the optimism is still in me somewhere!

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