Thursday, December 13, 2012

Of roses and tulips . . .

Wow! I just came home from Groton and there before my very eyes is a bouquet of flowers! This is so neat. Puppies' Pop is out at the Yankee Flyers' Christmas Party and he left me this super "I love you!" He's a keeper. I do love him so. But I shall refrain from being maudlin. It's been a busy week. I visited both of my brothers and their wives this week. I enjoy being with them and brought them their Christmas Penuche. Cousin S and I played cards Tuesday and talked of the old folks! And I also brought Puppies' Pop's godchild his Christmas fudge. I had a chance to visit with his wife as he was at work and the kids were at school. It is nice to visit there, the old Bonnin home.

This morning the lady came and bought a lot of the old stuff we had gathering rust, dust and dirt. Grampa made a few hundred dollars, more than I expected. The very old photo albums are worth a couple of hundred dollars each but I could never part with them. Will have to leave it to our kids to see if they want to hold on to them. I really don't have names for most of the photos but I just like them. When I hold them I feel a warmth in my hands so I know they are good, kind, loving, generous old relatives and friends. We'll put the tree up tomorrow morning. It's in the lean to awaiting Kiddo's arrival!

Quote:  Every gift, though it be small, is in reality great if given with affection.   ___Pindar

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